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Rambling about people's signatures thread, apparently.

I know I read somewhere how to edit your signature where it randomly shows something different. I have some banners that I can use this with. Can anyone direct me?

No one cares about your dragons. Seriously. You copy+paste a code from some site, and then whine and whine to get people to click them, and for what purpose? None, except the knowledge that you wasted hundreds of people's time. Give me one good reason why I should click your adoptable, and I will. Otherwise, no. Just no.

Even worse is the following phrase that's been floating around people's sig: "I don't care about EV's, IV's, or Natures, and I like my Pokemon the way they are. And I'm proud of it. Put this in your sig if you agree."

Um, no. What you're trying to say is "I don't understand/can't be bothered to deal with IV training, EV training, and Natures, so I just don't do it." You don't need to dress it up like you're somehow on the moral high ground for not EV training, and those despicable bastards who do EV train are wrong. I mean, what the hell is "I like my Pokemon the way they are" supposed to be saying? They're fucking bits of data in a fucking game. I mean, sure, we all have sentimental attachments towards some of our Pokemon, and yeah, it can be fun to pretend they're real, but come on. If your sig read "I don't care about inbreeding, cross-breading, or genetic traits, and I like my dogs the way they are. And I'm proud of it," then that would totally be valid, because dogs are real things, with real feelings. But Pokemon only exist in your imagination, and it's about time some people realized that.
@surskitty: Well it DID get rid of the bar. So thanks I guess. :D

@Amaguq: Random BBcode. There's an announcement on it. Check that.

@Zeta Reticuli: Jeez. No need to be such a jerk. People get it.
I just adblock most of the adoptable sites. It eliminated most scrollbars, but there are still lots of them. :(

I'm sure my signature has annoyed someone in the past, so sorry to anyone who's annoyed by it.
If someone's post doesn't fit on one screen (I have a really big one too) it's too big. I don't mind signatures, really, because the forum seems a little empty without them. It's just be the same old dark blue every single freaking day and those bits of green and red give a nice change from the usual.

That said, I hate adoptables (at least the big ones), quiz results, song lyrics, etc. Honestly, do we really need to see that? A smallish banner and a couple links is fine.

Thus concludes this rant :3
even without it your signature would still be a bunch of shit no one cares about

if you're going to go the "shit no one cares about" route like me at least make it compact

No one cares about your dragons. Seriously. You copy+paste a code from some site, and then whine and whine to get people to click them, and for what purpose? None, except the knowledge that you wasted hundreds of people's time. Give me one good reason why I should click your adoptable, and I will. Otherwise, no. Just no.

Even worse is the following phrase that's been floating around people's sig: "I don't care about EV's, IV's, or Natures, and I like my Pokemon the way they are. And I'm proud of it. Put this in your sig if you agree."

Um, no. What you're trying to say is "I don't understand/can't be bothered to deal with IV training, EV training, and Natures, so I just don't do it." You don't need to dress it up like you're somehow on the moral high ground for not EV training, and those despicable bastards who do EV train are wrong. I mean, what the hell is "I like my Pokemon the way they are" supposed to be saying? They're fucking bits of data in a fucking game. I mean, sure, we all have sentimental attachments towards some of our Pokemon, and yeah, it can be fun to pretend they're real, but come on. If your sig read "I don't care about inbreeding, cross-breading, or genetic traits, and I like my dogs the way they are. And I'm proud of it," then that would totally be valid, because dogs are real things, with real feelings. But Pokemon only exist in your imagination, and it's about time some people realized that.

That. A thousand times that.

Also chain signatures in general are retarded. A signature is something you generally put at the end of a post to identify yourself, add a bit of your personality. Not the personality of whatever Totally Awesome Person Said Something You Kind Of Agree With/Find Slightly Entertaining. At least attempt to think for yourself and reword it, jesus. Two or three, eh, okay, but when the same phrase appears in 20+ different signatures it gets on my nerves.

will eventually get around to making mine a little smaller when I can be arsed to. Not that I think it causes a scrollbar on most decent-sized monitors, it's just annoying me.
... You guys don't mind me showcasing my random little doodles (which I admit are sometimes kind of large. I don't think they ever make it go scrollbar, but...) and occasionally a line or two of text or a link in my signature, do you?
I don't mind Dragoncave adoptables in sigs as long as there aren't enough to make a scrollbar because they're pretty and are at least transparentized. >:

But the random quiz results and a bajillion sprite ones are annoying. >: and so are not organized ones...

...is mine ok?
It is to me. But someone might find something wrong with it...

It'll probably be fine due to the fact that it's a bunch of links.
Links are fine. Links do not suck up my precious bandwidth. Stupid 300x300 images that tell me you're most like a fucking Absol are.
Strange, I actually made this thread to compliment other people's signatures, and it has turned out quite the opposite.

But that's not necessarily a bad thing...
Eh, I've always had signatures off, because I get confused and somehow think that they're part of the post. Also, I have to say that I find adoptables and those dragon thingies rather pointless. I'm not saying I hate them or anything, I'm just saying I don't really see a point.

To those of you who like them: Please don't get offended, I'm just saying I don't really understand the whole craze about them. It doesn't really matter if you have them or anything like that in your signature to be honest. I'll probably never see them anyway unless I look through your profile. I'll always have signatures off regardless of what people have in them because again, I get easily confused and have an inability to distinguish the actual post and signature at times. They also distract me somewhat from the actual post. ;;Has a low attention span;;

I hope my signature doesn't reek of annoyingness though. Trying to keep it really short.
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I don't like having sigs off because I mean then I have nothing to laugh at.

Or in certain cases get annoyed at. Certain signatures here can get pretty offensive.

Will I be burned at the stake if I say that I also enjoy looking at peoples' signatures and don't give a damn over whether or not they have scrollbars?

Deary me.
Signatures are great! They're one of the many things that help you identify a boring and/or immature idiot quickly and easily.
Scrollbars can tend to be considerably annoying, as do endless banners and adoptables. As someone else said, I'll remove my dragon whatsists one by one as they mature and no longer need clicking. I'll probably remove the random thing about EVs and stuff, as well as the random bit of Greek which is pointless anyway as no-one else here understands it to my knowledge (And I tend to get insulted for being interested in learning the language anyway =/ ) Not too sure whether to keep that quote.

I strive to remove my scrollbar whenever I get one.
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