Blastoise Fortooate
Re: Pokémon Registration Office
[Curare Wurari] Croagunk [♀]
Signature Attribute: Poison Dart Gourd
A while back, Blastoise was exploring a rather dank, tropical forest far to the south and east of Asber; it was here that he was given his odd bulbasaur by the Byrusian people of the area as well as where he got one of the rather dapper-looking potted plants that hangs in his berry shop. To help avoid the many poisonous plants of the forest, Blastoise brought along his new croagunk. While passing through yet another topless village, an excitable witch doctor (who was apparently a man despite physical evidence to the contrary) grabbed the frog pokémon and slapped a large gourd on her back. The apparently living plant wrapped its woody vines around the croagunk and held on tight, much to her and her trainer's dismay. Those feelings abated, however, when the boy and his frog were informed of the plant's special poison's properties. (It's also an antiaphrodisiac, if Blastoise got the translation right) The gourd is filled with poisonous sap, which, when Curare dips her hand into it at the start of a battle, mixes with her own natural poisons to create an terrifyingly effective toxic substance.
Effects: The greenish-purple secretion that coats Curare Wurari's hands causes all poisoning inflicted by Curare's physical attacks to also have the effects of light paralysis until the poisoning ends. However, an unexpected side effect is that a pokémon thus affected cannot be further paralyzed until the poison is removed, as the intense numbness caused by the poison prevents any other sort of muscle paralysis from occurring. All moves that have a chance of poisoning get a 10% boost to said chance, due to the potentness of Curare's toxins. Curare must always spend the first action she spends on the field after being sent out applying the poison sap to her hands; she must do every time she is sent out, but due to the practiced ease with which she does so it always happens before any other pokémon can attack her.
[Celeste] Chimchar [♀]
Signature Attribute: Celestial Goddess
Celeste, as her name implies, was birthed and raised in Sinnoh's spiritual center, Celestic Town. At a young age, she was selected by human sages and their psychic-type pokémon, who seemed to think that she was the reincarnation of a great Arcanine from a thousand years ago or something, who had ridden across the regions and banished all of the ekans from Hoenn or something. This may or may not be true, who really knows, but it does seem that Celeste, or 'the Celestial Goddess' as the sages called her, does has some rather extraordinary talents. For instance, by focusing her body and mind, she is able to enter a mystical state and unlock a move thought only to be available to the gods themselves.
Effects: When Celeste raises her Attack and Special Attack to a minimum of +3 each, she gains access to the move Sacred Fire. When in this state, she is unable to use any other attacking Fire-type moves, and any attempt to do so causes 5% damage to herself and turns the move into a Sacred Fire at 75% accuracy. It is impossible for anyone to prevent the use of such 'forced' Sacred Fires, however, whether through Imprison, Disable, or other moves or abilities. If either her Attack or Special Attack are lowered to +2 or less, she leaves the state until they are both raised back up. Leaving the state causes her 3% typeless damage as the holy energy is pulled back inside of her all at once.
Signature Move: Fire Chi Infusion
Having been raised in a small monastery, and being a latent Fighting-type, Celeste immediately took an interest in the martial training that took place there. At the urging of some sages and in spite of some others, she began training in the style unique to the Celestic monks, jumping leaps and bounds ahead of her human classmates and even pulling ahead of some of the pure Fighting-types there. After witnessing a golduck utilize a stunning Soak-Petal Dance combo, Celeste put her mind to replicating the attack. Using the chi-based philosophies she had learned and mixing them with the intensely-strong Fire-type energy within herself, Celeste eventually succeeded after a few explosions.
By throwing a simple jab or kick her opponent's way, and covering it with so much Fire-type energy that you can't see her hand underneath it, Celeste can send an infusion of her own chi up the paths through which elemental energy flows in her opponent's body. Although the opponent's natural typing will win out eventually, this temporarily overrides basically everything involving non-Fire-type energy for several actions at a time. However, the invading Fire energy is no match for its polar opposite, Water, so the secondary effects of the attack do not work on pokémon of that typing.
Type: Normal / Stat: Physical / Damage: 3% / Accuracy: 100% of hitting, 80% chance of the effects / Target: Single / Energy: 9% / Duration: Two Rounds / Usage Gap: 4 Rounds
Effects: All moves used by the affected pokémon will be considered to be of the Fire type, as will the pokémon itself. They gain the immunity to burning that all Fire-types possess, although burns that already exist will be unaffected. Any Water-types will be completely unaffected, and use of the move Soak on an affected individual will immediately end the effects. The ability Color Change and the moves Camouflage and Type Reflect will cancel it out as well; however, the moves in the Conversion family and Transform will not.
I'm sure Celeste will be problematic, especially since I'm sure I've missed something that could mess with the sig move there.

