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Planned Teams for Platinum?

Infernape Chimchar is the only one I haven't started with at some point, even though Infernape is awesome.
Gardevoir I like Gardevoir, so why not?
Electivire No Electivire is what's wrong with the DP Sinnoh dex.
Dusknoir My favorite ghost.
Milotic I'll probably trade an egg from Pearl so I can get this.
And finally, the moment we've all been waiting for! Adding this guy to the Sinnoh dex is the smartest thing they could do, short of remaking GS! I'm talking, of course, about...
Scizor If you didn't see that coming, you're a moron.
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all I have is my:
Awesome HM Slave combo is awesome.

Tropius: Fly, Defog, Cut, Rock Smash
Bibarel: Strength, Surf, Waterfall, Rock Climb
Doesn't really make up for the other 5 Pokémon you can't get, but sure. Does anyone know a site where I can get info on the obtainable Pokémon in Platinum? If I had one, I would plan my team, but I don't, so....

Darksong, if you want to see route by route what Pokemon are available, I'd suggest Psypoke's D/P/Pt World Map

Icalasari said:
After National Dex, in Trophy Garden, Mime Jr. and Bonsly can occasionally be found
AND I also just learned that Mr. Mime is obtainable in the route outside of Canalave.

Icalasari said:
Darksong said:
Then what CAN you get?
Houndoom, Gallade and Gaardevoir. :D
Amen to that.
Hmm... I'll check them both out. Thanks, guys!
Since it's the only one I don't have right now (I have both Diamond and Pearl right now), the first member of my team will be...
For my second Pokemon, I'll use one which has never been on my team before. In Ravaged Path, I will catch a...
My third Pokemon will also be new to me; but it is also one of my favorites. This normal-type is...
My fourth Pokemon is, again, one of my favorites, and Normal-type. But this time, it flies. This can only be...
My penultimate member will be one I've desired for a long time. Before, it was only obtainable in the Great Marsh, but now it's wild. This is...
My final team member will be slow but tough, one that I've never liked, but never disliked either. The last Rock-type is...

And that's my team.
Hm. Well.

I'm not quite sure which starter to start with; I started with Chimchar in Diamond, but I want to do something different for Platinum. The problem is just that I like all the fourth-generation starters just about equally. I'm kind of leaning towards Piplup, though, which would give me Empoleon. I suppose I could teach it Surf and Flash Cannon. :3 Which is at least one HM tackled.

Scyther is on Route 210 in Platinum. I am obviously getting one. :D And not evolving it. That gives me Bug and Flying (X-Scissor and Aerial Ace), in addition to being a perfect candidate for the HM Cut.

Now, I really want to have a Houndoom, although the physical/special split ruins it a bit - maybe teach it the Dark Pulse TM?

Otherwise I'm... not really sure. :/ I just know I want these.
I honestly didn't know you could get so many extra Pokémon. I haven't been keeping up with the updates all that much, but... I'm looking through the 'dex as I speak.

Starting with Piplup because I'm not too fond of Chimchar or Turtwig, so that gives me Empoleon~ I'll also go with Houndoom because a Fire-type is required on my team and Flareon and Rapidash both suck. I'll also get a Leafeon to fill the role or Required Grass-Type (and it's my favorite Pokémon, too 8D). Even though Scyther can't learn Fly, I'm picking it up because I like it. I'll get Gardevoir for the Novelty Pokémon (usually Ghost, Psychic or Dark -- in Pearl it was Mismagius), and for an Electric type I think I'll breed for Jolteon. 8D Fun times~
Serebii.net has a list of the obtainable Pokemon, I think...

Anyway, my team would be something like this:
Torterra/Empoleon (Torterra is strong, and I like it's dual-type combination, but water-type Pokemon are pretty much required...)
Absol (I definitely want this one. Probably one with a fast nature, with Super Luck and some STAB attacks that have a high critical ratio...)
Leafeon/Vaporeon (I'll just get whichever type I don't choose as a starter... Both are good Pokemon...)
Magmortar/Rapidash/Ninetails (Magmortar is powerful, Rapidash is fast and easy to get... Ninetails is my favorite of the three, but it wouldn't be obtainable until after the National Pokedex is given to me...)
I don't know about the other two yet... The neo Rotom forms look interesting, though.
Right now I'm looking at Torterra - Mothim - Magmortar - Golduck. I'm not really sure of the other two; skuntank is a possibility, and so is girafarig, but at this point I'm not going to commit.

Torterra pretty much ate the elite four all by himself in my Pearl game, so even if the rest of the team is questionable, I figure that he should be able to carry it. As usual, I'm trying to make this game more of a challenge for myself and try out some pokémon I usually don't pay much attention to.
Well, I started with Piplup last time and Fire-types are boring, so I'll probably pick Turtwig as my starter.

Other than that, I have no idea. I don't plan out teams before I even play the game.
Hmm, ima start with Chimchar, because I haven't started with his and Infernape is awesome, Riolu, because I'm going to teach it Focus Blast and a good fighter,
Scyther, because of obious reasons 83, Lapras,Fits my Water needs
ShiftryGrass needs, and Umbreon.Mah thirst for an Eeveelution!
nice. varied selection.

Empoleon (or keep piplup if I feel like it)
Rhyhorn (will trade from Pearl)
Gible/ Golem
I'm tired of all the starters. I don't like Turtwig, Chimchar is pretty neat and I love Piplup but am tired of it and hate its evolutions.

Also my above comment.

Last time with my eevee I kept it as it was. This time round i'm getting my favourite, Flareon
Gyrados/other water
maybe but DEFINITELY Houndoom.
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