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I'm not sure I want your cupcakes, Pinkie... o_o
If you thought I wasn't going to have a Derpy Christmas, you haven't met my family.
I hate texting abbreviations and never use them when I text. Ever. "thar" is okay though, I guess.
Text abbriviations are sooo annoying to me too. Lol and brb and acronyms are fine, but not C, or U, or Y (Unless it's a Y U no meme)


We...so...the mane cast of MLP FiM wishes you a christmas that is overrun by Derpy? Yeeeeesh.
It's Pinkie's pet crocodile!

Ever, are you suuure? There's one that tastes like Rainbows, and another that's called "Le Petit Four". They're reeeeeally good!


wise and awesome
Well, try this one. It tastes like a really fast Rainbow. And the other one is oh so fancy pantsy, which is called Le Petit Four.

7/10 Err...ye ole Royal Canterlot Voice bugs me.
"Six, a fork in the road?"

Ah, Android Six, I thinks she's warnng you to be cautious. Thewr's a fork in the middle of the road. It could destroy us all.

'Jace and Six run around screaming after they crash into atree becuase of the fork in the road.

Rating: Eight out of Ten
"Six, a fork in the road?"
Ah, Android Six, I thinks she's warnng you to be cautious. Thewr's a fork in the middle of the road. It could destroy us all.
'Jace and Six run around screaming after they crash into atree becuase of the fork in the road.
Rating: Eight out of Ten
That's funny, but you should phrase it like I do when Trunks is around...

Tell that Gummy character to hand over that cupcake rigt now.

On second thought, neever miind. I shall take it myself.

{floats over to Gummy}

Rating: Nine out of Nine
You don't know who Gummy is...Sonce I'm too tired to explain, ask Holly Day or some other brony.

Egg is Egg. Me Gusta.

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