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Rambling about people's signatures thread, apparently.

Erindor the Espeon

How do you do? Pleased to meet you. I'm Erindor.
I enjoy looking at and reading people's signatures. I've often wanted to make comments, but knew it would be improper to. So I made this.

Go wild, and check out people's sigs!

[/yet another trivial thread, brought to you by Erindor the Espeon.]

(Though I changed the name.)
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Re: Comment on signatures

everyone with a scrollbar in their signature is a douchebag and should have their ability to manage their signature taken away

Re: Comment on signatures

I haven't seen one avatar or signature on this forum that is worth looking at repeatedly every day (especially as pretty much everyone has the urge to show off a dozen pokepets, dragon eggs, random kanji that may or may not actually mean something, and/or lyrics from some song that's supposed to be "deep" (and by extension show off just how "deep" the poster is)). Therefore, to conserve bandwidth and cut down page load times (probably not by a very great deal, mind you) I've disabled viewing of avatars and signatures.
Re: Comment on signatures

Really, does one need to have like five different quiz results, every single adoptable they have the code saved for, three different banners, every sprite they've ever had made for them, and then some song lyrics? A few links/lines of text and maybe a picture of some sort is enough!

A signature is just supposed to be something tiny that goes at the end of every post. Heck, I can never even think of anything to put there. Hence my randomized desires for various foods.

I did have sigs disabled for a while, and I might go back to doing that.
Re: Comment on signatures

attn all with scrollbar sigs: lurn 2 use random tags
Re: Comment on signatures

disabling sigs was pretty much the first thing I did when I joined these forums

95% of them were worthless garbage and they never did anything but get in my way and piss me off

this has not changed

most of you do not understand sigs and should not be allowed to have one
Re: Comment on signatures

I have all my dragons because it's exciting for me. I haven't ever had them before, but I'm pretty much done showing off all of them.

And I see that this has gotten to be a popular rambling thread within half an hour.

I have a scrollbar due to the Pokeplushies, and as soon as those two Pokeballs hatch (or open, or whatever) I'm getting rid of them.
Re: Comment on signatures

I have all my dragons because it's exciting for me.

my screen is pretty huge

I mean I paid a good chunk of change for this thing

yet for some reason, your sig fills a screen and a half for me

by comparison, I can fit almost three usual-length posts on my screen at once

with your sig, I can fit one of your posts

even if it is only one word long

do you really think I give half a damn about seeing your dragons 627 times

this is exactly my complaint: you don't care about what an inconvenience your spam is to the other however many thousands of users as long as you can shove something you think is cool in all our faces. it's like an obnoxious billboard I have to see every two blocks.

this sort of crap should go in a profile, not be slathered across every goddamn sentence you write.
Re: Comment on signatures

scrollbar sigs should die and go to hell
Re: Comment on signatures


my screen is pretty huge

I mean I paid a good chunk of change for this thing

yet for some reason, your sig fills a screen and a half for me

by comparison, I can fit almost three usual-length posts on my screen at once

with your sig, I can fit one of your posts

even if it is only one word long

do you really think I give half a damn about seeing your dragons 627 times

this is exactly my complaint: you don't care about what an inconvenience your spam is to the other however many thousands of users as long as you can shove something you think is cool in all our faces. it's like an obnoxious billboard I have to see every two blocks.

this sort of crap should go in a profile, not be slathered across every goddamn sentence you write.

Well, I guess that's why you can disable signatures.
well by that logic we should all just disable them

what would be the point of having them, then?
I don't like the scroll bars, either. But I did have one for the past hour or something like that. I am getting rid of my Espeon quiz result, as soon as I make an Arcanine banner. And my annoying avatar will be replaced by an Arcanine avatar. Go Arcanine!

The dragons are kinda old now. I know I have two, the link to my scroll is in my sig, but as soon as the egg dies/hatches, I'm removing the link. The Pokeplushies are not good in the Dialga layout and they take up way too much space. And, though I barely see them here, those WiFi cards with teams on them are really bright and sometimes eye-hurting. Quotes are really funny in sigs, but when there are three or more, it gets kind of ridiculous.

