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Odd One Out

How this game works: 4 Pokémon are posted. Try to guess which one of them does not "fit in", and why. If you're right, it's your turn(remember, the original poster has to say you're right!)

It's also allowed to give hints if nobody gets it for a long time, or say things like "You're on the right track", "that's close", ect.

The answer can be anything from the Pokémons' looks to stats. It doesn't even have to be "official", but make it something people can possibly guess and not too obscure(For example: "Ditto, Exeggcute, Cherubi and Steelix, it's Steelix because it doesn't look like food" "Seaking, Mudkip, Pikachu, Slowpoke, it's Pikachu because it's not a meme" would not be accepted because it can be pretty obscure)

I'll start off with an easy one:

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There's one thing in common between all of them, too. If you figure that out, you'll be one step closer to discovering the odd one.
Some of these make sense, but neither are the logic I picked.

Perhaps I made a mistake in picking a quirky Pokémon like Zubat to include in the possibilities.

Anybody want a hint?
Look into these Pokémon's movepools and find out which moves all of them can learn.

And exclude the extremely widely learned ones like Return and Toxic.
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