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Open Rift in the Dimensions

((Dragon: Logoth is 7 and a half feet tall. You're lucky he called them women. :D))

"I'm sorry," Geralt excused himself, "I don't quite understand your gesture. Why, to be honest, I've never been called 'swordsman' before. I suppose I've always been a witcher first."
"I'm going to check on the others.", Taunos said, walking off to where some of the others landed.
He spotted Link first, standing next to Chell. The two seemed to be together a lot.
"Good to see you've joined us safely.", Taunos said to Link.
Link nodded in agreement, trying to look nonchalant about what happened.
"Thankfully. That could have ended.. badly."
"He owes me! ..Hey, did we miss anything important?" Chell added happily. Link groaned. She was starting to sound and act like Navi.
Logoth understood. He shrugged,
"In my world when 2 swordsman meet outside of an engagement we examine each others weapons. Just out of do I do this."
He said.
"I see.", Geralt said, "Like I said, I'm not exactly a swordsman, but I don't see any harm in it. You wish to see my steel sword or my silver sword?"

"No, not really.", Taunos replied to Chell, "Geralt and I met someone, you can see him over there. A strange sight, a man who stood nearly as tall as a tauren, he isn't from Azeroth. Another otherworldly wanderer, now."
Logoth smiled,
"In my eyes any who can weild a sword is a swordsman and may I see your silver blade?"
He extended his arm a little more.
"This steel may be a little...... different from yours."
((Wha-- sorry, what just happened? I'm only up to here...))

Cirrus nodded, following her friend through. She twitched her ears for a moment, and when she landed, listened for any enemies. "You can never be too careful..."
((I demand this live, and therefore I shall open a can of Galacta Knight on this thread.))

Galacta Knight, along with Chikorita and Torchic, were dropped in the middle of a savannah. He looked ahead to see the rest of the group held up by yet another newcomer. "Well? Keep moving. That is, if you know where you're going." He looked up at Taunos.
Geralt drew his silver sword, then handed it to Logoth, taking the barbarian's sword, which was very heavy compared to the one-hand swords witchers used.
"Don't tell me your sword is forged of meteorite steel, too.", Geralt remarked.

"Sure.", Taunos replied, "If everyone's here with us."
Bonecrusher and Ravage jumped into the portal after a moment's hesitation. Spire, on the other hand, leaped in without a second thought.

The two robots and the Diamont soon emerged onto a savannah, where they witnessed another newcomer in the group.

"More and more newcomers," Bonecrusher muttered, "If enough come, then we could handle another one of those beasts from before without a hitch."
Logth took the sword and was throughly impressed. He twirled it several times and decided if he had a chance he would get one.
"Not meteorite, not that rare but an ore found only, at least to my knowledge, in the ice fields where I live. It is costly but that steel can shatter Marble without getting a scratch."
Logoth gave Geralt back his sword and began examing some of the strange traveling companions.
Geralt handed the barbarian his sword back, and then sheathed his silver blade. He walked back over to Taunos.
"So where are we headed?", Geralt asked.
"Hm I was thinking we find a watering hole first.", Taunos answered, "But we could find my village first, too, if that would be preferable."
"I personally would prefer finding civilization first," Geralt replied, "I'm not feeling too thirsty yet."
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((And that's why they're just going to get harder from here, Bonecrusher. >:3

Nah, actually, I realize this RP has massive potential to fall into the D&D problem with bosses, since most single monsters can simply be beaten up by sheer numbers. I'll try to work around that. Also, I am studying the WoW wiki to try and learn more about what's gonna happen. :D))

"Well, I doubt anything of importance is gonna happen here in the middle of this field..." Sonic said, beginning to get bored again.

"Sonic, we don't know our way around this place," Tails told him, "Who knows what could be out there?"

Sonic sighed, "I guess so. It doesn't really matter to us where we go first..." As long as we just get going...
"I personally think we should go to your village," Spire said to the bull creature, "Considering the fact that I wouldn't need hydration for another 48 hours or so."