But I can also see why a lot of people put a lot in their sigs, so no flaming.
I'm cleaning my signature out, and...

My sig is ratar organized.=3



Sigs that take up half my 800X800(?) screen=*shoots self* I'd rater see the acual posts, the important stuff.
The signatures around here used to be nice... Until the adoptables became popular. I admit that I have a few myself, but at least I don't have a huge signature full of Pokeplushies, Valenths, Dragon eggs, and whatever. And signatures with a scroll bar is just annoying.

I admit that my signature, once, used to just be a line of dragon eggs or a "under construction" sign. But now I have cleaned it out quite a lot, and, in my opinion at least, it's way better than before. My signature actually almost got a scroll bar once from too many dragons, but I cleaned it out and made sure you don't need to scroll.

I'm currently trying to revamp my signature into something more clean and easy on the eyes. Probably just a banner, a quote or two, some links, and maybe an adoptable or two. Yes, I know they're annoying, but I personally think that only one or two per signature is ok. Unless they turn your signature into something that you'll scroll for ever and still not get to the bottom.

Note to Dragon egg people: Please take your adult dragons out of your signature. They take up a lot of space, and we really don't need to see them. Just have a link to your scroll.

Note to Pokeplushie people: Please put your adoptables in a horizontal line. It makes your signature look less clotted (unless you have tons of them), and it might get rid of that scroll bar. Also, don't have too many Pokeplushies. They are a bother to click, since you can't open multiple tabs of them at once and click all of them just like that. The Pokeplushie site doesn't allow that. Also, please take off the "Get your own at Pokeplushies!" things if you have multiple Pokeplushies in your sig. Just keep one of them: those links take up a lot of space.

Note to Personality test people: Really, unless you don't have a signature at all, and you feel like you really need something to put in that space beneath your post, don't put your test results! Let me repeat that. DON'T put your test results. Please. They take up way too much space, and nobody is going to look at them anyway.

Note to Valenth people: Yes, I know Valenths are just starting to get popular. However, it's quite a pain to click and feed all of your jars/eggs/whatever when you have a huge row of them. I have to click all your eggs, go to all those pages and feed all of them, and close the pages. I personally think Dragon eggs are actually the best adoptable if you're going to put tons of them in your sig. At least I don't have to click on each opened page to make your adoptable level up.

Note to banner people: Please only put one banner in your signature. It looks prettier and cleaner that way. Plus, it doesn't clot up other people's screens. If you have a signature that only has banners on it with a scroll bar, shame on you. Take off those stupidly large amounts of banners now. Use Butterfree's random code thing to display different banners one at a time or something. I don't care.

Note to Quoters: Same thing as the banner people, really. Don't put so many of them that your signature explodes into scroll bars. Seriously, if your signature is already clotted with other things, just leave quotes alone. Thank you.

Speaking of Butterfree's random code thing... It can actually be pretty useful in making nice, neat signature. I should go play around with it...

And, uh, if you actually read through my rant, I'm sorry for wasting your time, and I'll give you a nice little summery: Don't clot up your signatures. And make sure your sig does not have a scroll bar. Thank you.

Whoa, I think this is the longest post I made in my life...
Yeah, all you who said people with scrollbar sigs should get their sig rights taken away are being douches too you know.

And those who have scrollbars that would normally take up the space of around 20 posts are really being inconsiderate too.

I for one am TRYING to figure out a way to make it work without the scrollbar. It'd be nice if the random tags worked with the sig preview though, so I could see what I was doing. Therefore I ain't got it yet because I can't tell if it'll work. Back to work then. >>
Your sig probably sucks. That is why I have them off.

@ZORA: Do you need all of that on separate lines?
Well, Zora. Your's isn't that bad. Well, I honestly dn't care about sig length. If I feel my sig is too long, I get rid of my grown dragons. I mean, they're in my scroll.
I mean, it's not a big deal - your sig is not one of the reasons I disabled sigs - but that might help shorten it. :/
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