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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
...you just had to give big red cherry bomb terrorist, didn't you? and two aliens. hrml.
so, why did i fail at killing people two nights in a row, then how did I die? :x that kinda sucked. Unlucky picks that were healed, roll blocking, what?
Well then. It seems I am alive, if only for this brief moment. There are a few things I wished to say before I died, so this seems to be my only opportunity. First, there is more than one group of mafia at work here, and you have some very skilled doctors for making this less than obvious, but there is no fooling an oracle. Secondly, your doctors do not have all the credit for keeping this a secret: an alien was activated amongst you on night 0.
With this in mind, my vote shall go to Flora and Ashes, as Butterfree could either be a particularly subtle alien, or she could genuinely be trying to get the ball rolling for you villagers.
Oh, and by the way channeler(s?), you should find my role very helpful, Vixie would agree.