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Open Possessed By Legend


It's feeding time
Story, signups and such are here.

Let's just start.

Mt. Coronet stood lumbering in the night like a giant. It wasn't too cold that night, but it had stopped raining just a while ago and the grass was wet. Hidden in the trees stood a Cacturne next to a floating blue flame and looked up the mountain.

"This certainly doesn't look inviting" The Cacturne said, sounding rather sarcastic, "So we're "just" supposed to reach the top?"
"Yes, when we reach Spear Pillar Arceus should open the way to the Hall of Origin, thought I don't see the point in making us meet up there"

The Cacturne continued to look up the mountain, but eventually said: "Shouldn't we wait for the other ones, you're not the only one on this "mission" of yours, correct?"
"They'll do fine on their own, it's not like they're in danger"
"See there, ahead." A Salamence was circling Mt. Coronet, looking down. At her shoulder was a light bluish flame, that had spoken. "Mount Coronet. You should land around the base I guess, there might be some others." The Salamence, Storm, nodded slightly, before looking up.

"Though, I don't see why I can't just land on the peak and wait there. Why not..?" The flame flickered a second, before flashing.

"We might see my brother," it said simply, and Storm nodded. That was good enough for her.
"Omigosh. MT. CORONET!!" a voice squealed.

A blue flame was following her.

"If I could put my paw to my face, I would." it said.

"Cheer up, Scar! I'm going to help you legends." the Skitty squealed.

"Arceus, help us." Scar muttered.
"Mt. Coronet. A rather impressive sight."

"Hmph. I wouldn't expect such words from you."

Skirmix glanced contemptuously at the blue flame hovering before him. "Just because the mountain is impressive doesn't mean that which is at its peak is impressive."

"Destiny lead me to you for a reason, Armaldo. You had better understand that before I ram a Spacial Rend through your-" Palkia stopped himself before he would have lost his temper completely.

"And how would you ram that Spacial Rend," Skrimix taunted, "You'd have to possess me to do so, and then you'd just be hurting yourself."

"Can we focus? Humor me and head for Spear Pillar. Then maybe I can find out why I got stuck with you."

"If you say so," Skirmix said, before lumbering onward
"So this is Mount Coronet... heard there are some impressive Pokemon at the top."

Momoharu glared up at the top of the peak, a slight frown adorning his face. He gave a peek back to the blue flame behind him, before speaking again.

"Just get to the top?" he asked, wondering if this would be a test, and if so, why it wasn't harder.

"Yes, just get to the top. Try not to take three hours while your at it, alright?" Raikou grumbled at the Zangoose. Shrugging, Momo nimbly started towards the peak on all fours.
Mt. Coronet. Recognized as the larges mountain in Sinnoh, and, perhaps, the world, the huge rocky expanse reached high into the sky. There were no stars that night -- thick, ominous rainclouds covered the whole sky, and, although it wasn't raining anymore, the ground was wet and slippery. Although the mountain usually did not look inviting, it seemed colder and more empty tonight.

Yet neither the darkness nor the wetness bothered the small, bird-like pokemon quickly rising up the side of the mountain. With Magnet Rise in place, the Porygon2 easily floated over any obstacles blocking its path, its light blue underbelly barely touching the wet grass underneath. A small sphere of blue light trailed behind the virtual pokemon, pulsing softly in the darkness.

The two moved in silence, for no words needed to be exchanged -- Wildbird 2.0 beta had downloaded all maps available of Mt. Coronet, and it knew exactly where it was going. Its navigating system, although designed to work in space, functioned well in the dark and rocky mountain side.

All of a sudden, the Porygon2 stopped. It hovered in midair and slowly observed its environment.

"Go on. We don't have much time left," a voice said, breaking the silence. The voice seemed to have came from the glowing sphere floating behind the Porygon2.

"Object approaching." The Porygon2 bleeped. "Cannot identify species. Requesting permission to attack."

"Permission denied," the glowing sphere said, "Just get ready to defend yourself." Then, under its breath, the sphere growled, "In case it's that stupid overgrown dinosaur."

