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Closed Pokemorph Hunters


What if I'm asleep?
(OOC / Signup Here)

Thud..... Thud..... Thud.....

The rythmic beating was what awoke Allum, his eyes were shut and his head was pounding. From all around him came a soft thumping sound. He forced his eyes slowly open but found that he could still see nothing. Startled, he pushed off the ground with his right arm and suddenly the world became clear around him.
It wasn't seeing with colour or anything like that, but he knew what was around him. There were a few trees nearby and from various parts of grassy ground he could see small sparks of movement. His awareness slowly faded and he was left only with those sparks of movement. His head was still aching when he managed to get to his feet. Every movement gave him a glimpse of the world around him.
He put a hand to his head and realised for the first time that the lights around him were actually alive. He staggered to a tree and leaned on the trunk of it, his head pounding painfully.
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"Ugh..." Liza lifted her head and looked at her surroundings. She noticed that she was laying on the grass of the ground. She looked at the trees and the sky. It was still somewhat dark outside, but it seemed that the sun would appear at any moment. There was a boy leaning against a tree and seemed to have odd features about him. She moved her head and felt something heavy at the top of her head. She reached up her hand and saw a tint of silver on her skin as she pulled on a ear like appendage. "What in the...?" she said looking at others around her. They all seemed to have some new appendages on them as well. She stood up and looked her arm up and down, the silver tint was very easy to see. She pulled on her new ears again and examined them. They seemed to look as those of an Eevee. "What happened...?" she said placing her hand on her head.
"Owww..." The first thing Jake felt when waking up, other than a weird pain in his head, was a sudden craving for leeks. Not eating one, but... just holding one. He didn|'t know why. Then he open his eyes, looked around him, and noticed he was lying down on the ground in the grass, with trees around. He instantly wondered how he got here, but he couldn't remember a thing. He felt kind of weird... Then, he looked down at himself... and let out a little scream. His arms were all covered in... feathers? What the... how did this happen? He tried looking at the rest of his body to see if anything has changed, he put hios hand to his face. Or he would, but he felt something big growing out where his nose and mouth should be. It felt almost like a... beak? How did he get a beak?
Then, his thought fell back to "Get a leek... find a leek, you need it..." where did this need come from? He tried to ignore this urge for now, and looked at the others around him. They also seemed to look strange, with ears and tails and skin in strange colors- whatever had happened to him, the same thing had probably happened to them...
Bijou had awaken finally but was laying wither her rear in the air. Her body felt oddly refreshed and as she opened her eyes she felt her nerves extend to something curled out past her body. This made her force herself lazily upright to take a look. She found that a tail much like a Mareep's was now her own...

"Un...? Mine?" Her eyes blinked with disbelief before she lowered her gaze to her own body. It was clothed with...wool?

Bijou dug her hands into the thick layers of hair attempting to pull it from her skin resulting in pain as each knotted strand clung to its nerve.

"Waaa-ow..." She blushed as tears swelled at the corners of her eyes. Did this mean she was naked? As she glanced at everyone else she pouted.

Why do they get to wear clothes while I...wait....no clothes? Why am I sad about this? Why do I want to feel happy? Where...am I?
Cody's eyes drifted open slowly. He groaned, feeling a little sick to his stomach. I feel like hurling out a camel... He rubbed his eye, clearing his blurry vision, and pushed himself halfway to his feet. Something caught his eye. A black tear-drop lookin' thing that was dangling to the side of his face... In fact there were two...

He swiped at it, annoyed, but when he made contact with it, and knocked it away, his vision split, and everything was going in different directions. A high pitched whining sound shot through his head, and he fell down from dizziness. After the world stopped spinning, he got to his knees once more, and felt something fuzzy touch his leg. He froze, and turned his head to find a blue tail... Attatched to him. He jumped, and grabbed the tail, pulling at it. That's not supposed to be there! It's not supposed to be there!
Nato's eyes fluttered open. He realized that he heard the rustling of grass and a flowing river. Slowly he got to his knees.

