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Old habits in pokemon games


Back again (maybe for good this time)!
So... What do you always do in your game, no matter what?

Personally, I *always* nickname pokemon that I use in battle, without fail. no pokemon of mine has ever been stuck with its all caps species name. It's in instinct thing. When I get the pokemon, my thoughts turn to "Okay, what'll the nickname be?"

I'm also obsessive about getting the right natures. I don't care about IVs, gender doesn't matter much to me, but if I see a bad nature, I just have to get a better one. In Silver, I'd catch multiple males of the same specie at the same level to compare their stats and use the best one, releasing the others.

Somehow, my teams must always include a Water, Fire, and Flying type. Oh, and Kadabra. He's always there.

Also, my team must have their levels equal to each other. If one of my team members is lower leveled than the others, I automatically go out and train him/her.
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Re: Old habbits are hard to break, Mk. II

It's not only A+B+Down, but random button mashing. I also smash the B button when my Pokemon got hit by an attack.

If a rare Pokemon appears, I'll catch it even if I already have a hundred of them. And I talk to my Pokemon.
Re: Old habbits are hard to break, Mk. II

I try to recreate my Sailor Moon theme team I had in Silver as best I can. The Pikachu of the team is not evolved, a la Ash.

I also try and pick up Pokemon the show's characters own. At least one will be named after the character that owns/owned it. (i.e. Sevipers named Jessie, for example)

Almost every Pokemon is named, unless I can't think of a good name
Re: Old habbits are hard to break, Mk. II

I always press a and b when trying to catch a pokemon. I know it dosen't work but it is a habit. Also I just can't make a team without a flying type, fire type, water type and electric type. I always plan my team before starting the game and don't catch any pokemon apart from HM slaves. It is to save unnessary training.
Can't think of any more.

Bye from ES
Re: Old habbits are hard to break, Mk. II

Once I read somewhere that, in R/B/Y, you had to wait a second after saving before turning the game off for it top save correctly.

That's how I got into the habit of counting to five after I save. Every. Single. Time. Even on D/P. Heck, even on most non-Pokemon games.

I always have to nickname my Pokemon, always have to plan everything out before I start playing, and always have to keep my Pokemon at the most even levels as possible.

I HAVE to check everything. eVeRyThInG. That includes the bookshelves that say "It's crammed full of Pokemon books and photo collections". :freaked:
Re: Old habbits are hard to break, Mk. II

Urg. Nicknames.

Absolutely have to. I hate the all caps. If I can't think of a nickname, I'll name it what it is. Take it to the Name rater later after it evolves too. Even on useless Pokemon for my ranch. I'll type random letters and crap. And if I'm next to someone while they're offering me to trade for something. I'll ask them to go to Eterna and rename it. Arg, I just wish the GTS had nicknamed Pokemon too.

Then, I had it read to me (A bunch of big words. And regular ones. I couldn't read during RBY era. XD) that tapping A as fast as you can until the Pokeball hits the ground. Then you hold AB Down before the Pokeball starts wigglin and it was supoosed to be aa higher chance. So obscure, but I did it starting with Silver and Gold. (I had no idea what it meant until then.)
Re: Old habits are hard to break, Mk. II

I hold the L and R buttons when I try to catch a pokemon. I think that's it...
Re: Old habits are hard to break, Mk. II

Nickname everything except HM slaves (cruel aren't I >.>). Every single last thing, even if the name is something as stupid as "Spaceruler" for Palkia (which changed to Spatial in Mystery Dungeon). And in Mystery Dungeon, I have to nickname everything something that: makes absolutely no sense at all, makes perfect sense or makes perfect sense but is some sort of inside joke/reference (making it appear nonsense to people outside the joke-getting range, and even then the jokes usually only make sense to me xD). They can be as nonsensical as Grandma the Clefairy (later changed to Treble) or Flamelo the Spearow, I just want them nicknamed with a decent reasoning. :P

Never catching any Pokemon beyond a six-Pokemon team aside from HM slaves and legendaries until I beat the game.
Re: Old habits are hard to break, Mk. II

I always:

Nickname Pokemon
Catch only male Pokemon
Hold up+B when I catch Pokemon
Run, don't walk
Press L rather than A
Use a capital letter only at the beginning of names, the rest lower case (Only in my username have I ever broken this rule of mine)
Re: Old habits are hard to break, Mk. II

Like many other people, I do the whole Up-B-Down thing too. Though occasionally, I won't press anything and look away from the screen, because of those "I caught Mewtwo with a Pokeball without looking!" kind of stories.

