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Do you like ramen?

  • YES!!! I love ramen!

    Votes: 30 62.5%
  • NO! ramen is gross!

    Votes: 3 6.3%
  • Its o-k

    Votes: 8 16.7%
  • Whats this "ramen" you speak of?

    Votes: 7 14.6%

  • Total voters


I eat ramen every day, I cant survive without it, what about you?
I nearly eat it everyday for breakfast. So yes, I love it. But I think this thread should belong in insanity, not in The Laughing CupBoard. Also don't try to move it there, only the mods can do that.
I nearly eat it everyday for breakfast. So yes, I love it. But I think this thread should belong in insanity, not in The Laughing CupBoard. Also don't try to move it there, only the mods can do that.

Umm... this IS in insanity... YAY! Other people eat ramen as much as I do! :D Whats your favorite flavor? mines beef.
I had no idea what it was. Just looked it up on Wikipedia. Frankly, it looks disgusting.
Oh my god, 3 people said they don't know what ramen is! D: HAVE YOU PEOPLE BEEN LIVING UNDER A ROCK?! That is scary. O.o
Oh my god, 3 people said they don't know what ramen is! D: HAVE YOU PEOPLE BEEN LIVING UNDER A ROCK?! That is scary. O.o

...Yeah. Of course. And it's a very nice rock, thank you very much.
Damn, I thought this would be about Pastafarianism.
I am so disappointed right now. But yes, I do love ramen.

It's okay for ZC not to know what it is. News tends to spread faster in the US, not that "Swingland" is bad.
I like it, but I've only had the real kind once when I was kinda little. I usually have the instant stuff. Ramen is also responsible for my pwn-some cooking skills! I usually have that cup of noodles stuff more often though.
I do like that Maruchan beef ramen. :9

Although I never seem to be in the mood for ramen any more, for some reason.
I love ramen but I don't eat it much due to the OBSCENE AMOUNT OF SODIUM IN IT. Well, the instant stuff anyway. I should get some from the Japanese place near my school.... *stomach growls*
Maruchan's main factory is like 5 miles from my house.
I don't like noodles very much. I'll eat it, but I'd sooner have pasta or spaghetti. I don't seem to like much Eastern food, to be honest. And I'm not normally a picky eater.
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