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Open Rift in the Dimensions

"Is the glowing not a charging sequence? You appeared to be attacking the others. It is my duty to protect humanity. Why do you think I haven't gone for a fatal shot agianst you?"
Baldur spoke. He was still studying the human with his odd stare. To him this made sense but he had never seen anything like this. He understood how this could confuse one.
Yami Marik began to laugh. It was a twisted, horrible sound that would make any sane being wish death upon them.

"You... you are a protector of humans?! You're an even bigger fool than I thought!

"Humans are too deluded to see the goals that I have for this world. The only way to purge them of that delusion is to drag them into the shadows. Once they see what joy the darkness can bring, they will give in to the Shadow Realm, and I will ensure it encompasses the world. After all, with the gods by my side, I cannot fail.

"Oh, and it might interest you to know that the rod has no charging sequence. The glow you saw was its power in itself. The Rod can control the minds of others... or banish them to the Shadow Realm."

"Now then, you haven't made a move, so I'll go again." He drew another card.

Not much here... the only powerhouse is this "Darkness Neosphere" card. I'll save that for when I can draw out another Fiend monster. For now...

"I set one monster and end my turn."
"If gods were on your side then I would be fighting for you."
Baldur scoffed.
He turned away agian and began to walk towards the lasers. He was getting annoyed by this being. If he wasn't allowed to walk away this time he would go for the kill.
"You don't believe me? That is not surprising. Mortals never believe that I hold the powers of the Egyptian Gods. Their ignorance ends the moment I summon The Wi-"

A sudden, sharp pain shot through his head. He gave a sudden yell, more from shock than from pain, and then he began to see something else...

Dark Gods... beasts that the Pharaoh himself created, ignorant of their powers... cannot be sealed once released... Dread... Erasure... Embodiment... These are the three Wicked Gods...

Yami Marik stumbled backward, and the sharp pain subsided.

"You aren't wroth my time anymore. There's something bigger that I must see."
As Naoto began moving closer, he could hear and see the two figures clearly enough now. Just as he was nearby, he heard some words from one of them, the one with darker skin.
"Humans are too deluded to see the goals that I have for this world."
Naoto felt a chill that ran up is spine.
"The only way to purge them of that delusion is to drag them into the shadows"
He quickly took out the revolver out of his pocket and aimed it towards the man, he was close enough for Naoto to see him, and the other person as well, Naoto looked unimpressive with his short height, when compared to these two.
But he was the one pointing the gun.

"You, stop right there!" he said, moving towards the darker man, who Naoto now realized had a rather ridiculous hairstyle. "Do you have any relationship with a being called Ameno-Sagiri?"

((For the record, Ameno-Sagiri is the "normal" final boss of the game, it's a being that tried to rip apart the barrier between TV-world and the real world, in order to let the humans turn into Shadows, something it called "the peaceful world humans had wished for."))
Sonic grinned. "Finally, some more action." He revved up and shot forward in his usual fashion, but this time, he began to run in a circle, gradually increasing his speed until the force of his movements created a whirlwind. He steered in the direction of the monsters, drawing some of the smaller ones in in.

Tails, meanwhile, was flying overhead. He pulled out a bomb and threw it into the center of the vortex. "Sonic! Jump!"

Sonic broke away as the bomb exploded amongst the crowded ghouls. Sonic landed, but immediately jumped again to avoid being gored on a spike. He looked to see a large beetle-like...thing...who was the source of the attack.

"Tails! Power ring!" Sonic yelled. Tails pulled one out and Sonic caught it, activating it as his grin grew wider.

"You wanna play, you big ugly bug?" he said as he charged a full-powered dash straight towards the Crypt Lord, ducking as low as he possibly could to try to swipe it from underneath.

Tails armed his blaster and volleyed three shots at the smaller insects. He looked up and saw a massive dragon not too far away.

"Umm...That's not good..."

"No idea," Samus answered The Doctor, "There's no information of this place anywhere in my databanks, which tells me I'm definitely not in my galaxy anymore, maybe not even on my plane of existence..." She casually sat back and watched Baldur and some odd fellow with impossible hair fight, her hand fingering the trigger of her own gun should either of them turn on her.
((Would've posted yesterday, but I was running a fever and could scarcely get out of bed; even when I could, I wasn't feeling up to RPing, and I didn't want anyone here to catch it.))