Where am I? What... Why is my mind blank? Calm down Nato... Nato. That's my name. I'm sixteen, I came from...Where did I come from? It's like staring at a white screen... Wait... A fuzzy image of a waterfall... How's that supposed to help! Nato thought to himself. He hardly remembered anything. He did notice that he was thirsty, so he walked over to the river.

When He saw his reflection in the water's surface, though, he quickly jumped back.

What the- I'm not human! I look like a-a.. An image of a buizel flashed into his head, followed by a name. Buizel? Is that what it's called? So, I look human, but I also look like a Buizel... Whatever the heck that is. He quickly noted his more human features. Like his dark eyes or the black t-shirt he was wearing with jeans. Oddly, no shoes, only some paw-like feet.

With that in tow, he decided to find out where he was and started to walk in a random direction.
Ow... my head....

Leon woke up, and found himself in the middle of a forest. He could hear water running in the distance. He sat up and looked around. He moved his hair out of his eyes, and touched something hard sticking out of his head.

What the.... where am I? and what is on my head?

He sat down and closed his eyes, thinking.

Let's start with the basics of what's going on. I'm Leon, I think. If I'm right, I should be fifteen. And... Wait, that's right. I just had a big fight with mom and dad, ran out the door, went unconcious for some reason and now... this. But what's 'this'?

He looked down at his clothing. He was wearing some kind of long white robe.

I could've sworn I was wearing jeans....

Leon paid more attention to the runing water he could hear.

water... that means a river... and river leads to cvilization. If I find that river, I should be able to get back home....

Leon heade slowly through the forest, toward the sound of the water.
Liza noticed the one boy who had Buizel parts walking off in a different direction. "Hey! Where are you going?" she yelled towards him. There was a girl who looked like a giant cloud and a boy pulling at...a tail? She looked behind her and saw a tail of her own. 'A-a tail??' she thought and moved it to see if it was actually attached to her. She noticed the small lake and looked at her reflection. Brown hair with silver streaks, skin tinted with silver, brown eyes fringed with silver, ears...and a tail. 'What...?' she then thought how she got here and all she could remember was a bright light in front of her, and a boy named...Nato? She wasn't sure if that was the name.
As Nato heard the voice, he turned around and saw a person who looked like some kind of mammal, the picture and name appeared in his head again revealing it to be an Eevee. Despite this, she seemed so... Familiar...

Just then, several images flash through his head at rapid speed. Sound, words, pictures... It was all too much. He got a splitting headache and fell to the ground, clutching his head. The only thing he managed to obtain was a name...Liza...
"AAAAHHH!" He called out in pain. His head still hurt alot, but the pain was fading, very slowly.
The sound ripped through his head and he staggered towards the sound. It was a boy writhing on the ground, the gentle rhythm that marked the other people in the clearing were drowned out by the rapid beating of this boy. He needed only to look at the boy near him to realise that he was not as a human should be. He appeared to have some of the physical characteristics of a Buizel. He put his hand on his own head, the headache growing from the boy's yell. He felt a large pointed ear sticking up from the top of his head.
"Would you mind calming yourself? You're giving me a headache." He put a hand to the side of his head to show. He walked to the side of the lake and splashed a few handfuls of water onto his face to wash away the grogginess he still felt. He was blind, he understood that, but why was he still able to tell where everything around him was a mystery.
"Is everyone here okay? Anyone unable to move or something similar?"
"No, there is nothing wrong with me..." she said. 'Well, nothing except having ears and a tail...' she thought as she looked at the boy who was writhing on the ground. 'Is it odd if I think he looks familiar...?'
Jake heard one of the others talk to them. A boy with blue hair and skin, with ears looking like... Zubat ears? "Um, yeah, I'm okay... A bit of a headache, but otherwise I'm fine..." He still wondered what had happened to them, and why.
Cody stopped pulling at his tail, turning to the... Dear God, there are other people! One of them resembled a Zubat. Cody blinked, and shook his head in response to the question. Aside from the obvious... He thought. He curiously whacked the black furry tear drops on the sides of his head, and saw different colored versions of everything split.

