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Open Rift in the Dimensions

"Well? Are you alright now?" Galacta Knight looked up at Sonic, scowling. "Or do you need someone to kiss it as well?" It was already infuriating that he would get injured in the first place, the weakling, but everyone was stopping what they were doing and rushing to his aid. The injured, the weak, they deserve no mercy. And all the while precious time was ticking away. "We're here because we have a job to do! If I had my way you would get left behind for being more trouble than you are worth."
Sonic's spines shot straight out as he filled with rage. "Well then it's a good thing you can't have your way! We're a team now, you stupid, ruthless f-"

"Sonic, don't..." Tails said. It was definitely a very inappropriate comment, but "We can't afford to fight amongst ourselves."

Sonic glared daggers at Galacta Knight. It was taking all his willpower not to just tear into him where he stood, but he held back. Tails was right. Just let it go, hedgehog...

He's still a jerk, though...
"Your little friend is right. Why so hostile? I'm only being realistic, I'm sorry if you can't handle it." Galacta Knight turned his back to the two of them. "But, enough of this. Taunos, was it? What do you suggest we do now?" he said, facing Taunos.
"I swear, I hate that fleshling more and more each time he talks," Bonecrusher snarled, "If he makes one more snide remark I'll take that lance and shove it right through his-"

"Easy, easy," Ravage said, "Like that two-tailedd creature just said, we can't have any combat among peers. We'd be sinking to the level of that fleshling, or worse," he lowered the volume of his vocal processors, even though Bonecrusher was the only one who would understand what he said: "We'd be sinking to Rampage's level."

Bonecrusher gave a harsh laugh. "True. But he's not exactly the type of person you'd go to to boost morale."

"When I want morale, I'll talk to the Autobots," Ravage said. Switching to English, he then remarked: "In my cycles, I find it better if a group assists those who are among them and in need, and listen to others." He then added to the warrior: "If you knew that, maybe you'd lose less of those soldiers that you're always throwing at the enemy as if they were in unlimited stock."
"Now now, nobody gets left behind," Taunos said gently, "Unless they want to. But, since we all seem to alright now, we have little to do but press on towards the demon gate, assuming there is one. And if there isn't then I'm at a loss as to what this energy I feel is."

Geralt refused the canteen, "No thanks. I don't have anymore alchemic reagents, so I can't make anything. Even if I could, I don't know how pure this ale is, probably not very pure as far as alchemic bases go, though. I will say it certainly tastes better than most vodkas and whiskys I've had, though I usually make potions with them rather than drink them."
Galacta Knight spun around when he heard Ravage. "Others?" he spat. "Only a fool concerns themselves with anyone but theirself. How do you think I earned my title as greatest warrior in my galaxy? I don't let others' flaws hinder me. I help myself, and I expect others to do the same." He paused for a moment. "Why do you even care? It's clear none of you want anything to do with me. I would have thought that being loathed would be the quickest way to get left alone, but I have been proved wrong."
"The more you're loathed, the more others go out of their way to make you less loathed," Spire said, "Either that, or they label you as dangerous and all the street trash in the galaxies scream for your throat, not to mention having every Hunter in the 'verse after you. I've seen examples of both during my travels."

"If you want to be left alone so much, why did you go with us in the first place?" Ravage asked, "I thought the whole point of being a loner was to not attract any attention. Screaming negative thoughts isn't exactly the best way to not get any attention."
"You are looking at an example of the latter right now." Galacta Knight muttered. "Everyone in my galaxy was screaming for my throat. That's how I got sealed away inside a crystal, because those worms were so afraid of me. As you can see, I am free now, though I don't know how."

He looked back to Ravage. "To be honest, I don't know. It's not as if the end of all worlds affects me in the slightest. But, I suppose that's why I'm doing this. I may as well make myself useful, after all the times I have been a nuisance."

And to kill things...

((Okay. Last post for the night. I'm so tired I can barely think strait. @_@))
Logoth shrugged and put away the strong beer. He heard what had happened to the the knight about being sealed away. The smile left his face and his expression darkened.
"Tell me sir knight, Do you have any ablilties that others do not? Is there great reason to fear your power?"
"'Sir knight'?", Geralt said quizzically, shaking his head, "That's doing me way too much honor, a title I couldn't reach. Not in my homeworld, anyway."

