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Closed Pokemorph Hunters

Lauren stopped dead, stiff as the trees around him - although even as he did so, he noted his gown kept moving, rustling slightly as if caught in a breeze, even though there was none. The figure in front of him had hunched down, now bristling with anger and frustration - not that of a stable being.

-But wait, how did he even know this? It was odd, but such negative feelings... he bathed in them, allowed himself to be briefly consumed, such an odd thing.. just what was he...

Thoughts rattled through his mind, yet he was shaken back when the creature hissed. It sounded as if she was trying to communicate, to which Lauren could make out a simple 'Hello', certainly feminine, but with such a.. harsh tone. It was difficult not to be unnerved, as even for the feelings he absorbed, he had the distinct feeling of danger about her presence...

"h-... hello" Lauren spoke nervously, still stiff and alert. His voice was wispy, with little bass, and it lingered with a whooshing reverberation for what seemed to be past the extent of his vocalisation. "Do... you know what's ha-"
Before he could finish, however, the sounds of escalating conflict once more. Was it sounds? Lauren couldn't tell, but he knew, he felt, tense feelings, hatred, fear, he became washed over again..
Dian gave a bit of a hiss is Allum's direction and the flames changed, twisting like flaming serpents in the air.


When her words were displayed, she left them to float there, sitting on the ground and playing with her dark hair. It was then she noticed the Male approaching her, and cocked her head a bit. He was interesting looking, and spoke nice. She liked his manner of speaking. Male said his name was Vincent, and asked her a question.

She pondered the answer for a moment, then shook her head, smiling a little. She batted the purple flame towards him, and it flickered as it moved, hovering between the two. Dian shifted a bit, so she was now on her knees instead of sitting. She liked Male. Er. Vincent.
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"...I don't... know what's happening..."

Now it was certain that the odd boy was not going to attack. Shelly straightened out of her defensive pose, though not enough where she wouldn't be ready if something happened. Although her head snapped over to look in the direction of the fight... she could make out the faint glow of fire. Purple fire.

"Fight... mmmhmhm..." she could hear the shouts... for some reason she wanted... to go and get in on it herself. Kill... rip apart... weaklings...

No, the Ghost Boy looked freaked out by her already. She felt it difficult to care... but she approached him anyway.

"M-my name is... Shelly. Yes... what'... what is yours?"
Again it happened - so hard to focus..

"..Laurențiu... I'm Laurențiu" the boy says, sounding unsure, he pauses for a moment with a thoughtful look in his eyes. "...at least.. I think so... I don't know how I know.. I don't.. even know what I am.."

His mind wandered again, eyes slowly coping with the light (albeit against their own will) he glanced into the distance - he could make out more figures, barely more than indistinguishable blurs against the sun-drenched field. Purple light danced around one, it was rather mesmerising.. In fact.. the figure them-self was, too, something felt.. familiar. similar.

"...Do you know them?" Lauren asked softly, voice trailing somewhat as he gestured towards the group.
She is not the alpha! I never appointed myself as the alpha, there was no reason to attack me! She fumed more, knowing she could strike at any time. She stood up, getting ready to use water to put those flames out.

She felt the water come up to her mouth and she shot it at the flaming words, not caring if she hit the girl, she just wanted to put out those flames.
...More people... no not people, things like her... probably didn't know what they were either... she looked on at them.

"I... do not..." Shelly's eyes focused first on the Eevee morph... shiny... discolored. A growl escaped her throat and she didn't know why... but she didn't like her. The whole look of her... it reeked of weakling. She wanted nothing more than to go over there and... kill...

But it seemed as if... the one with the purple flames... dominant... strong... she liked her. Another smile crossed her features. She liked that one... liked her a lot. She liked Ghost Boy too, if only because he would be fun to play around with...

...And the one gentlemanly one there... with the green hair streaks. He wasn't too bad-lookin'...

But the rest... she didn't like them. Didn't care about them. She felt a certain desire in the back of her mind... to rip their limbs off and wear them herself just to show them who was boss.
Bijou smiled in a cute manner, "Oh, good I was hoping to get away from them. Keep going that way, yes? And grab some more of those Pecha's. I might get hungry later on."

She grabbed only two, one to fit in each delicate hand, obviously expecting him to grab half his weight or so.

