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[Seto Kaiba] Meowth (M) <Pickup>
bank link for Seto.
Technically none of the other Pokémon ever got approved so I'll repost those too :v Also change the Frizard to an Aerodactyl cos actually yay fossils.
Shellder (M) <Skill Link> (bank)
Kabuto (M) <Swift Swim> (free)
[Nostalgia Critic] Aerodactyl (M) <Pressure> (free)
Birthday+Older Brother=Rabbit
[Kergen] Mankey [♀]
Vital Spirit
Finished Battles: vs. Metallica Fanboy (1/3)
Notes: She's my lucky Negrek Pokémon.
[Clairent] Shellder [♀]![]()
Skill Link
Signature Move: Pearlshot
Finished Battles:
Notes: Skill Link is cool, btw.
Buying team. Transaction made here.
[Aerial] Swablu (F)
Ability:Natural Cure
[Waterskit] Surskit (M)
Ability:Swift Swim
[Bolteon] Mareep (F)
[Icicle] Snover (F)
Ability:Snow Warning
Reaper Cloth
I edited the post. Who can approve it? Oops, before I forget...
[Bolteon] Mareep (F)
Body Mod: Electric Wool
Description:Bolteon's wool conducts electricity, giving Electric-type attacks some more power.
Effects:Electric-type attacks are 2% more powerful than normal.
[Icicle] Snover (F)
Ability:Snow Warning
Body Mod: Stronger Roots
Description: Icicle's roots are slightly stronger. As a result, when Icicle uses Ingrain or Frenzy Plant, or any move involving roots, the effect is exaggerated by 1%.
Effects:Any move involving roots (i.e. Ingrain) will be 1% stronger.
[Aerial] Swablu (F)
Ability: Natural Cure
Move Mod: Swab
Description: When Aerial uses Swab, she drops whatever status she has onto her opponent(but Aerial keeps the status sitll). It will fail if she is asleep, but she can Swab the move Yawn, and therefore can induce Sleep status.
Duration:Until medicine is used
Effects:Varying status problems
Check this out...
Buying Clamperl for InvaderSyl.
This math is hurting my brain >_<
I'll go leave it at the Birthday Center. BTW, before anyone complains, I will edit. It's hard to do the posts needed at once... Here.
Okay, let's validate this.
New Pokemon.
Clamperl [F]
Ability: Shell Armor
Approve. Thanks...it's a gift. I guess it should be holding a DeepSeaScale and traded somehow to evolve into Goreybss...