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Rambling about people's signatures thread, apparently.

(And I tend to get insulted for being interested in learning the language anyway =/ )

interested in learning it =/= scattering fragments of it all over the place that very few people here can even translate to show people how much you know

Anyway, Zeta Reticuli's post pretty much sums up my opinions. I don't care about your dragons and don't even want to know if you EV train or not.
interested in learning it =/= scattering fragments of it all over the place that very few people here can even translate to show people how much you know

And how often has this happened? Once? Twice? Maybe three times?
I've never really been bothered about people's signatures
The only annoying thing is when I'm using the wheel on my mouse to scroll down, sometimes I end up addicentally scrolling through someone's sig
I've never really been bothered about people's signatures
The only annoying thing is when I'm using the wheel on my mouse to scroll down, sometimes I end up addicentally scrolling through someone's sig

That's why I scroll down the side of the screen instead of the middle.
Sigs = improperly used. In fact, I think everyone should sign their username on a piece of paper, scan it and put it in their sig. (I'm too lazy to do that, so don't complain about me)
Your sig scares me, Coughsalot. o_o

My sig consists of an overly large picture of my character that would probably be better if it was a sprite but oh well, at least it's not dragons. I keep talling myself that I will edit it to be seasonal and then set up a gallery of all the past Zephyrs, and yet somehow that never happens. And there's some outdated links in there, but nobody ever clicks links in anyone's sig from what I see, so it doesn't matter whether they're outdated or not. Anyway yay no scrollbar~

Let's see if I can hate on all the generic types of sigs:

Quote sigs: I don't care how funny they were said, if it's an excerpt from the chat or a conversation in real life it's just not funny at all really to those not involved. Quotes from famous people (Shakespeare, Abraham Lincoln, etc) are okay I guess but don't think you're smart just because you use them.

Pokeplushies: SHOULD BURN FOREVER THEY SUCK UGH GOD. They take up miles of sigspace and are basically a counter. Plus they're a pain to click-- "type in this confirmation code to prove you weren't tricked here!" Ugh, retch. And they don't grow up once they emerge from their little annoying Pokeball keychains. They're okay art, but adoptables in general are awful and whoever thought them up should be shot with a sword.

Dragons: Are okay because they don't contain useless text; they're just a little image with an embedded link. However when they grow up they do take up more space, and why can't they get more types of them? D:< Also the spriting is hideous-- the outlines are far too light and the shading is indistinguishable. I could do much better.

Quiz results: NOBODY CARES. Okay so admittedly they're the number one reason people find this site (and through that, this forum) but don't post them here.

Banners: People obsess over these and usually they're a symbol of being high-class? or something, if they're good. But personally, I can't see the point in taking up half your sig with a 150x300 image containing one character, maybe a couple words, and a bajillion Photoshop filters. Pretty, yes. But who cares?

...The rest of you guys have more or less said it all already, but yeah.
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Frankly, if you have a problem with sigs being clogged up with crap you're not interested in... don't read those sigs?
"Not reading it" does not make it take any less time to load, any less space on the screen or remove the scrollbar you can occasionally get stuck on.

And if it annoys me I'm still going to remember that it's annoying every time I see it, even if I don't take the time to read it all the way through. No one reads all of anyone's signature every single time anyway.
Frankly, if you have a problem with sigs being clogged up with crap you're not interested in... don't read those sigs?
They still take time and bandwidth or whatever to load, though. (EDIT: What Kratos said. :D)

Personally, I have sig-viewing turned on and don't really mind how long they are (the scrollbar thing really helps there), although adoptables, quiz results, sprites, paste-this-into-your-sig things and whatever else are pretty tired by now. If you stuff your sig with five solid miles of a mix of the above, it doesn't really reflect well on you, so it's your loss in the end. Not everyone is as tolerant as me about these things, apparently.

In fact, by the sound of things, there are very few things you can put in your sig without annoying someone. :(

About my current sig: whatever else you might have to say about my sig, you've gotta admit, it's pretty original. :D
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Re: Comment on signatures

I haven't seen one avatar or signature on this forum that is worth looking at repeatedly every day (especially as pretty much everyone has the urge to show off a dozen pokepets, dragon eggs, random kanji that may or may not actually mean something, and/or lyrics from some song that's supposed to be "deep" (and by extension show off just how "deep" the poster is)). Therefore, to conserve bandwidth and cut down page load times (probably not by a very great deal, mind you) I've disabled viewing of avatars and signatures.
My bad, I kinda started the kanji craze, I know a few people probably had them but I just noticed that ever since I put mine in, a lot have been showing up.
Akh. I never use a foreign language in that kind of stuff unless I actually know for sure what it means.

I normally don't to the Pokepet/adopting thing, but sometimes I do when extremely bored.

One thing - on this forum, the sigs are absoultely HUGE. I felt my sig was large before I started look around =0

(Also, did anybody notice my sig says Charon on it? Daigonite here = Charon on GSR. I'm too lazy to make two sigs XD)
Frankly, if you have a problem with sigs being clogged up with crap you're not interested in... don't read those sigs?

Oh wow, the irony.

Your sig contains a huge green block that clashes greatly against the black background of the Axe Murderer style. Guess where my eyes are being drawn? Same goes for any sig with a huge image block.

It's pretty hard to not see sigs especially when there's a bunch of image macros, ya know?
I love Cryssie's sig <333

I don't really care, to be honest. I like reading amusing quotes in them and stuff, and while long sigs are a pain, it's not like they anger me so much I'm going to die of a heart attack.

I think some sigs are cool. I miss my Icons of the Now, but I'm not around to change them often enough to make it worth it at the moment. :/
I've never really been bothered about people's signatures
The only annoying thing is when I'm using the wheel on my mouse to scroll down, sometimes I end up addicentally scrolling through someone's sig

That's what happens to me most of the time. It's really annoying, because I would be clicking links in the middle of the page, and trying to scroll down before realizing I'm stuck in someone's huge signature. I usually scroll at the sides now, but it is still annoying.

I need to get rid of that banner in my sig, don't I...
I hate scrolls but after that who the fuck cares. If it's small enough to fit in your signature without a scrollbar it's not impeding on your precious bandwidth. While there are plenty of things I hate in signatures (adoptables for example though the dragons are fairly pretty) I don't mind them as much but they always appear in those stupid scroll sigs.

Mine doesn't scroll and if you don't like it then suck it up. There is no point in going around trying to make sure you aren't offending anyone.
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