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Closed Pokemorph Hunters

Dian took her change when Liza was changing - darting close and unleashing another torrent of flame, then darting off a few feet to watch the ring of flame engulf the other girl, the searing flames sure to cause nasty burns if they were to connect.

The water that the girl spat out struck her in the legs as she made to dodge, the watery energy searing her for a moment. She makes a move as if she was growling in pain, but no sound came. She stepped back a bit, shaking the stinging wetness off her legs.

There was a sound a bit off, a crashing sound, but Dian didn't move to find the source - no time to. She let another whirl of crimson flame loose, knowing that even if she had an elemental disadvantage, the sheer power of Purgatory would take down the weak one soon enough.

She made sure to not stay in one place for more than a moment, her bare feet pattering on the grass under her. It wasn't hard to keep moving, she was older, stronger, faster than the child she was fighting.

She let off another hissing sound, followed by another twister of flame.
There was the sound of grass shifting as another human-esque creature stepped forward. This one was male and quite tall. His face bore yellow and green markings and his button-up shirt was half open, so the yellow protrusions emerging from his collarbones weren't hindered or tore his shirt to be free. He was cleaning a pair of glasses on the hem of his clothes before resettling them on his face.

The scene he walked in on was..most unusual. Other humans like himself were standing around talking...except for a pair who were fighting. He glanced over the group. Most seemed to be younger than himself. He recognised some of the species but the fight was what drew his immediate attention.

The younger was purple tinged, with fins. A water type. The image of a Vaporeon crossed his mind, although in his mind the Pokemon was blue, not purple. Huh. He looked to the other girl and, before he even noticed what species she was, he noticed that she was completely naked. He would've thought she'd be cold...even if she was throwing around fire. He took in the site of the flame over her head, the wide yellow eyes... the image of a floating lanturn came to mind. He smiled a little. A Ranpuraai.

He had to wonder why they were fighting so soon. Granted it was a bit...unexpected to wake up with Pokemon features (in his case, a Snivy has crossed his mind upon coming to) but it didn't seem like a reason to start a fight. He didn't speak up just yet - maybe they would reveal something interesting.
((OOC: Is anyone else unable to see the last two posts unless they hit reply...?

EDIT: Oh wait, there it goes. Carry on.))
She felt the flames hit her just as she had unleashed her attack, causing most of them to disappear. Another wave of fire came and she barely dogded it. She had at least hit her legs with the water, that had seemed to stop her for a moment.

She had heard a sound somewhere else, but it wasn't important at the moment. Her water attacks could keep up, but for how long? She was already somewhat tired by her transformation, but this wouldn't help. Water foamed into her mouth again and she shot it at the moving figure twice.

'Why is she even attacking me?!' she thought in a rage, moving along the area, as not to stay in one place. 'I need to find a way to stop her...' she thought, seeming to zig-zag in small movements.

She heard her hiss again, as it seemed she couldn't talk. This wall of flame hit her arm, leaving a burning feeling.
The area around him began to heat up as the flames spread, a spark had set fire to the undergrowth,

"Dammit..." Allum choked on the smoke that was gathering under the tree's limbs, he began to walk towards the others but tripped and landed on a burning pile of leaves. He put out the flame that spread to his shirt but the flesh underneath was burned. He pulled himself to his feet and ran towards the clearing before collapsing onto the grass,

"Idiots..." he coughed again and clutched his burned arm. He looked up and glared at the two fighters. A ring of energy began to grow in front of him and it moved off quickly towards the two girls. Allum ignored what he knew was a Confuse Ray and struggled to sit up,

"Fighting with fire in a forest, that's just stupid." He hoped that the ring would hit them, if only to teach them a lesson. He didn't care why they were fighting, their reasons meant nothing. He lifted himself from the ground and after walking to the waters edge he sighed as he splashed water onto the burn.

"Now I doubt we'll know what I found actually meant." He turned and sat on the grass, looking across the clearing.
Bijou had taken Wesley rather far from the rest. From how far along they had traveled, the sounds of battle could not reach their ears. Hearing the boy still sniffling made her scowl and turn to face him.

"Hey, I'm not your mommy or anything so I'm not going to kiss it better or whatever. Just hurry so we can find something to eat or else I'm keeping it all to myself and you'll have to find your own after you help find me some."

