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[OOC/ Sign-ups] Grimoire of Dragons


Take me to Wonderland
RP Thread

"Many years ago, a horrible clan called Khamja threatened to take over Ivalice. Its leader, Illua, tried to harness the powers of a grimoire to open up a rift to let a demon through. Thankfully, a boy named Luso, from a strange place called "Earth", and his friends managed to stop Illua and seal the rift before any damage could be done.

With his mission complete, Luso returned to "Earth", and all of Ivalice returned to their peaceful lives."

Now, 100 years later after the fact, another Grimoire has appeared and may in fact harness the power to either aid the world or destroy it. This very book is called “Grimoire of Dragons” and holds the very secrets of the world’s dragons and of one very special dragon called “The World Serpent”. The text is in a language long dead, only spoken by the dragon’s themselves and a few old members of the old world before Khamja.

And it is now in the hands of one Nu Mou girl.

But our tale doesn’t end there, for the Clan Khamja has returned to reign terror on the world, searching for the new Grimoire to harness it’s powers and bring about the world’s total domination as was their plans in the past. They are searching for the one Nu Mou and they will do what they can to find her. No one is sure how Khamja returned, nor the power that control them from behind the scenes like puppets in the Theatre.

But that is up to you to find out, now isn’t it?

Welcome to Clan Virtue. You’re help is appreciated and I wish to express that as we start out on our adventure. We are to protect the girl here and find the answers to this book before all hell breaks loose and we all end up Dragon food. I’m the Clan leader and you will keep that in mind as we set out on this. I don’t want any heroes thinking they can get past me to further their own plans now. By the way, the name is Ming and I’m a Viera.


-Standard Roleplay Rules. No godmoding, powerplaying, et cetera.

-Regarding Character Limits; Two characters are recommended. If you can handle two, go right ahead.

-Me and FMC control this RP…so we have multiple players that come into the game.

-This is FFTA2 world. The towns and cities there are where you can be from.

-Characters can't die in battle, by the way. We have a judge for a reason people. But if you mess with my rules after being warned, I will kill you.

-Any race, and only by approval by me and you, Monster races as a player.

-There are something called Monsterbloods. You don't know who they are, but they are more powerful than norm.
To be one, you must get it approved by me and you. We can reject your request for any reason, so no complaining

-You can be master in multiple classes in your race. You can not master every class, but you can have a few tricks of the other trades. The most you can master however depends on what you can handle. And please…have it match your character.

- Using the space bar is a good thing. Wall of text isn't fun to read when signing up.


Name: (Yeah…you know what to do here. If you want a last name, go for it)
Gender: (Yes you can be either gender. It's not race-restrictive. How else would there be little baby Bangaas?)
Race: (Hume, Moogle, Viera, Bangaa, Nu Mou, Seeq, Gria)
Job: (Basically “Sniper/White Mage”. But you can have more. You can be a master in any of your Race’s job. Just don’t be one of those that says they mastered everything)
Appearance: (Like differently colored clothing, stuff like that)
Home-area: (General area that you come from)
Bio (Optional): (If you do this, then make some effort into it.)

My Sign-up

Name: Ming Ryuu
Gender: Female
Race: Viera (MonsterBlood)
Job: Sniper/Summoner/Assassin

Appearance: Her fur is light grey, unusual for her kind to have so, and she she stands a fairly tall height. She wears a bow and quiver over her chest, a sheathed rapier on her hip, a head band with a odd horn draped along her neck, and a deadly dagger hidden in her boot . She wears a silver ear cuff on her left cover, covering a old scar given to her in a old battle back in her days as a Assassin. Her eyes are Purple and her hair is jet black. She wears simple clothing over a rubber suit and thick tan boots with a high heel for her feet.

Home-area: She can't quite remember where she was first born.

Personality: She is very odd when first meeting her because she will come off as multiple things to many people. Some may see her as a loon, some as a serious leader that wouldn't spare a look away from her task, and some may see her a kind person. She is all of these things at points in time, but the more pressing part of her personality is that she refuses to let her clan members do anything stupid in battle without a proper thrashing afterwards to "correct" them. She is bold, wise, and fairly strong willed.

Bio (Optional): Ming has travelled with this clan since one of her friends from the old days became a judge after years of training, joining up with a few other friends along the way to make a nice little clan of conciderable strength and rank. She trained through her small clan as a skilled Summoner, aiding her allies in the feild with spells for both attack and defense.

