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Open Rebirth

As Lakey headed toward the Pokémon in the distance, she suddenly saw one of the Pokémon - a Scyther - attack another Pokémon that looked like a Clefable. The Scyther didn't look like it was attacking the Clefable in merely a play-fight; it almost looked if it genuinely wanted to hurt the Clefable.

Lakey didn't want to go over to help - this wasn't her battle. Instead, she decided, I'm going to talk to the other Pokémon over there. See if I can figure out just what is going on here. She lowered herself onto four paws - an odd feeling, really, though she did not know why - and scampered through the forest to meet the Pokémon gathered over there, making sure to stay well away from the Scyther and the Clefable.

((Somebody feel free to initiate a conversation with her.))
Yahra Strechad her wings, looking at her surroundings, she quickly found out that she was on a small strech of sand by a lake. She took a deep breath and looked out to the other side, she could see shapes moving, it looked like there were two pokemon fighting. She fliped her tail to one side of her body, then the other.

"Should i join them?" She asked herself. She watched for a few seconds more, then spread her wings out, she felt a soft breeze catch them.

"......Fly......" She smiled as she flapped them slightly. "No, I won't join them, but i'll watch from above."

She flapped her wings again and felt some lift, suddenly her heart began beating quickly, she had never done anything like this before...... she stopped and let her feet fall to the ground. "Okay, maybe i should fly low... Over the lake."

She took a deep breath, crouched down, and jumped into the air, she flapped her wings a couple of times, and felt them catch on the wind. She gasped, feeling the raw power behind her wings, then growled happily as she spun in the air, suddenly she laughed. “This is the most fun I’ve had since…… since…”

She flew low to the water, running her claws through it. It felt pleasant, but she felt that she would rather not end up swimming in it. She felt the buzz at being able to fly begin to fade, as a new feeling filled the spot, she felt…… empty. “I don’t think I’ve ever had this much fun. I don’t even know who I used to be, but it doesn’t feel like they ever had…… fun.”

She pondered this as she flew higher above the lake, watching as a Pokemon below, she recalled the name Scyther, attacking a… she stared at the two other Pokemon, they weren’t as familiar to her for some reason. She could see why the Scyther was attacking though, food, that was easy to comprehend as her own stomach growled. Yahra stared at the little creatures below, a thin one who was green and white, and a small pink one that had tiny wings.

“Maybe I’ll play with them a bit.” She laughed to herself, ignoring her stomach for the moment. “Lets see, sandstorm, I wonder if it will work? If it does I’ll bet that I could steal the pink one, it‘d probably be fun to watch what the Scyther does.”

She took a deep breath, then whipped her wings out, sending wind into the clearing, suddenly she felt sand materalise and she sent it flying at the three Pokemon. She laughed and dived in to grab the pink Pokemon, this would be funny if it worked.
I think I'll walk around a bit thought Flareon as she got up and begin to take a walk around the area she was in. "Guess I'll head north and see what I can find" she said softly to herself as she continued walking.
Caboose wakes up in a field of grass and stands up, he feels weird and doesn't know why. He sees a pond and starts to walk towards it. As caboose is walking he looks down and see that he is on four feet then stumbles and falls to the grass.
"What am I?" Caboose asks himself, He thinks hard but cant remember anything about his life except his name. After a few minutes the shock wore off and he got curious, so he walked to the pond and looked at his reflection.
"I'm an Absol?" he says in disbelief, after a while he started to like being an Absol, he saw a group of pokemon across the field. Caboose wanted to see who they were so he used quick attack and blasted off in the direction of the others.
Lucifer began to catch up and see a genuine battle happen.
Ahh...I should..go. As he turned he bumped into a Pikachu.
"Holy SHIT!" he bellowed as sparks began to fly from the impact.
((Caboose, you double-posted)
"Huh?" She said as she saw a glimpse of a pokemon with a red strip down his back just shoot off like a rocket. I'm going to fallow him thought Flareon she then imminently headed in the same direction the pokemon with the red strip had.
She holds out her hand to help the pink girl to walk when she tried too. She didn't know what made her want to help this stranger, but deep down she had a feeling that she needed to help her.

Then there was a sudden clash between the pink girl and a green bug.

She lets out a startled yelp and moves away from the conflict, her heart racing in her chest.

What...what is happening?!

Helpless to what to anything, she stands by and watches the fight before her. She folds her hands over her heart and bites her lower lip.

What...what can I do...?
Blade was, by now, walking around randomly, trying to find out where he was, and trying not to trip, which he did anyway and in a lake on top of it. He quickly got up to avoid drowning, and looked around. There was a black cat-dog thing and a a orange weasel a bit away, Blade began waving, hoping to catching their attention, since they'd most likely know where they was.
((I dunno; me and Waterfall are just talking.))
"So... what should we do now?" she asked Waterfall. A green and white figur was waving his... scythes... trying to assumedly get out attention. Just to show she noticed, she turned her face toward the figure and nodded, then seemed to beckon him.
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((Actually, Buizel is more like an otter...))

"I dunno. Get food?" Waterfall responded and smiled at the Dog-cat, when he realized they didn't even know each other's names! "My name's Waterfall, by the way, nice to mee-

"!" Waterfall saw something in the corner of his eye. Some green, white and red humanoid Pokémon with blades on it's arms and a light green mohawk. The Buizel turned and stared at it. It was waving it's hands at him. 'Doesn't seem to mean any harm...'

"What do you want?!" He shouted at it. He felt angry, he didn't know why, though.

((EDIT: One damn, minute, Mewtwo >_< Post Ninja'd.))
((I thought he was a Scyther. Let's let MG tell us, and one of us shall edit our post to fit whatever MG is.))
((If you didn't notice it by Baku's post Mewtwo, I'm a Gallade, not Scyther))

"Do you happen to know where I am?" Blade answered, rubbing his arm. "I'm kind of.. lost in life right now"

((also, this post was short, but I couldn't think of more))
"We are lost in life, too. Heck, I have no idea what my name is!" she answered.

((Hurry up and become nighttime already:/ With a full moon too, pl0x.))
"... Nope. No idea." Waterfall said, still staring at the Pokémon. "What Pokémon are you, by the way?" Despite having lost his memory, Waterwall strangely enough had memories about 'Pocket Monsters', and even stranger, he didn't find it strange. "And you too, or I'll refer to you as a 'dog-cat' or something." He switched his gaze to the dog-cat Pokémon he was going to travel with.
"I honestly don't know" Blade answered, this time tilting his head at the side, "I don't know nor remember, life doesn't seem to be my best friend right now, does it?" He looked at the blade on his right arm, and knocked on it a bit, it felt like steel, but the rest of his arm didn't, he found that strange, but it's not normal to have a sword stuck to your elbow in first place.
"So, are you two planning to go anywhere?" Blade eventually said "And if so, can I follow? It's not like I have anything better to do"
((I forgot to put this, but may I be a shiny Umbreon? If not, I'll edit this post later.))

"I honestly have no idea. I'll have to check a reflection to determine this." and with that, she trotted off to the lake. She looked in, and... saw a shiny Umbreon in the water. She hopped up and down and stuck out her tounge to make sure it was her. She went back to the others. "Well, it appears I am a shiny Umbreon, but with lavender eyes." she reported.
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