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Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom. REQUESTS CLEARED, READ 1ST PAGE

Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

I withdraw my request... It must be too hard.
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

^ It probably isn't too hard, it's just Invader hasn't been on for a while and probably knows nothing of all these requests. Poor Invader.
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

Ow, my "Im not doing anything right now"...

Uh, I'll go get my tablet and do some of the requests... Maybe...

Just saying I'm here... :)

Edit: MurkrowFeather's banner:

Oh, and I'm not taking anymore requests until these ones are done. Most of them.
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Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.


I won't be able to do artwork requests because my Tablet pen has been stolen by Evil toddlers and stashed somewhere. >.>

I can probably still do banners with non drawn-by-me images though :)
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

OK cool.

Evil toddlers, evil little sisters are just as evil. I thought I had lost my goggles for 2 months or so but it turns out she took them and used them >:(
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

OK cool.

Evil toddlers, evil little sisters are just as evil. I thought I had lost my goggles for 2 months or so but it turns out she took them and used them >:(


Little sisters. >.<

What doesn't help is that one of my sisters (the four year old) Is obsessed with feet, poop and the letter four.

It drives us crazy cuz no one ever knows what she's talking about xD

Ahem, off topic xD
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

I have TWO little sister's to deal with. It's good one is better. My second sister is smart and is SUCH A BIG FAT SHOW OFF. OK ok, stop the off topic stuff, yeah yeah.
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

I have TWO little sister's to deal with. It's good one is better. My second sister is smart and is SUCH A BIG FAT SHOW OFF. OK ok, stop the off topic stuff, yeah yeah.

Here too. Two little sisters, one 4 one 2. And a chihuahua, and a rat.

At this point we should make a "Siblings" thread...
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom. REQUESTS CLEARED


I have cleared all the requests, so if you had a request please re-post it. It's just been a while so I don't know if everyone still wants their request

Just so I don't have to do as much.​
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom. REQUESTS CLEARED

I still want my request :D

A lapras on the right and a Ninetales on the left. Have the Lapras using Hydro Pump and the Ninetales flamethrower. On lapras's side have it a light blue that is similar to Lapras's shade except lighter. On Ninetales's side have it fire red. In the middle have the red and blue meet and mix to some purple. And can it say 'Flaming waves' in dark purple letters. Thanks.
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom. REQUESTS CLEARED

I still want my request :D

A lapras on the right and a Ninetales on the left. Have the Lapras using Hydro Pump and the Ninetales flamethrower. On lapras's side have it a light blue that is similar to Lapras's shade except lighter. On Ninetales's side have it fire red. In the middle have the red and blue meet and mix to some purple. And can it say 'Flaming waves' in dark purple letters. Thanks.
Hmm... Might not be able to do that because of Tablet pen robbery... :/

Can I have an animated avatar of myself holding up a gun and firing 3 rounds? It doesn't have to be animated if you don't want to go through the trouble. However, If you make it unanimated, make it so that I'm just holding up a gun.

Reference pic:
Same here, and I just downright dislike drawing people >O (Yes that is the reason I have been holding it off for several months ^^"

I'll only be able to do these if I can find my darned tablet pen.. >.<
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