She closed her hand on his wrist and continued to lead him till they spotted a tall bush filled with large and pink berries. Pecha, she faintly recalled.
Aer still didn't know why her skin felt dry, even though it was almost wet to the touch. She hadn't had much time to think, though, because some sort of fighting commotion had started, and fire was appearing in seemingly random places. Aer was sitting down until here, but at this point she decided to stand up so that she would have more of a chance dodging in case the fire directed itself at her. Maybe her damp skin suggested that she had some sort of relationship with water? If that was true, she could use water to put out a dangerous fire. But so far, there was nothing extremely dangerous. That was a good thing...

Hopefully she wouldn't get injured too much. Something flickered in her mind about the fire-using person, and she had a premonition that something wasn't entirely safe. Those flames she conjured were deadly powerful, and the thought of it made Aer shudder with anticipation. She had to make sure she stayed out of the way... or doused the blaze - whichever was less of a dangerous feat.
Liza saw the odd ring headed towards her and the girl. She had double vision when it did hit her and she got down on one knee. She couldn't see straight at all and with her not moving she felt the full extent of her burns. It seemed that not only was her arm burnt but all over her body.

Just because she's part Pokemon doesn't mean she can't get hurt. If that girl didn't get hit, that means that she was wide open for attack. She still felt the burns on her body, even after spraying water on them quickly.
Wesley looked at Bijou with a pout and tried to hold in his whimpering. He didn't want a mommy. He wanted to be normal. He wanted not to be a magikarp. He wanted her to stop pulling on his arm!

Though he was far too timid to speak these thoughts and simply allowed her to drag him to the pecha berries. He picked a pecha berry and bit into it. He didn't like it all that much because it was so sweet, but he decided to keep quiet about that too.

"Where are we?" he asked after a bite of pecha berry.
Bijou plucked one for herself and rubbed it on her thigh before taking a bite. When Wesley had mumbled the question as to their whereabouts she lowered the juicy fruit from her lips and narrowed her eyes.

"Do you think... that I would still be here... IF I KNEW WHERE WE WERE?!" The Mareep snapped in annoyance to his question.

She sighed in a giddy fashion, quite the opposite from her aggressive response and then took another bite. Her bright eyes looking off in the direction from whence they came.
Nato quickly jumped back from Liza, to Jake's side. He was shocked at what was going on, this fight between the two girls.

"Whuh-what is going on!" He stuttered. He was confused as to why they were fighting. It wasn't like they had anything bad between them, well, except for the hair burning thing...Ookay, it made much more sense now than it did two seconds ago..
Wesley looked down at his feet, embarrassed. He knew he should have kept his mouth shut. He knew what he said would not be important.

Wesley dropped his pecha and sighed unhappily. He didn't much have an appetite anymore. He tried not look at her, but his eyes wandered and noticed she was staring away from them. He followed her gaze.

"What are you looking at?"
Asleep... I'm asleep?... No, that can't be... can't sleep... haven't slept... never slept... So what am I?... That's a good question... what am I? where am I? dead? maybe. can't tell. but no, can't be dead, but can I be alive?...
Every thought had Laurențiu's head throbbing, it was like the mother of all hangovers. He had been out for awhile, this he could tell - but he was not rested, it was not sleep, but more like a comatose state, and he felt to match. His body ached dully to each heartbeat, indeed like one who had slept in too long.

Slowly, he opened his eyes.. only to immediately squeeze them back shut. He was laying on his back, outside, the sun burning brightly above. Even the small amount of light that had gotten through had been like a freight train slamming into his skull, leaving his head spinning.
So opening his eyes seemed out of the question, for the time being.. but he couldn't just lay there, even the way he felt, the thought of sleep just made him cringe. Slowly, he lifted his upper body up - rising with ease as if his body were weightless. His arms seemed stuck, however, to his body - as he pulled, their strength felt drained, only succeeding in pulling against his body at certain pressure points, as if they were stitched down across his chest. It felt as if he should be startled, but.. he wasn't. It didn't even feel out of the ordinary.

Carefully, he shifted his legs underneath himself and pushed to standing - again, it felt strangely effortless. Tilting his head down, he slowly tried opening his eyes again, letting them adjust instead of to direct sunlight, to that reflected on the ground. Slowly, the world revealed itself, as Lauren squinted and looked about - perhaps it was not favourably, as it appeared we was in a wooded area, already in the shade, the sun barely licking through the canopy.