"So, from what I understand, the less people to care for the better." ^^
Vincent drew back a little as the flame approached him. She had been smiling but that flame was how she attacked. He waited but it hovered non-threateningly between them. He stepped forward and carefully raised his hands either side of the flame, feeling the warmth it emitted. Did this warm her entire body, or was her body itself as warm as the little flame?

He was taken out of his thoughtful gazing at the flame between his hands as he spied the water shooting towards Dian and her words. He flicked his wrists and long, thick green vines snapped out of his body. He quickly wrapped them around Dian, lifting her up and pulling her forward towards him. He put her down beside hima nd turned to the currently-Vaporeon girl.

"Now now...that was uncalled for." He said, appearing perfectly calm. "There's no need for senseless violence, even after senseless violence, is there...?" He asked smoothly as if he was talking to a child. Which he was in a way. One of his vines snapped out again and wound over to her, curling around her head in the air, at equal height to her mouth. "Otherwise we'll have to see that you don't /lash/ out like that." The vine returned, as Vincent believed he'd made his point clear enough.
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"Well, tell her there was no need to set my hair on fire in the first place! I hadn't done anything to her, I don't even know her!" she was now shouting, not even the vine this man whipped out a vine at her could calm her now.

She would either have to be coaxed, which was not likely, or knocked out. The latter would be the one most would choose. The letters were still there, which only made her angrier. They shouldn't make it as though I started it! She's the one who should be blamed! She fumed more, she was burnt and not in the greatest of moods.
Cody blinked at the sight before him. Is there really only one person who knows how to resolve a fight? Really. Way to be immature, ladies. Takes two to tango.

But he said nothing, prefering silence. He leaned on the tree next to him, wondering what that Vincent guy was going to do next. He oughta' pop 'em both in the face. That wouldn't fix anything, but it sure would be funny. He smiled to himself, his tail flicking behind him. Vincent's allright, I guess. But then BOTH of those girls need to grow up. Stupid fight. Then again, I could always work up the guts to actually talk to another human being.
Focus waning once more, Lauren was finding himself in all enthralled by the group in the distance.

"Fight... Conflict... It's so..." without even realised he had spoken aloud, he began to slowly and carefully creep closer to the group, like a moth to an open flame, treading without a sound as if his feet had no place on the ground. His eyes strained under the light as he left the relative protection of the tree's shade, but he simply squinted and moved on.
'Hatred.. Fear.. Malice..'
He had no wish for such things himself, but he wanted to be... closer. He could feel it, stronger, as he got closer..
Hostility.. Resentment.. Malevolence..
He stopped.. close enough to absorb, but far enough to keep safe, presumably. His focus diverted to the purple flame bathed figure again, he felt.. different things from her. She felt... closer than the others, as if he could reach out to her from across the field without ever going near..
Shelly looked up at Ghost Boy as he wandered closer to that group. Now that she realized it... she wanted to get closer to the Flame Lady and Green-Haired guy herself... kill the little sparkle-bitch who attacked them...

Still poised as if ready to strike at any moment, she followed Ghost Boy toward the group, keeping her eyes locked on the purple flame rather than the shiny brat. Mostly because the purple flames were pretty... she wanted them... liiiked the strong lady they floated by... if she were to be startled from this state, she would almost certainly go after the noise-maker.

Her feral red eyes still locked onto the flame, she stopped when Ghost Boy stopped. Dark circles under her eyes from tire, wild black hair, paled skin... she even looked crazy.
Hm... They didn't seem like they would stop fighting any time soon... He decided to try talking to them later, when they weren't in a fight. Now, two more morphs were coming towards them... A Sneasel- and a Shuppet-morph(does Lauren start off as a Shuppet, or a Banette?) There was something about the Sneasel girl that made him feel a little uneasy... her glaring eyes... her claws...

But he wanted to make some new friends while he was there, it would probably be best for him, plus he would have someone to talk to. However, the fighters over there didn't seem in the mood for that now... he couldn't talk to them now, and if he tried he'd probably just get into the fight. He didn't need to see more of it, either... When he looked around him, he saw a Riolu-morph leaning towards a nearby tree, all by himself. Maybe he should talk to him... Jake got up, and went over to the Riolu-morph.

"Uh, hi."
Wesley picked as many berries as he could manage to hold. He could not help but think that seperating from people like themselves was a bad idea. At least if they were all together they would gather information on what was wrong with them and why he couldn't remember who he was besides his name and that he used to be human.

