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Old habits in pokemon games

It's not a habit of mine, but...

My sister obsessively lowers the volume to zero whenever she throws a Pokeball, because otherwise the twitching sound makes her nervous.
I, too, always nickname my pokemon. Or, I will rename them their own names, but in proper grammar, because the SUDDEN CAPS annoys me. And that's how I ended up with an alakazam named Abra. XD;;;

I save before and after every major event, like gym battles, team boss battles, etc. even when I know I won't restart the game if I lose.

Now this one's a bit embarrassing: I sometimes nickname pokemon of opposite (or not) gender after a particular romantic couple from a series (like now it's Paul and Dawn), and then make up weird little scenarios in my head that would draw them together. Passes the time. *shrug*
I always:
Nickname my pokemon.If I cant think of a name to go along with the type/appearance,I name it a human name,like Suzie.Heck,I even have a Pokemon named ABCDEFGHIJ because I couldn't think of a name!

Do the button combinations.I hit A everytime the ball bounces,then press the directional pad whichever way the ball tilts.I even do this with master balls.
I'm nickname crazed. I absolutly have to have pokemon nicknamed. If I want to trade pokemon, I ask people to nickname it a cirtan thing because I can't rename it later. The all-caps bugs me. If I can't think of a nickname, I make something up.(I was stuggleing on my Uxie's name.)

I only catch female pokemon.

I usually pick the fire or water starter.

I cheat.
1) I usually only catch male pokemon
2) I, too, have pokemon catching habits. I use the Stylus to circle the faded pokeball on the screen and when the sparks come out I tap the middle. I works most of the time. For non-ds pokemon games, I just hold B and press A at an amazing speed. My thumb is fast =D
I use the Stylus to circle the faded pokeball on the screen

I do that too! I don't even know when I started doing it, but I noticed it a few days ago. :o
I've got a few of these.

I always plan a team before starting the game and only train those pokemon. However, I be sure to catch every single pokemon I can in a certain area, but only the first form of it (because I have some weird thing about obtaining evolved pokemon by methods other than evolution).

Also I have an image in my head of each pokemon's final form and whether it seems more like a male or female to me. I then make sure I catch that gender of the first form of that pokemon, regardless of how long it takes to find.
I usually nickname my Pokemon, and I always evolve Pokemon that evolve by stone as soon as I am able.
It's not only A+B+Down, but random button mashing. I also smash the B button when my Pokemon got hit by an attack.

If a rare Pokemon appears, I'll catch it even if I already have a hundred of them. And I talk to my Pokemon.
i do the same things crazy linoone.
About 7 years ago, when I got my first game boy, I tended to hold A and B while moving the control pad all around when I threw a Pokeball. That lasted until I was 12 or so.
ever since g/s i've always mashed the a button rapidly when i'm trying to get my pokemon to attack while it's confused or when i'm trying to catch a pokemon

and yeah, i /always/ nickname a pokemon. if i get a traded pokemon that doesn't have a nickname i like, i breed it with ditto and nickname that one.

i also refuse to catch and actually use any pokemon that was over level 20 when i found it. if it's one you can only find in the higher levels, i breed it with ditto and raise one from an egg.

i also get rid of all moves that aren't offensive (well almost always) once my pokemon is strong enough to not need to use stuff like tail whip or howl or growl or whatever

i also pretty much refuse to catch/train female pokemon. i always catch male ones

unless they're genderless/shiny, then i catch them either way (but i never find shinies anyway v_v)
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I always press the A button when the little confused ducks appear, because apparently there is a glitch (that doesn't work, btw) that allows your pokemon to strike everytime it is confused.
Lol I also hold down the A button. When I'm looking for a certain pokemon, trying to catch one, trying to defeat one...always hold down the A button.

Oh, and if I want to find a rare wild pokemon, I look at an online pokedex. For some reason I believe that going to that area right after looking up it's area on the pokedex makes it not appear. Like, the game is thinking, "Hehe hehe >D, he'll look and look, but never find it!"

Oh, and I have to plan my party, movesets, and what level each pokemon will be on when I enter and leave every town before I turn on the game for the first time. =/
I always feel awful if I put Pokémon in the box after I've trained them. xD I only catch ones I'm actually going to use or I'll just leave them in the box. I don't know why, but I've always done it. :S
I always:
Nickname my Pokémon, if it stays in the box or not.
Try to have Water, Fire, Grass and Flying in my team.
Train my Pokémon equally. (apart from my first Yellow game, where I only trained Pikachu and Blastoise)
Sometimes plan my team out beforehand.
I think that's about it. Oh yeah, and I only teach my Pokémon TMs if they desperately need it.
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