He became dizzy once more, and once he regained his composure, looked more carefully at the other people. He could tell... Most of them were confused, just like him. He wasn't even paying much attention to their faces, what they said, or anything else, but he still knew they were disoriented. It was like the space around them radiated their feelings... But that's just ridiculous. Emotions can't be seen...
For a split second, an almost undetectable jiffy, the world was black.

And almost before her brain had time to process this absence of light, her vision returned.

Aer's eyes felt dry. Her skin felt dry. Was she dehydrated?

She was laying on her back on a somewhat moist grassy environment. Her hands were conveniently on the ground, which meant she could use them to sit up. It was an obvious thought, but it was a good start for someone who had just woken up from unconsciousness.

She bent her elbows and placed her palms on the strange ground, pulling herself to a sitting position. Now she could see something other than the tops of sequoia-like trees and the cyan sky beyond them. There were others here... They looked human, but were also part Pokémon. They were called by several different names, weren't they? Pokémorphs, gijinka, chimeras? All synonyms ...

As the wind had a chance to blow farther over her face, she noticed that the cold air stung a little. She felt like she should be in a wetter habitat for some reason. But this would have to do for now.

Aer looked around, swinging her head violently in only one direction before she sensed her long hair against her shoulder. That was strange ... it wasn't that fine or long, was it? She held a handful somewhat close to her face, turning her head back to the frontward position. Not only did she have two somewhat thick strands of hair that were far longer than the others, but her hands were a slightly different color. More blue, apparently. And the webbing that was supposed to be restricted to her base knuckle reached up to the second one. Now she was starting to believe she should be submerged underwater. That was strange.

"How... did I get here?" she asked herself quietly, although anyone within a five-foot radius would probably be able to make out her words if they had average hearing.
Dian had been awake for a while.

She had also moved mostly away from group, and settled herself on a small pile of large, smooth stones next to a river. She was sitting on them now, cross-legged and quite naked, having stripped off her clothing to make sure her body was all there. Aside from the white hair, and the fire on her head, she was. The eyes were a new feature, too. All yellow...she didn't mind it, though.

She continued to stare at her reflection in the water, the bright purple flame hovering over her head casting a faint purple colour on the surrounding area. It was about the size of a softball, and just floating there, following her every movement.

She suddenly caught the sound of some people nearby, however, and looked over her shoulder, bright yellow eyes locked on the figures she could make out in a clearing nearby. She watched, not making a sound.
Allum felt his ear twitch as a girl sitting on the ground nearby spoke. He stood from the waters edge and turned to face her.

"I'm sure everyone else here is asking the same question, although I think it's safe to assume we didn't walk here." He tilted his head up to check where the sun was and then stopped, remembering he couldn't see anything. He let out a soft sigh,

"Can someone tell me what time it is?" He dropped his head back down to face across the lake. Upstream he sensed a girl sitting on a pile of large stones. There was something floating above her head but it didn't have a discernable shape as far as he could tell.
Nato's pain finally subsided and he stopped screaming and pulled himself off the ground. When he got up and looked around, his mind quickly identified each type of pokemorph around him. Zubat,Mareep,Riolu,Ralts... They were all there.

He then walked over to the familiar Eevee morph, his tails spinning behind him.

"Excuse me.." He asked her."Would your name happen to be Liza?
Bijou got to her feet and examined the others curiously. They were all just as confused as she. She saw one who resembled an Eevee speaking with others and even a Zubat... Then that Riolu.... What was his problem? He looked sick.

The Mareep morph wearily made her way behind a tree to slip out of view. She thought she was hallucinating. Had she hit her head...or was she dreaming? As she turned her head to peek around the thick trunk of the tree she felt something rub against the bark that tingled her senses. She had horns too?

Oh joy. She thought sarcastically, her eyes still fixated on the others.
Jake got up and looked over the others, once more. He saw some of them had already started talking to each other... He decided to sit down again just to think about everything that had happened, process it through his mind. "So I look like a Pokémon... so does the others... why... and... a BEAK?" It made absolutely no sense to him.
Liza was shocked by this. She hadn't told anyone her name, that was here anyway. "Uh, yeah, my name is Liza...how do you know?" she asked confused. She thought over the things she could remember and one name came up other than her own. "So, are you, Nato?" she asked the Buizel boy.
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