When suddenly, there was a loud crash, as if a tree had come down very nearby - Lauren's eyes shot open, only to squeeze shut again, another train to the skull. Lovely. Shaking it off quickly, he squinted off into the distance - there was someone there, but that was as far as he could make out, it appeared as a black, humanoid blur. Still, any sign of life was as good as any other - perhaps they had some insight into what was going on. Slowly and quietly, he stumbled closer. Even walking was odd - where it seemed as if grass, dirt and branches should be brushing against his bare toes, instead it felt almost as if they passed right through...
She was very quiet for an extended period of time, her figure stiff and hesitant to make any sort of reaction as if she were startled or alarmed by something. It wasn't very long after that Bijou turned her attention back on Wesley and she smiled before shrugging, "I forgot... which direction we were heading. Do you by any chance remember?"
...Someone was coming.

As Shelly landed another set of slashmarks on the tree, she heard the crunch of the underbrush. Acute hearing... this was new, yesss...

Crouched down still from having just landed, she twisted her head around to look at Lauren. Indeed, she looked quite feral in this pose. As it should be... she felt wild... she felt like killing... if this person would attack her, she would rip him to shreds... but he didn't look ready to attack... in fact, he looked as if he had just found himself here as she had before.

There was a loud shout from a ways away, and her head flicked up. Anger... she snarled. She would deal with it if it came this way. No, instead she looked back at Lauren, ignoring also the sounds of battle coming from another direction.

"H...hello..." Her voice wasn't so much a voice as it was an uncertain, unstable hiss.
She grinned at him, showing her glinting fangs. Certainly this would make her appear quite unsettling, with her claws, her tail feathers and her pose but she didn't know that, nor did she care.
The confuse ray washed over Dian, and she felt dizzy for a moment, but shook it off, leaving a dull headache in its place. She made another hissing sound and moved back from the group. Her flame returned to its place hovering around her head, and she crouched low on the ground.

That would be enough for now, she figured, examining the other girl's nasty-looking burns. Now how to convey her dominance to the others without harming them... This would be difficult. She thought for a second, but the voice in her head came back.

We can show them your words if you cannot tell them. The wisp, use the wisp. Tell it words.

Well, there was no shame is trying, she supposed. Concentrating, she thought the words she wanted to say. Almost right away, the purple flame gave off many smaller flames, which twisted and contorted into shaky, flickering letters.

Wesley shook his head and pulled on her arm instead. "We came from that direction. So were we going that way?"he asked and pointed the opposite direction. "What were you looking for?"

He hoped she at least had an answer to that one. Wesley had the sinking feeling hat he wa s following the wrong person. Though, what choice did he have?
senseing movement from the Hitomoshi Morph, Allum looked over and noticed the uncertain form of flames. They appeared to be a sentance, due to the form the words were wavering but he could still understand what they said.

"Yeah, some alpha. Maybe if you'd gone about it a different way I might not think you so low. But attacking someone then setting fire to the trees is certainly not the way to get people to accept you. And if you think power alone will help you, you are so far from the truth." Allum shook his head slowly.

"I may be blind but even I can see there are people here better suited to 'alpha' then you." He stood up and walked away from the burning side of the clearing, further up stream where he crossed at a shallow point and sat on the opposite side.
Liza looked up at Nato as her double vision cleared. "Look at her words and you will find why she attacked me." she said almost in a low growl. She glared at the flaming words. She wanted too spit water at the flames, but this surely wasn't the best, they would just start fighting again.
Vincent raised an eyebrow as the fight unfolded. At the wispy words over Dian's head, he smiled a little. Ah, this is the sort of thing that happened in nature...fights for dominance. He had to wonder if the Eevee started the fight or if the older girl had, in order to make the statement. Still, looked this girl was taking charge...

He considered his options. He could approach the Eevee and be seen as snobbing this girl who controlled fire. Or he could approach the fire-starter and hope to get on her good side. The later definitely seemed the better option, even if she was a bit unpredictable. Worse come to worse, he could go alone. And if he crossed paths with her again, they'd (hopefully) be on agreeable terms.

He approached her carefully, wary of being seen as a rival to her claim. "So you are claiming dominance...? Then I suppose we best be acquainted - my name is Vincent." He said politely, offering a bow to her. "And I must ask, otherwise it'll plague me, but aren't you cold wearing nothing at all?"
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