Current Pokémon Status:
Get Innocuous
Yin <Super Luck>
Status: Hurt by the Take Down, but pleased with the way the round went (-1 to Defence).
Taunt/Night Slash ~ Sucker Punch/Night Slash ~ Sucker Punch/Night Slash

Stairmaster <Anger Point>
Status: Infuriated at the damage taken during the round and the prevention of his first attack. Smarting from his own Take Down and the resultant counter and labouring under the effects of Toxic l(2% damage next round).
Substitute ~ Swagger/Payback ~ Giga Impact
Round XYZ
The round begins with Stairmaster closing his eyes and focusing. The jewels on his head shine slightly before a silhouette of a Tauros appears infront of him. The silhouette then starts to become solid, casting it's own shadow. Suddenly,it takes the colours of a Tauros, becoming an exact replica of Stairmaster. Stairmaster hides behind his substitute, stopping damage coming his way. Yin looks at this new Stairmaster with a bit of confusion. She thinks of her commands, and then starts shouting at Stairmaster. "Hey, are you so scared you need to hide behind a Substitute? Chicken! come out and fight like a Mon!" She shouts at him, trying to aggrevate him. The taunts seemingly work, as Both Stairmaster and his clone, seem to move slightly, blowing steam out of their noses.
[Yin -0H, -1E][Stairmaster -0H, -7E]
Stairmaster starts to charge up an attack, getting ready to charge at at Yin with some might. Yin sees this and runs behind the Tauros without him seeing, before striking him and his substitute with a suprise series of slashes aimed at both of them. The slashes seem to hit a delicate spot on Stairmaster and his clone, cusing more damage than usual on them. Most of the slashes hit the substitute, when it suddenly dissolves into dust, causing the last few to hit Stairmaster. Stairmaster starts to see red, his breathing becoming heavy, eyes becoming narrow in his rage. Being hurt by these slashes, Stairmaster charges all of the rage and pain into his horns, which become covered in a dark aura, and charges at Yin, sending her sliding back slightly.
[Yin -7H, -5E][Stairmaster -1H, -5E]
Stairmaster starts to gain an orange coloured aura around himself, charging up a more powerful attack, when yet again Yin comes and attacks from behind with another series of slashes. These cause a considereabl amount of damage, but does not get rid of the charge of the attakc. Yin runs back to her original posittion, only to see Stairmaster jump into the air, and dive bomb down straight at her, a sizeable aura of orange and yellow surrounding him. The flying tauros collapses into her, creating a big eexplosion and massive crater in the middle of the column. The tauros stands up, when the poison in it's bloodstream takes it's affect, causing a little bit of damage to the bull.
[Yin -20H, -5E][Stairmaster -9H, -10E]
Final Pokemon Stats
Get Innocuous

Yin <Super Luck>
Status: Staggered by the amount of power that Stairmaster produced. (-1 to Defence).

Stairmaster <Anger Point>
Status: Infuriated at Yin for getting a Critical Hit but still taking damage from Toxic. Severely Poisoned (4% damage next round). Anger Point has taken Affect (+6 to Attack). Cannot move next action.
Arena Notes: Deep Crater in the middle of the Arena.
Ref's Notes
-Yin got a Critical Hit on the second action, which activated Stairmaster's Anger Point Ability.
-I gave the Substitute 15% Health because there wasn't any specified health for it.
-Substitute broke on round two.
-Finch Atacks first next round.
-I would ref, but this is a mock.
-Probably messed up somewhere in the calculations