When she learned the skills of a Sniper and Assasin, only a handful of people know that. But that will be something revealed later on in the game.


Me - Ming Ryuu*/Viera/ Summoner + Sniper + Assassin
Alraunne - Lodrick/Bangaa/ Cannoneer + Dragoon l Abelat/Moogle/ White Rider + Moogle Knight
FMC - Thalia Nejem/Nu Mou/ Scholar + Illusionist
Momo - Gradivus Gordon*/Bangaa/Templar + Gladiator l Avan Argismo/Viera/Assassin + Sniper + Green Mage
L'il Dwagie - Sonja Carlyle/Moogle/Gunner + Juggler l Jin Tsukino/NuMou/Alchemist + Arcanist
Blaziking - Ottoran/Moogle/ Thief + Black Mage + Time Mage
Kusa - Deus/Viera/Assassin + White Mage l Lucis/Hume/Illusionist + Paravir + Blue Mage l Hawkeye/Moogle/Fusilier + Flintlock
Tsunami - Saul/Hume/Rouge + Ninja l Paul/Moogle/Black Mage + White Mage
Blaziking - Ryu/Gria/Hunter + Raptor + Ravager
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omg. FFTA2 is fanfriggintastic. This is very relevant to my interests ಠ∩ಠ

Name: Lodrick
Gender: Male
Race: Bangaa Faas
Job: Cannoneer (mastered), Dragoon (subjob)

Appearance: (Portrait) Take one look at Lodrick and you will know exactly who he is and what he does. He is decked head to toe in the outfit of the Cannoneer; the protective eyewear, the copious amounts of ammo, the minature rocket strapped to his back. He wears light armor of an olive color, complete with a leather vest outfitted with an ammunition sash. Lodrick has a blunt, rounded snout, and scales of deep bronze, typical of the Faas branch. His face is adorned with traditional Bangaa tribal tattoos, which are symmetrical, beginning as elliptical shapes circling his eyes and trailing halfway down the bridge of his snout.

Home-area: Graszton

Personality: For a Bangaa, Lodrick is generally amiable and agreeable, and this gains him work, which in turn gains him money; but it also gains him scorn from his peers, who think he's a pansy or pushover. He doesn't work well with other Bangaa, usually, because he is quick to let them know who the real pushovers are. He is capable of great dedication towards a subject, and great concentration towards a goal - or target. However, by focusing on the minute, he loses sight of the big picture often. As such, he is probably not capable of being a leader, but he can perfom well in a unit, as a gear in a bigger machine. And that's what Lodrick loves to do. He's a mercenary at heart. He has never considered himself "good" or "bad", but he tends to get "bad" jobs simply because he's a Bangaa and that's what people look for to do "dirty work".

Bio (Optional): Lodrick's most defining attribute is his passion for cannons. You will not see him without at least a basic hand cannon (not sane, anyway), though he favors the Dromaeo or the Omnis models. He even decorates his home with cannons; a ceremonial Diklum with embossed silver hangs above his mantlepiece where one might put the trophy head of a game animal.

His passion for artillery was fueled early in his life. Lodrick was born and raised in the tough port of Graszton, where weapons as well as goods often came in and out. He took great interest in these items who endowed their owners with strength, but his favorite was not the sword, nor even the polearm, but the hand cannon, because it was literally packed with energy and power inside its barrel. The hand cannon was also an enigma, and as he grew older he worked in every kind of establishment he could find that entailed the art of cannonade, so that he might learn it inside and out.

However, that hasn't left Lodrick with knowledge of much else.

Also, no character deaths? The one thing FFTA2 was missing was a good slew of Jagds.
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Hey, when the evil chick used that one card to get rid of the Judge, i think that counted as Jagds...or maybe I'm wrong, not too sure.

[[this post is spoiler-laden]]

It's been a while since I've actually played the story but yeah, I remember Illua's Judge-cancelling cards...

And there's always outside of battle, too, right? Cid would've died if a Judge hadn't happened to pass him on the street, isn't that how it went?
I'm here for my spot~<3

Name: Thalia Nejem
Gender: Female
Race: Nu Mou
Job: Scholar / Illusionist
Home-area: Moorabella

Appearance: (Image) Thalia is a small female Nu Mou, her body a little less chubby than most other Nu Mou, and standing at just over four and a half feet. Her fur is a darker brown than normal, and her hair is such a dark brown it looks black in some light. Her eyes are a deep red. Her tail is long and thick like normal of her kind, and covered in long, shaggy orange fur.

