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I mostly use mathematical esoterica and stuff with symbols like ≠ and → and » and à in them but I also have generic weak passwords for things I don't give a shit about.


one of my friends uses long and overly complicated chemical compounds as passwords. This makes sense for him, because he's a chemistry nerd, but it's a pain in the ass when he wants me to check his email for him. :|

this makes me want to learn some more chemistry.
I have two passwords that I use for just about everything - one my family uses for most things, and one I made up about ten years ago that's served me well since. It's bloody usernames that I have a problem with and can never bloody remember. I have all the usernames I have for different sites and the password I use with them wirrten down in a book that will someday be stolen and then... well, actually, if someone wants to read my university emails or check my spotify, I'm not that fussed.
I use the exact same passphrase for every site, with various numbers, symbols, capitalized letters, and lower case letters o: I guess my password is secure, though if anyone figures it out then I'm screwed cuz it's the same on every account I have xD
I used to use one password that was not secure whatsoever. It has no punctuation or numbers, all lowercase, and is basically two words. After I decided I needed a new password, I chose one that was still all lowercase but had some numbers. That password was eventually cracked by an enemy, so I then chose 3 new passwords that mixed in punctuation, numbers, and letters. One of those 3 got broken into by an even more powerful enemy, so I ditched them and settled on an even better password. The "password strength-o-meters" on some sites say that password is either secure or very secure.

I use a still different password for work, because I felt uncomfortable with my main password being given out to anyone.
i use this super simple passcode for everything because I don't have anything important that can be hackable, so yeah. When I get my own bank account or a paypal or whatever I'll come up with a more secure passcode.
My password should be easy to guess. I recently changed it on 10% of the sites I'm on and my computer account.

My new password is about as easy to guess as someone's favorite color.
I always use one of two passwords, one of which is actually just the same password with an extra character, for those silly "your password must have a minimum of 6 character" things. I'm perfectly fine with 5 :(

Ironically, this is the only website where I must use a different password, since you need letters in your password here.
For this site, I have a special password. For all other sites I have a different one. Don't you guys feel special now?
I used to use two main passwords, with minor changes here and there for everything, but now I often use more complex, secure passwords that are randomly generated.

At least for my LJ, DeviantArt, and alternate Twitter. I need to get off my lazy ass and change the rest..
I have two passwords that I use for just about everything - one my family uses for most things, and one I made up about ten years ago that's served me well since. It's bloody usernames that I have a problem with and can never bloody remember. I have all the usernames I have for different sites and the password I use with them wirrten down in a book that will someday be stolen and then... well, actually, if someone wants to read my university emails or check my spotify, I'm not that fussed.


For things I'll only ever really use once, like accounts I use for one thing or something, I generally use "inflammable" out of habit, because I listened to a song once while making an account and that is the first word of the song. And that one i don't care if I say since I don't use it for anything important anyway.

Fun Fact: "Flammable" is not actually a word.* The proper word for "able to be set on fire" is "inflammable". Of course, that doesn't stop tons of stupid people from using "inflammable" to mean "fireproof".

*Well since the English language doesn't have Grammar Police like the French and probably lots of others do, technically you can say anything's a word. But "flammable" arose because stupid people misunderstood "inflammable" so it isn't really a word shhhhhh
Most of my passwords are gemstone related, with numbers and symbols added for strength. Occassionally, I will make up little sentences and use the first letter of each word as the password (so "I wanna be the very best" would come out "Iwbtvb", for example)
I have a lot of passwords...
Occasionally I'll decide I need to have a new one, so I'll bang on my keyboard a couple of times and memorize whatever I get. And that will be my new password.

Or I'll screw up phrases like: iris is the goddess of the rainbow so you get iris ranibow and then you add a little 1337 so 1ri5r@1nb0w and then switch out a couple of the letters so you get something like


And then... I memorize that because I like numbers.
Lastpass is your friend. It's an extension for your browser (Chrome, Firefox for sure) that remembers passwords for sites. Just remember your master password for it and you can generate 20 character passwords for every site that basically are fool proof. It's a god send, really.
I have a few. Usually I use the name of a dog my mom used to have. Sometimes with a 1 after it. For shared passwords (like me and my dads wow account or my friends' minecraft server) it's usually something like 'muffins' or 'flareon' or the name of my dog.

Lately I've had fun using 'LitaganoMotscoud' It's long and obscure and not real words so I think it works pretty well.

+10 internets if you get the reference.
I tend to just use one, but I really should have more... and I used to, but there just came a point where I couldn't keep track of them.
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