He sat down, "Wish we had a fire here.", Geralt said, "Anyway, back to your question. I'm a witcher, a human infused with mutagens as children. My hair is stark white because I seemed to be able to handle more mutagens than others. It's mostly increased strength and agility as far as combat is concerned. However, I'm also immune to disease, and able to drink far beyond the capabilities of ordinary humans, and some dwarves too. My kind are professional monster hunters, we get paid to do just that, and usually don't get into others' affairs. People end up being afraid anyway, witchers aren't quite so welcomed as they used to be...", Geralt sighed and took another sip of wine.

"And yourself?", Geralt asked of the barbarian, "You appear to be a very large human for the most part, but I'm willing to bet you've got more tricks than super strength."
"I have seen the gods of my world. They do not leave us to faith. The orcish race on my planet is growing and The barbarians were charged with keeping them in the moutains and islands. This is why we are so much larger and tougher than humans. They are multiplying faster than we can kill them. They have spread to the northern forest of the Elves. The gods selected a champion who would be infused with all of their powers. They chose me. If you don't believe me I'm more than willing to prove it to you." He said. He was obivously tense about his tale.
"I could probably make a fire," Ravage offered. "I'd just need some of those 'kindling' objects, and my flamethrower would do the rest."

"Because obviously, there's nobody else here who could help in terms of fire," Bonecrusher muttered,"Certainly nobody like that orange avian creature."

"You were the one who complained about being useless earlier," Ravage shot back, "I'm just trying to make myself useful."
((Usually when something like that happens you let them know that they misunderstood so they can edit their post, rather than having things "go askew".))
((Mea culpa.))

Geralt stood up, "No, if we're going to go soon, there's no point, but thanks anyway. Though I just need an adequate pile, I can project fire too.", he answered Ravage.
"An interesting tale, to say the least.", Geralt said to Logoth, "I'm not much one for gods, personally, but you don't have to show me anything they've granted you."
He turned to Taunos, "Well, we're going now, aren't we?"

"We're all patched up, it would seem, so yes.", Taunos replied.
He started walking off in the same direction, the direction he sensed demonic energies emanating from. Geralt followed.
Ravage and Bonecrusher followed Taunos. Spire quickly fell into step behind them.

"Not being able to shift... I never thought I'd miss that vehicle form this much."

"I never realized how attached you'd grown to that form."

Bonecrusher gave the closest thing he could to a shrug. "I scanned some databanks of the planet after you hacked in to find out where we should go. My other shape was the closest thing that resembles a human construction vehicle. I thought it was fitting for someone like me."

"Hopefully, whatever world we visit next will be a little more compliant with your other form."
Logoth stood and replaced his large helmet. He was thinking
These people, they are not from my world. But should I trust them?
He debated whether they would react the way the barbarians would. He was puzzled by them but decided to trust them for the moment. None of them had given him reason not too.
"-And that's why you have to go to Palkia. Now if you'll excuse me," the crazy goddess whipped out a DS. "I have Megaman ZX to beat." She paused. "And before you make some snarky comment, yes, I will have a nice decade trying to beat it." The goddess turned around on her heal.

"Wait," replied Kuro, "You're dropping a bomb like that and just leaving? That's not like you."

The woman winced. "It's just that I don't want to be mauled this year."

A one eyed girl, Nozomi, narrowed her eye at her. "And why is Sand," Sand glared at the girl, "Going and not me? We're more of a pair."

"Because I don't want to be held responsible if you murder half the mutiverse." Nozomi childishly stuck her tongue out at the goddess.

Said goddess rolled her eyes. She didn't have time for this. "Have a nice trip," she muttered and Sand and Kuro disappeared. Now for her video game...

"Oof." Kuro said as she hit the ground. "That was fun. Palkia was awfully happy to see us." Sand nodded.

"He just loves us after all."

Kuro looked Sand in the eye. "So what was this decay she was blabbering on about? She said you know." Sand scratched his head.

"It's kinda fuzzy, but I remember a group of... well... living things from around the multiverse. Okay, really only two of them where from the immediate multiverse. But anyway, when you guys were hanging out with Gartina, our homeverse started to decay. Bara went out to investigate-"

"Bara did? That's new."

"-and came back with others. I joined up. Soon, however, she chickened out and I went back with her. By the time you guys can back it was better, though."

"So we also met up with Dialga. We had to have gone back in time as well," Kuro replied. She looked around and spotted what looked to be a Tarous morph. She tapped Sand's shoulder and pointed at him. "A fellow experiment?" Sand glared at her.

"Very funny. No that's... uh... it's on the tip of my tongue... I think it's... Taunos!" Sand's eyes lit up. He waved. "Hey! Taunos! Remember me?"
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