The clothes she wears are, like most Nu Mou, long and baggy robes of fine quality, adorned with many trinkets and embroidery. Her over robe is dark blue with a lighter blue accents, and the edges of the sleeves and hem are covered with metal rings. A band of gold is attached to the back, and bears a zig-zag pattern. The under robe is a very pale grey colour and made of a very soft cotton. Her hands are wrapped in bandages up to the last knuckle, instead of gloves. She has two golden earrings in each ear, which aren't weighted like most other Nu Mou would wear; they are bands instead. She wears Feather Boots, which allow her to walk over water. She also carries with her a large leather pack, which is stuffed full of books, pens, and a few trail rations.

Personality: Thalia is a quiet and rather shy creature, soft spoken and rather easygoing. She prefers to stay back in a clan battle and cast her magics from the rear lines that get close to harm, and is easy to intimidate. She is a scared of Seeq and especially Bangaa, at least until she gets used to them, shrinking away or hiding when too close to one. She is easy to please, and a rather happy girl once she is out of her shell, delighting in intelligent conversation and learning new things. She loves to read, and can usually be found with two or three books in her bag and another in her hands.

When nervous, she will play with her ears or earrings, and when scared will usually try to hide. She likes to stay close to people she trusts when traveling and gets quiet when alone.

Bio: Thalia was born of a most unusual union; her mother was a Nu Mou and her father a Bangaa. Her mother died when Thalia was very young, and Thalia was left with her rather cruel father. The man knew of the power of the Grimoire of Dragons that her mother had left the small girl, so he kept her in the house, away from others while he tried to figure out how to open the magical tome. When she was old enough, she was sent to school with the other children of the small village near Moorabella, which was made up of mostly Bangaa and Seeq. She was teased by her classmates since she was utterly pathetic at fistfights, and withdrew into her books, left by her mother, and always wondered at the contents of the mouldy old tome with the lock that she remembered being told to guard with her life.

Eventually, shortly after she turned fifteen, she ran away from home, heading to the magical city of Moorabella. She was accosted by a clan of thugs on the way, who tormented her for a while, while she cowered behind her bag. She was found by Clan Virtue, however, who fought off the other clan and took her into their ranks, training her as a Scholar and Illusionist. Her magic skills were well-developed, both by training and bloodline, making her a potent caster and an asset to the clan.

Then she showed them the Grimoire in her possession. The powerful tome gave off waves of magical energy, and the clan immediately took it to the archmage Lezaford, who told them the legend of the Grimoire of Dragons...

The Grimoire was crafted by the Nu Mou attendants of Jörmungandr, the World Serpent, to hold in the monster's powers and sink it into the sea, where it spawned the dragons of the world, who's power filled the pages of the book. The Nu Mou then created a magical lock that could only be opened by another of their bloodline. Thalia Nejem is the last of the line, and as such holds the key to the powers of Jörmungandr, and must stop them from falling into the wrong hands...

mmm, plot importance.
Requesting a Monsterblood here, unless I have to ask in some other way.

Name: Gradivus Gordon

Gender: Male

Race: Bangaa (Monsterblood)

Job: Templar (Mastered) Gladiator (Almost mastered) Defender (Almost mastered)

Appearance: http://draconic-aura.deviantart.com/art/5-Minute-Bangaa-149629368

Home-area: Moorabella

Personality: A war-loving Bangaa, he prefers to solve a situation by breaking a few heads, or even better, running a blade through them. He isn't very fond of Nu Mou, as they're a magic-dominated race and he believes mages are cowards, unless they're magic fighters like a Blue Mage, Red Mage, Spellblade, etc.

He also isn't very fond of Seeq, and is always eager to start a fight with one, for no reason at all. He has a soft spot in his heart for Viera, however.
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Name: Sonja Carlyle
Gender: Female
Race: Moogle
Job: Gunner / Juggler

Appearance: Picture cause FMC is absolutely amazing~
Sonja is about average height for a Moogle (Which is to say; short, about 3’0” at best) and lithe and malnourished looking, and with an off-white to grey coat of fur. Her long ears are capped with very dark grey and covered in all sorts of earrings and adornment. She wears them downwards unlike most Moogles. Her pom is a pinkish-purple, and she wears a sparsely decorated gunner outfit coloured black and purple – including a cabby-style cap, baggy coat and trousers, both seemingly carrying a variety and knick-nacks and tools. Her coat includes an oversized zipper, and she wears a belt which keeps a gun holster handy.