"And it's not like Bonecrusher or I need any sort of liquid sustenance," Ravage cut in, "Because we're... well, you know."
((Wha...? This RP is getting even less posts than mine, and according to memory, that just should not be. However, I have no idea what to post without being completely pointless.))
((You're right...I partially blame myself, as I'm pretty much stuck in a big nasty ball of writer's block, not to mention I have quite a bit else to think about nowadays. Like I warned before, it probably would slow down a bit. It will keep running, though.

I say we should just go ahead and head to the civilization, link008. Might help something happen, lol))
Taunos started walking off in the right direction, "Well if we've all adjusted, then perhaps we shall go now."
"Where are we going, then?", Geralt asked.
"The village.", Taunos answered.
"Alright.", Geralt said, then he added, "So... what is your village like? You mentioned your people live simply?"
"Yes.", Taunos said to Geralt, "As such, it's a simple place. We used to occasionally move about, but we're more settled now. Not far away is a farm that was started by orc settlers. Other than that, not much besides the dry grasses."
"Orc settlers?", Geralt questioned, "And these orcs are another intelligent race in your world?"
"Ah, yes.", Taunos replied, "I should remember you might not have heard of the orcs. Yes, they came from across the sea one day and our people welcomed them, seeing our own traits in the greenskins. They are a noble race, having recently returned to shamanistic ways not far from our's. They fight bravely and savagely, proudly defending their new homeland. They aren't native to Azeroth, I might add."
"They don't come from this world?", Geralt asked.
"No, no.", Taunos explained, "Their original homeworld, Draenor, was sundered into a broken shell of it's former self. Though they arrived before that happened."
((I don't mind if this slows down, but it keeps looking like it's going to downright die. Has everyone gotten tired of this already?))

"Say, does anyone know if there are any hostile Poke-- er, beasts around here?" Torchic looked up and asked Taunos. "If so, maybe we could share some of our Scarves and things with everyone..." She then realized how silly that sounded when there was probably no one there that knew what kind of scarves she was talking about. Did they even have effect on non-Pokemon?

Galacta Knight stared up at the sun. The heat was hardly fazing him, but he was extremely bored. Maybe he could do target practice on... He looked around and saw that there wasn't much to shoot at. Sighing, he walked on. I know. I'll send for someone to talk to. He held up his pink lance and, dropping his shield, he stuck his hand under his mask and whistled. Out of thin air, a short head with limbs wearing a skull helmet and a viking-style hat appeared. It had a dark, pale purple coloration.

"Yes, master?"
"Tell me a joke."

((For those who don't know, Galacta Knight can summon dark Meta-Knights. And I know that isn't how he does it, but rather than leaping up in the air and having soldiers rain down, I had to sacrifice a bit of clarity for practicality.))
((I can imagine that scenario happening with Galacta and his soldiers.))

"I wonder if there's any place here like Mondreus?"

The robot cat turned around. "What's Mondreus?"

"My home planet," Spire explained, "It's a very volcanic and mountainous planet. My people thrived from the blood of the planet; we built entire cities around volcanic craters."

The giant robot said something to the cat. "He's wondering how any being could survive living in such conditions," the cat translated.

"We've built up a natural resistance to high temperatures over hundreds of years," Spire said, "It was the only way we could survive somewhere like that."

"I see," the robot cat said. Moments after, it asked: "You mentioned battling several fearsome creatures earlier. Were any of them responsible for what happened to your people?"

"No," Spire said, "What became of my people is a mystery to me. I've traveled many galaxies in search of answers. The creatures I'd mentioned earlier were beings that I'd fought during such travels."
((Bit hard to do things without Skymin, though...))

"Haven't you gone over this before?", Geralt asked Taunos after Torchic posed her question.
"Patience, Geralt, people learn at different rates.", Taunos told Geralt, then told Torchic, "I've already explained the centaurs, though, the scourge of the plains. The other notable hostile races out there would be the quillboars, and the harpies, though the harpies aren't a threat in this part of the Barrens. Besides that, watch out for thunder lizards and scorpids. Ordinary wild animals shouldn't pose a real threat."
Geralt then asked, "Wait, what do scarves have to do with that?"
Taunos thought a short moment, then answered, "I've been offered enchanted scarves before. Just about any article of clothing could be enchanted, I think. Though I'm not a scarf sort of person, they don't fit me. Usually literally."
He looked ahead, and noted, "We shouldn't be far from the orcish farm, now."
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