"Alright,"he mumbled and looked at his feet as he walked behind her in the opposite direction of everyone else. "What will we do when we are away from them?"
Bijou continued walking in front of him, humming to herself as she chewed on the last bits of the first Pecha berry she had plucked. When Wesley spoke again she glanced over her shoulder at him and stopped moving.

"Um...." The Mareep swallowed and then tilted her head, "Well I guess we have to look for normal people. They can probably fix us. They would know what to do...right?"
Hilao shrugged and kept his eyes on the Mareep-morph...until he spotted the Magikarp-morph. "Fiiiiish...." He muttered hungrily. "Damnit, why are there all these tasty-looking people around! Why can't there be someone who doesn't look tast-" and then his eyes fell on the Croagunk. He jogged over. "Hi there. I'm Hilao."
Vincent nodded a little to Liza. "I am not condoning her actions. She seems to be claiming herself a dominant role...some do this by attacking another to show off their power." He explained simply. He shrugged. "I doubt it was even anything personal against you, seeing as, so you say, you didn't do anything to her. But it's best not to retaliate, as it'll only escalate things."

He looked at the smoky words and lifted a hand, lightly playing with the word "FIGHTS". It was interesting to see how the mentalities differed between each individual. He considered himself quite balanced and, in her own way, Dian was quite balanced. She was simply running a different sort of logic to him and (as it seemed) the others here.

"I don't believe I caught either of your names." He added lightly, turning away from the now messy smoke to the two women. His eyes raised and wandered briefly over the rest of their group, effectively inviting them to put forward their names should they wish.
Nato slowly looked around at what was going on. He noticed the confrontations and the fact Liza was fuming, he was oddly at ease with this, even though she, like others he'd met, would probably would have ripped his head off at this point.

Nato ran over to her side. "Are you okay?" He asked her. Then he noticed the other morph. "Uhh... Hi. I'm Nato..." he said, but was still very defensive.
Voices. Kai heard voices. After waking up, bleary-eyed, and utterly confounded, he had wandered the forest for nearly an hour before realizing that something had changed. At first, he had reacted badly to his strange transformation, but in the hour and a half that had passed since the discovery, he had come to accept, and possibly even welcome the change, aside from one thing. His small size had frightened him greatly, not because he thought it genuinely scary, but because he was afraid that others who were taller might laugh at him. He had always been very self-consciouss, or so he thought, and he knew that he was also very shy, and sensitive. His feelings were hurt easily, and he usually responded with anger, which created conflict. He didn't like conflict.

As he approached the voices, he heard that someone - a girl - was shouting. He slid just before hitting the brush, and sat for a moment. He didn't like conflict. Instead of heading right to the place where the fight was taking place, he decided it was best to watch, and wait for the conflict to end. He hopped up on a low hanging tree branch, and began to climb a tall, leafy tree. He tried to shake the branches as little as possible, but the rustling was impossible to stop entirely, and each branch shook slightly as he moved onto, and off of it. When at last he was high enough to see what was going on, he was shocked to find that there were several others, all mixed with pokemon, like him, and most looking at one girl in particular. She was the one shouting. He noticed many different kinds of pokemon, and their names appeared painfully in his head. Croagunk, farfetch'd... There were quite a few. He shut his eyes, and sat down on the branch, his bare, furred feet dangling over the edge, and he attempted to listen to what all the commotion was about, and hopefully, figure out who was the least likely to laugh at his size. He sighed. This was going to take some getting used to.
Neiriana rolled over, groaning. What happened? She was so sore... and tired. She had one question that was on her mind: What had happened? Why was she passed out in the woods? Was she drugged out or something? She had no memories... exccept for a few, stupid, unhelpful snippets. I mean, volleyball? How does that help her at all?

But she knew a few things. Her name was Neirana. Helpful, at least a little. Unhelpful, though, that her last name was a mystery. She... said goodbye to her parents? Why? Did she leave for an important reason, or just to go drive around? Ugh.

Let's just ignore that for now. She stood up, dusting herself off. She seemed to be dressed in green. She brushed back her surprisingly green hair, and looked around. There seemed to be two groups. The larger one, though, seemed to be arguing. Not wanting to get into that right after she woke up, she walked over to the smaller one. With the people who, oddly, looked like pokemon. A lot. Unaware of the fact that she herself looked a lot like a pokemon, Neiriana introduced herself.

"Hi guys," she said casually. "Any of you know why we're all in the woods?"
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