"Order received." The Porygon2 looked more alert now, as it stared intensely at the darkness ahead of it.
Maia looked up at Mt Coronet, hesitating for a long moment. She was scared. Anything could happen now.. anything. She was tired. Maybe if she left right now-
"Of course not! Start climbing! Climb!"
A small tongue of blue flames flashed behind her. Maia sighed. She didn't want to do this at all. Not that Celebi cared. Nonetheless, she approached. Nearby, a very big Pokemon (An Armaldo, she guessed) was doing the same as she was. That didn't help much. What if it ate her or something. Celebi flew around her face in a blur of green-tinted fire and again urged her to start climbing already. Glancing at the Armaldo for another moment, she slowly and awkwardly began to climb. The Ralts anatomy was in no way built for mountain climbing, and her tiny size did not help much. Up ahead, Celebi's flame hovered, appearing very irritated at her slow speed. Too bad. Maia wasn't going to fall to her death if she could possibly help it.
"Soul Fire, Latias.. He's not here yet." Storm landed on a ledge near the bottom of Mt. Coronet. "We'll see him at the top, we should probably go now.." Soul Fire flashed a kind of purple.

"Well, fine. You go ahead, I want to wait a bit longer." She paused, and seemed to sink a bit lower. "Or.. never mind. I'll go to the top with you." The still purple flame bounced up and down at Storm's shoulder, and they took off towards the peak.
Rik shoveled through the dirt in front of him, digging his way towards the famous (or infamous, depending on who you asked) Mount Coronet.

"Hurry up, Sandslash," grumbled the voice of Groudon, gray and transparent beside him.

"Oh, is my digging too slow for the master of continents, mover of landmasses?" mocked Rik, staring still ahead. "Just remember, Groudon, I am the one helping you."

Groudon grunted defensively and then fell silent.

Now were did my little brother go? thought Rik.
"Just shut up and go. We're almost there." The small blue orb of flames snapped at the Gardevoir swaying next to her and singing quietly. Said Gardevoir glanced upward at these words, her big purple eyes blinking in surprise at the mountain that had sprung up in front of them.

"Is... is that it, miss Darkrai...?" Hera asked.

"No, there's only dozens of giant mountains in Sinnoh that have Pokemon being followed by the souls of legendaries at their base OF COURSE IT IS YOU IDIOT!!" the ball of flame yelled, "And I told you, call me Midnight!"
The Armaldo continued up the mountain, pausing every now and again to check his surroundings for potential threats. The only thing he could see was the faint silhouette of a small pokemon, also followed by a flame.

"Not much of a threat," He muttered. H then turned to the Palkia-Flame and said: "Why don't you make yourself useful and open some sort of dimensional gate to the summit."

"Fool. As you said earlier, I can do nothing except move and communicate unless I am in a body. And there is no way that I would enter yours, you can be sure of that. You want to get to the Spear Pillar so bad, I suggest you keep climbing."

Skirmix was about to make a sharp retort, but decided it wasn't worth the trouble. "Fine then, have it your way," he muttered, and continued climbing
"You could just fly me up there, you realise," Shear commented, staring up at the mountain and calculating his options. Taking the nice, flat, trainer route would probably involve travelling over water, and rock climbing was right out. "I could probably find a way myself, but if you want me to save the world, you should aim for efficiency. Actually, you're asking me to do it, so I'll just say this: fly me up there or I'm going home."

The floating pink fireball crackled for a moment. "My companions are arriving, but it doesn't appear that there will be a meeting in front of the mountain. We'll fly."

"I knew you'd see it my way." Shear grinned, feeling the warmth spread through him and the power rushing through his mind. Mew lifted Shear's body with psychic power, and they took the shortest possible route as Shear had planned.
A blue flame flickers as his host walks closer to the mountain's base. While, more like skipping and singing a childish song.

"Going to a Mountain~ Going to a Mooooooountian~"

The blue flame lets out a sigh and moves in front of the young Riolu, a bored tone in his voice.

"Riolu...this is not the time for games."

The Riolu crosses his arms and puffs out his cheeks, looking like a chipmunk pup.

"My name is Halan. Ha-lan. H-A-L-A-N. Trying using it Atemu."

The blue flame falls silent for a few minutes before a soft chuckle is heard. The flame then turns back to the mountain.

"Think you can climb this Ri...Halan."

