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Possible Generation V Pokemon in Next Movie?

They have said it is an electric type, so it could be the Gen V Clonechu (but I've heard chatter about Raichu evos and Pika forms.)
They have said it is an electric type, so it could be the Gen V Clonechu (but I've heard chatter about Raichu evos and Pika forms.)

I'd rather have a clonechu than Raichu evos and Pika forms. At least the clonechus make sense. Raichu evos break traditions and Pika forms just doesn't make a single bit of sense. Pikachu has had everything sensible added to it, so they should leave it alone and focus more on Marill or one of the clonechus, particuly Plusle and Minun.
I've mastered the sacred art of the post ninja! YES!

I wouldn't be suprised if they did screw Pika up like that, no matter how unlikely.
I would think it was totally cool if they made another forme and/or an alternate evo for Pikachu. :3 But nobody said this was going to be another Pikaclone-- just because it's electric... and Pikachu-sized... I mean, it could be another type. Fighting! YES!

...It's blue. And it looks like it has long ears. Um. I'll practice drawing it and wait anxiously for the thirteenth when it gets revealed.
...I knew someone would say that, but I was too lazy to correct my post...

What I meant to say was, subtype. It could be electric/fighting.
I also really do not want another Pikaclone, but something tells me it's probably going to be one. :(
Guys, it's not going to be a Pikachu forme. If it were, they'd have no game to put it in... until the fifth generation, in which case they might as well be revealing an actual fifth generation Pokémon, to generate more hype.
To repost my thoughts from another forum:

Looking at what little of the mystery 'mon we can see here (I'll just go ahead and link straight to PokéBeach's newest article in case anyone's missed it), I feel relatively confident saying that it's probably something mammalian. Reptilian Pokémon and the rest tend not to have such "fluffy-looking" bits on them. Of course, it could be a wing (though in my opinion the apparent angle and the fact that it's probably running on the ground alongside Pikachu makes that unlikely) or some sort of odd tail that I suppose could belong to anything, but... eh, I'm currently leaning towards Pikaclone for this one.
I agree with butterfree, its probably not gonna be a Pikaclone.

But whatever the next movie is about and whoever stars in it, it looks really epic!

Palkia,Dialga and Giratina rising out of the water in Greece = awesome
I agree with butterfree, its probably not gonna be a Pikaclone.

Butterfree said it won't be a Pikachu Forme. It could easily be a Pkaclone.

But whatever the next movie is about and whoever stars in it, it looks really epic!

Palkia,Dialga and Giratina rising out of the water in Greece = awesome

However awesome that would be, it isn't actual Greece, it's just locations based on Greece - presumably Spear Pillar.
Looks like Arceus is likely going to be in this movie. The article that Kratos Aurion linked to outlined a golden shape in the light

Besides, it would be the only thing that is a big enough threat for Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina to all team up against (at least, the only one I can think of. For all I know, Pikachu could have sprouted wings, started glowing, and gone, "Oh, wait, I'm strong enough to knock out a Golem with Thunder! I can go and kill the Dragon Trio now!")

Back on topic, yeah, probably the next Pikaclone
I seriously doubt that it's a Pikaclone (I must be one of the few people who actually like them, too D:). It doesn't have a light color scheme, which all of the current Pikaclones do, except Raichu, even then it it's somewhat bright. Why would they interduce a Pikachu forme that seems like it'd be a dark type? If anything, I think it's a prevo of Sneasel, because if you watch the video its left ear comes out like Sneasel's, except there's a lack of a feather. Even then I have my doubts, because prevos are usually smaller than that, and isn't Sneasel small anyways?
It could be some sort of ear or tail-tip, though. Pichu has rather a lot of black on its ears, for example. After watching the video myself, I'd say they're ears; Pikachu has its arm around what one would logically assume is the creature's shoulder, meaning whatever is above that is its head. If that's the case, those black things would definitely be some sort of tip (if not ears, then some sort of exaggerated cheek fluff or something). Just because the tiny bit that isn't obscured isn't light doesn't mean you can tell that the entire color scheme is one thing or another, unless you're somehow seeing more of it from behind the question mark than I am.
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