[Curare Wurari] Croagunk [♀]
Signature Attribute: Poison Dart Gourd
A while back, Blastoise was exploring a rather dank, tropical forest far to the south and east of Asber; it was here that he was given his odd bulbasaur by the Byrusian people of the area as well as where he got one of the rather dapper-looking potted plants that hangs in his berry shop. To help avoid the many poisonous plants of the forest, Blastoise brought along his new croagunk. While passing through yet another topless village, an excitable witch doctor (who was apparently a man despite physical evidence to the contrary) grabbed the frog pokémon and slapped a large gourd on her back. The apparently living plant wrapped its woody vines around the croagunk and held on tight, much to her and her trainer's dismay. Those feelings abated, however, when the boy and his frog were informed of the plant's special poison's properties. (It's also an antiaphrodisiac, if Blastoise got the translation right) The gourd is filled with poisonous sap, which, when Curare dips her hand into it at the start of a battle, mixes with her own natural poisons to create an terrifyingly effective toxic substance.
Effects: The greenish-purple secretion that coats Curare Wurari's hands causes all poisoning inflicted by Curare's physical attacks to also have the effects of light paralysis until the poisoning ends. However, an unexpected side effect is that a pokémon thus affected cannot be further paralyzed until the poison is removed, as the intense numbness caused by the poison prevents any other sort of muscle paralysis from occurring. All moves that have a chance of poisoning get a 10% boost to said chance, due to the potentness of Curare's toxins. Curare must always spend the first action she spends on the field after being sent out applying the poison sap to her hands; she must do every time she is sent out, but due to the practiced ease with which she does so it always happens before any other pokémon can attack her.

[Celeste] Chimchar [♀]
Signature Attribute: Celestial Goddess
Celeste, as her name implies, was birthed and raised in Sinnoh's spiritual center, Celestic Town. At a young age, she was selected by human sages and their psychic-type pokémon, who seemed to think that she was the reincarnation of a great Arcanine from a thousand years ago or something, who had ridden across the regions and banished all of the ekans from Hoenn or something. This may or may not be true, who really knows, but it does seem that Celeste, or 'the Celestial Goddess' as the sages called her, does has some rather extraordinary talents. For instance, by focusing her body and mind, she is able to enter a mystical state and unlock a move thought only to be available to the gods themselves.
Effects: When Celeste raises her Attack and Special Attack to a minimum of +3 each, she gains access to the move Sacred Fire. When in this state, she is unable to use any other attacking Fire-type moves, and any attempt to do so causes 5% damage to herself and turns the move into a Sacred Fire at 75% accuracy. It is impossible for anyone to prevent the use of such 'forced' Sacred Fires, however, whether through Imprison, Disable, or other moves or abilities. If either her Attack or Special Attack are lowered to +2 or less, she leaves the state until they are both raised back up. Leaving the state causes her 3% typeless damage as the holy energy is pulled back inside of her all at once.
Signature Move: Fire Chi Infusion
Having been raised in a small monastery, and being a latent Fighting-type, Celeste immediately took an interest in the martial training that took place there. At the urging of some sages and in spite of some others, she began training in the style unique to the Celestic monks, jumping leaps and bounds ahead of her human classmates and even pulling ahead of some of the pure Fighting-types there. After witnessing a golduck utilize a stunning Soak-Petal Dance combo, Celeste put her mind to replicating the attack. Using the chi-based philosophies she had learned and mixing them with the intensely-strong Fire-type energy within herself, Celeste eventually succeeded after a few explosions.
By throwing a simple jab or kick her opponent's way, and covering it with so much Fire-type energy that you can't see her hand underneath it, Celeste can send an infusion of her own chi up the paths through which elemental energy flows in her opponent's body. Although the opponent's natural typing will win out eventually, this temporarily overrides basically everything involving non-Fire-type energy for several actions at a time. However, the invading Fire energy is no match for its polar opposite, Water, so the secondary effects of the attack do not work on pokémon of that typing.
Type: Normal / Stat: Physical / Damage: 3% / Accuracy: 100% of hitting, 80% chance of the effects / Target: Single / Energy: 9% / Duration: Two Rounds / Usage Gap: 4 Rounds
Effects: All moves used by the affected pokémon will be considered to be of the Fire type, as will the pokémon itself. They gain the immunity to burning that all Fire-types possess, although burns that already exist will be unaffected. Any Water-types will be completely unaffected, and use of the move Soak on an affected individual will immediately end the effects. The ability Color Change and the moves Camouflage and Type Reflect will cancel it out as well; however, the moves in the Conversion family and Transform will not.
I'm sure Celeste will be problematic, especially since I'm sure I've missed something that could mess with the sig move there.