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Rate the Avatar Above You~

(I forget what I gave you before...)
But 8/10! Animal=win

oh, and for those who were wondering, the thing it is possessing is a Wooper torso.
10/10. I, on the other hand, like both Scout and Lady Gaga (and that's totally what he's listening to on his earpiece).

Gallade is cool, and I wish I could find a place to put it in any of my teams, but why just the official artwork? you could draw it yourself, or do some splicing.
8/10 I like it over grumpig's original color, and it's cool you did the artwork yourself


Gallade is cool, and I wish I could find a place to put it in any of my teams, but why just the official artwork? you could draw it yourself, or do some splicing.

There are three things in this world I completely and flat out suck at, and show no hope of improvement:

1. Running long distance
2. Spriting
3. Drawing.
9/10. It is a squishy, huggable pig. Back arm is a bit...off, but then, I am not a spriter, what do I know of spriting.
(that arm is in the exact position it was on Grumpig...)

8/10 It makes me think of both TF2 and James Bond. The cat is cute, with its little ski mask. (that's a people thing!)

Oh, and since no one seems to be noticing, my avatar is also half Quagsire...
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(yes, I thought it went fairly well also)

7/10, even though I already rated you, I feel as though I recognize her for some reason, but in an obscure way, and as though I shouldn't
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