"Yeppers~! I'm a Riolu, we climb mountains a lot!"
Ooyu was hopping along the rocks at the base of the mountain, humming softly and bobbing his head side to side as he hopped. The Kecleon's tail was extended behind him as well, and there was a tiny blue ball balanced on the tip.

"Ooyu, be more careful. I don't want to have to look for a new host, it would be problematic." The flame said.

"No time for careful, gotta keep going!" Ooyu chirped, not looking back. "But I could make the climb easier..." He trailed off.

He looked around, and spotted a Salamence overhead. He leapt into the air and balanced himself on it, sweeping it out from under Wilde, who just kept hovering.

"Hey yoooooou! c'mere!" He yelled, bouncing on his tail.
"So, let's start up." Scar muttered.

"YAAAAAAY!" Jax squealed, dashing down a path.

Scar sighed, chasing after the hyperactive Skitty.

"Wait up, Skitty!" Scar roared.

"I have a name, it's JAX." Jax replied, snarkily.
Nimbly leaping on rocks and propelling himself up with his well developed hands, Momo started diagonally climbing towards other pokemon.

"Yo," he called over to Armaldo, who he had seen climbing. "Nice night for a leisurely climb up the tallest mountain in Sinnoh, eh?" The flame next to Momo almost flickered angrily.

"Idiot," Raikou growled. "Why waste time with chatter when you could be climbing this mountain faster?"

"Well, excuuuse me for not being a damned embodiment of lightning..."
"So, Voltaire, what you going to do?" the blue flame said, hovering at the shoulder of the Cacturne, who answered "I think the best thing to do is to bluntly climb the outside until we reach somewhere we can stand and walk the remaining part"
"Want me to help?"
"I highly doubt that, Heatran, it can't be that much of a problem, I might not be good at climbing but it's worth a try"
Ishara looked up at the mountain with fascination. "I have heard that strong legendaries dwell at the top."

"Yes, that would presumably be why we're going there. We're meeting up." The flickering blue flame danced between her ears, hissing with frustration. The Ninetales twitched one elegant tail and took a step forward. "I will have to find a way to get up." she remarked calmly.

"Well, do it faster!" the flame snarled. Ishara turned to look at it slowly, and then back at the mountain. "Hurrying me will do you no good, Suicune." she said sweetly, and then bounded onto a rock. The flame grumbled but said nothing else as the Fire-type slowly began to climb, leaping from rock to rock. The flickering of equally small and odd-coloured flames could be seen, but none were close.

"It appears other legendaries have arrived."

"Of course they came." the flame muttered, flickering a bit more as if straining to identify the others.

"I thought Water-types were meant to be serene and gentle." said Ishara, and Suicune did a dance of anger on her head.

"I thought all Fire-types were eager to rush in and have adventures." it retorted. "I am serene and calm, when around my counterparts." In this form, she couldn't sense them, but after spotting a Zangoose climbing above them Suicune sparked urgently. "That is... Raikou, I think. Can't you climb faster?" Ishara sighed, but her pace increased to something that satisfied the legendary, since it no longer spoke up.

((D: They're both female, so it's hard to keep track. XD As long as Suicune's in flame-form, she will be referred to as an it so my brain doesn't explode.))
"The mountain's THIS WAY." Scar muttered, "Looks like I have to...."

The flame slammed into Jax's body with great force. Pretty soon, Jax's appearance had changed. And the flame was gone.

The changed Skitty started to climb the mountain.
A small sphere of light could be seen in the distance, flickering on and off, followed by a dark shape. Then, all of a sudden, they both disappeared. The Porygon2 started moving again, the light blue flame quickly catching up. The flame sighed silently to itself. Although the air was still damp and the grass is wet, the whole dryness of the mountain was still bothering the legendary. Kyogre was used to the water -- lots of water. Enough water to contain more than five thousand wailords, give life to almost countless numbers of pokemon, and drown whole continents...

"Approaching destination." The Porygon2's bleeping snapped Kyogre out of his musings.

It was strange seeing the pillars rising out of the mountain like that. Although worn down by years of erosion and unkempt, the place still gave off a majestic vibe. Wildbird version 2.1 beta and its accompanying legendary floated closer to the meeting place, the light coming from the legendary's flame illuminating their path.

"No life-form detected." The Porygon2 bleeped in the same electronic sound as before. The flame seemed to smile to itself.

"Seems like we're the first one here."
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