Home-area: Moug

Personality: Played out, please~

Bio: Sonja is, for lack of better terms, a street rat. She was raised in the poorer parts of Moug by her parents, both lower-class engineers, and was taking care of her own at a very young age. Although they were caring, they were in a consistently bad spot. Sonja travelled often, acting as a street performer in various local areas, and occasionally in other towns, trying to scratch together what she could. By default in this, she gained not only the skills and dexterity of a performer; but a copious amount of street-smarts to boot.
She has a negative disposition for Humes, whom were notorious for treating her like little more than a wind-up plushie, not to mention being crude and condescending. Particularly for her was a bad experience involving a Hume thief... or rather, the first one. Humes are, as it is, distrusted by Moogles for their tendency towards underhandedness, thievery, and greed – and after being mugged at knifepoint for the little earnings she had scratched together that day, she became neurotic, defensive and introverted. After her father had heard, he built her the finest weapon he could put together – a mid-ranged cannon, normally wielded by Fusiliers and Gunners. It was budget, yet well made – and meant as more a deterrent and protection than anything else.
But after that, Sonja was less than able to get her head back in the same place. When performing, she became distracted and fearful, and more often than not became a flop-show which only paid in laughter and mockery. She began scavenging, instead – rooting through trash, salvaging materials, anything to make ends meet. It wasn’t much, though... wasn’t enough.
But it wasn’t long before she had a run in with the scum of town again... but with a sharp piece of scrap metal to the hand and a gun pointed to his face, things were different this time. It turned out the petty little thief had a bounty, and when enforcement showed up she was actually paid out for his capture. It was better than any previous pay she had received, and although she was frail and far from a fighter – she had a bag full of tricks only a Moogle could carry. Somewhat unwittingly, it seemed she had the makings of a mercenary...

So what's our target amount of apps before we get this started? Not to rush or nag or anything, I'm just pretty psyched about this~ If we can have up to two characters I could tack on another one.

Also I did a picture for Lodrick. >> since everybody else had pretty pictures.
hmmm, I'm gunna say one or two more people (though moony may think different), so if you know anyone you can rope in? :3
Two or more people joining would be nice. And if you want, you can have a second character, it's in the rules up there. I just want more actual people to join us.
My friends that RP don't know much about Ivalice and my friends that love the Tactics games/FFXII don't RP... :s So I don't think I could help there. Awrr.
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Alright. I'll be starting this now. People can join along the way if they want. Also, those of you that have forms that need finishing, finish them because it is starting.
Name: Abelat
Gender: Male
Race: Moogle
Job: White Rider (Chocobo Knight), Moogle Knight
Appearance: (Image)
Home-area: Camoa

Personality: Abelat definitely has some delusions of radiant grandeur. He has big dreams and already fancies himself something great, and takes offense to any implications against this idea he has himself. So as not to let down all of his peers, followers, or whoever else, he always gives it his all when doing work, all the better to garner praise and set a good example for the little people. The greatest irony is that he himself is of diminutive size. His sparkling white Chocobo, Luroa, whom he only happened to obtain by a stroke of luck, is the most reputable thing about him, and even she is on the smaller side. She would much prefer being a showbird than being on the road, but one must take what life gives them. Together they make an unlikely pair out to better themselves and make themselves seen, though for entirely different reasons.

Bio (Optional): --

Could Abelat be in the clan already and not a new recruit (as opposed to like Lodrick and the others)? Maybe we could fit him into the story by having him return from a dispatch quest. Not sure when I'd introduce him in this case, but he could be available should the need arise.
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Cid's gonna be in this RP!?

I'm considering retracting Abelat and signing on my Gria Juritta instead.
(She and Cid are like 20 levels higher than the rest of the clan in my game because I use them on every quest, always together, uhurr hurr)

In all seriousness though, I'm looking forward to this twice as much now. FFTA2's Cid is my favorite Cid ever.
I luffles Cid 8D *snuggles him* I almost cried when he got shot. ;w; I thought he was gunna die.

ANYWAY I'm fine with Abelat being in the clan already, yeah.
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