I also nickname my Pokemon, in a theme if I'm hatching lots of them and can't think of anything. I have many Kabuto whose names are a random letter and five vowels (like Aiiiiii, for example). Otherwise, they're just nickname-y, and they all kinda sucked in the games before FireRed.

I'm not sure if I have any other habits... I guess I do usually save twice, and occasionally I'll wait a few minutes to get it on a nice even game-time, like 130:20. I also run or bike everywhere when I can, and prefer having female Pokemon for some reason.
Re: Old habits are hard to break, Mk. II

Like many other people, I do the whole Up-B-Down thing too. Though occasionally, I won't press anything and look away from the screen, because of those "I caught Mewtwo with a Pokeball without looking!" kind of stories.

I did this with Mew. XD My friend Chris cheated on my game and saved on the island where you find Mew. I decided to challenge Mew, despite my strongest Pokemon being lvl 13. I lowered Mew's health a little then threw a Pokeball, just before that mother had asked me something so I looked at her to answer, then Mew was caught! Chris and I found this incredibly amusing. xD
Re: Old habits are hard to break, Mk. II

Wow, you're lucky. XD; Even more lucky that you could go to Mew's island, too.

Another thing I've just remembered... for the running-away legends, I'll get them to 1HP with False Swiping, put them to sleep, save, and then track them down again. Throw a Pokeball, Fast or Dusk, and soft reset if it doesn't catch it. I'm not sure why, I suppose I just don't like wasting Pokeballs.
Re: Old habits are hard to break, Mk. II

Yes, I used the misspelling in the old thread. So what? It made it memorable, at least.
So... What do you always do in your game, no matter what?

Personally, I *always* nickname pokemon that I use in battle, without fail. no pokemon of mine has ever been stuck with its all caps species name. It's in instinct thing. When I get the pokemon, my thoughts turn to "Okay, what'll the nickname be?"

Me too. Even when it was a Bibarel I was going to immediately trade to someone who would just release it, I had to name it(it's name was :)). Apparently, when I was younger, I got into an argument with someone else who played Pokemon. He couldn't understand why I nicknamed my pokemon, and I coulen't understand why he didn't.

I always try to catch a pokemon of every species I see, even if I'll never use them and I'll probably never complete the pokedex anyway.

When I'm trying to catch a pokemon, I hold B until the ball opens. I don't do it much anymore, just when it's being stubbon and hard to catch.

I name my Caterpie 'Cherry Pie' because it starts with C and ends with pie. Then I named my first Wurmple that and it became a Dustox, do in the absence of Caterpies my Dustox becomes Cherry Pie and my Beautifly becomes Apple Pie. ;)

That's all I can think of now.
Re: Old habits are hard to break, Mk. II

I always nickname the Pokemon that I actually plan to use in battle, but I don't nickname the ones that I plan to let sit in a box. And I try to make my nicknames unique, but most of them are nonsensical.

I try to catch each species of Pokemon that I can find.

I like to catch female Pokemon, but I'll catch males as well sometimes.

I save every, like, five minutes, Seriously, I am an obsessive saver.

I will sometimes nickname my starter after a Final Fantasy character.

When I nickname my Pokemon, I always put their names in all-caps because I'm just so used to looking at their species name in all-caps.
Re: Old habits are hard to break, Mk. II

I guess the only thing that's always been true of me is that I never cared much for the advanced details of playing (natures, IVs, EVs, etc).
Re: Old habits are hard to break, Mk. II

I press B + Down whenever I'm catching a Pokemon. If it doesn't work, I start mashing buttons, closing my eyes, etc.

Starting with Pearl, I name all my legendaries their Japanese names. Azelf became Agnome, Cresselia became Kureseria, etc.

I ALWAYS catch the flying type available at the start. And use it through the whole game. No exceptions.

From the start to the end, my starter never leaves my party. Even after I beat the game, only when I have to do I box him. I used to think it made them hate you.

Anything that manages to faint one of my team is going down fast. If it's a wild Pokemon, I'm sending out the strongest thing I have and using the strongest attack I have, and if it's a trainer I make them regret being coded. You don't faint my Pokemon.

I must be at least 10 levels underlevelled before I fight the E4. It was like that in Emerald, and Diamond. In Pearl, I leveled so I was only 5 levels under and traded in a level 55 Torterra from Diamond, just because Cynthia was horrible at such a low level.

No berries left behind. I never use them, but I'll be damned if I walk right by one. If I have to cut down a tree, though, forget it. It's not that important.

That's all I can think of, although there are probably many, many more.
Re: Old habbits are hard to break, Mk. II

Tropius and Tangela. Catch them for no reason whatsoever.
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