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Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom. REQUESTS CLEARED, READ 1ST PAGE

Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

That is...completely awesome
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

Umm, hi, I found my avatar on Google, and would very much like a new one...Can you make me one that says, "Flamewheel!" and has a fiery background? And it has, obviously, Chimchar on it! Thanks ^.^ And the text should be light blue with white outlines to seperate it from the flames.
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

...you have here a monopoly on Awesomesauce Factories....

Maybe, if you're not too busy, An avatar with Kabuto on a bubbly background.(with its claws moving, maybe?)
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

I would totally give you money if I had any for a signature of Mega Man (the old Blue Bomber, not X or the new Battle Network and Star Force crap)... just, in any awesome pose, basically. The background doesn't even really matter. I just want it bad.
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

I am really sorry for making everyone wait so long T_T
I'll go make some banners now. And I'll start with the easiest so I can finish more of them in a shorter time.

Mewtwo's Avi for moonlight:

DarkArmours second banner:

I'm working on MurkrowFeather's now, but I'll finish it tomorrow.
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Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

Yet again, completely amazing
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

*looks at MTU's new avvie*
It be beautiful! Naow...
a Pikachu banner! It be in a field of flowers, and it says, "Warning: Sparks fly randomly."
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

Pure awesomeness is awesome, which means your banner making skills and you are AWESOME! So may I have a banner. A lapras on the right and a Ninetales on the left. Have the Lapras using Hydro Pump and the Ninetales flamethrower. On lapras's side have it a light blue that is similar to Lapras's shade except lighter. On Ninetales's side have it fire red. In the middle have the red and blue meet and mix to some purple. And can it say 'Flaming waves' in dark purple letters. Thanks.
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

Meditite and Nidoking on a banner please, make the background sort of vortex-y
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

I am really sorry for making everyone wait so long T_T
I'll go make some banners now. And I'll start with the easiest so I can finish more of them in a shorter time.

Mewtwo's Avi for moonlight:

@.@ Haven't been on for a while, but now I'm on, and wow, that be bootiful!
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

Not to be rude, but I have waited for around two months, and my request still isn't done.
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

Can I please have a banner with a Luxray pouncing on a Umbreon with a blizzard background? The Luxray jumping in midair and the Umbreon crouching, make the Umbreon shiny Please oh and make it say Ice tiger on it. By the way, your work is AWESOME :D I wish I was that good.
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

I have a request...could you make a banner of a lightning storm with Rayquaza silhouetted in the center (in the distance), saying "Reap the Whirlwind" across the bottom?
Thanks in advance if you can.
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Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

Poor Palkia is being buried under requests....

I'm just here to say that your banners are awesome. The shading and the colors and the Pokemon themselves are beautifully drawn.

That's all.

And now Linoone will continue stalking.
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

Same here. Sorry about that.

By the way, the banner with the Absol watching the tornado is...there are no words. AWESOME barely does it justice.
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

Ok guys seriously. Last time IP was on was october 18. I don't think he's coming back.
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