Galacta Knight sprang from where he stood, hanging in the air dozens of feet above the center of the battle. Posing with his lance aimed at the ground, he fired, indiscriminately spraying beam-whip across the field. He was pretty sure he knew where the enemies were, but otherwise, in his elation, he didn't much care as long as he hit something.
"This doesn't look like the Dark Area," he muttered, before realizing that the Digimon was pulling his leg. "Um, hi, Mistral, Mana. I'm Kotemon, Kotemon." He paused for some time, trying to think of what else to say. "Um. I don't know which Digital World you're from, but mine has been very unstable recently. Do you think it might have something to do with our... arrival?"
"Another one?" Marik said, with a hint of exasperation, "I would love to drag your immortal soul into the Shadow Realm, but first I need to unlock the mystery of the Wicked Gods, which have somehow crossed into my mind. Unless you're challenging me to a Shadow Game, it's in your best interests to flee right now."

Another one for the darkness sounds promising, but I have bigger problems than the darkness' hunger right now. Once I find out about these Wicked Gods, I can go back to Shadow Games.
"I'm the one pointing the gun here" Naoto said, aiming directly at the man's head, "And unless you want to see just what I can do, I suggest you answer my question calmly. Now, let me reformulate my question, DO YOU have any kind of connection to a being called Ameno-Sagiri? From what I heard of your planning, it seems you have some distant similarities to it."

"Although.. A thought when through Naoto's head, "We defeated Izanami, she wouldn't have any need to destroy humanity, unless something or someone made her change her mind. But how do you trick the god of death?"
"A gun?" Marik said, beginning to laugh again, "You're persistent, I'll give you that. You may have a gun, but I have the powers of the Egypti-"

The pain shot through him again, and he heard something say: No longer. The Wicked Gods are under your control... but you will not have access to our powers just yet.

"My mistake, then. The Wicked Gods are what I have power over." He then looked back at the being threatening him.

"I'm not without mercy, mortal. I'll give you one final chance to back down, and allow me to ponder whatever these Wicked Gods that I have just found out of. Lose this chance, and you will have just challenged me to a Shadow Game."
"I have battled the god of death, and I have overcome it's curse, I hardly think anything you could do would be worse then being, in fact, dead, even if it was for a short time."
Naoto aimed the gun a bit upwards again, and the blue card faded into existence again. "And since you won't agree on talking nicely, I will simply have to do it the painful way."
and he shot it.

"Come, Yamato-Takeru!"
The white bird-like man appeared again, this time opening his the hand that didn't carry the blade, and pointed his empty palm at the in front of him.
"I cannot say I am positive there will be left enough of you to talk after this, so you should have taken your time to answer"
Three gray energy orbs flew down from the sky, rather slowly.


The three orbs flew into the ground, crashing into each other.
If was if time had stopped for a brief moment, before a ear shattering explosion was heard, and the three orbs expanded and exploded, in a giant, grey and purple fire-like shape.

((Megidolaon is one of them most powerful attacks in the game, or at least that the most powerful that Naoto have, it can be seen in this about 2:55))
"How pathetic. You don't know the rules of the Shadow Games?"

The explosion surged toward Yami marik, but the creature he called Sangan took the full blast.

"You have to get past my defenses before you can even hope to take me out. Too bad, though. That attack looked like it could hurt even me."

Sangan was completely obliterated by the blast.

"That activates Sangan's special ability. If it's destroyed, I can take a monster with 1500 attack or less from my deck and add it too my hand."

He skimmed through the deck until he saw the card he was looking for.

"That will work. Now then, it's my move."

He drew, and found himself staring at the card he needed.

"First, I'll reveal my face-down card: Skelengel!" As he said this, a glow revealed a bodiless angel, which shot an arrow at the Duel Scythe.

"That gives me a free card, and now..." his voice trailed off as he realized what he was looking at.

Or rather, what he wasn't.

A Blank card. Could this be a wicked god?

"Now then, I set one monster and end my turn."
((Please cut down on the Plains posts. I know we've had a lot of new characters join, but I don't want important details for the main storyline getting lost in the clutter.))
((Please cut down on the Plains posts. I know we've had a lot of new characters join, but I don't want important details for the main storyline getting lost in the clutter.))
((I understand what you mean, but in Exo and MG's defense, everyone is still waiting for Storm or Kali or Xaldin to post. They've got something going on at the Plains, however, and thus it's the only way to post. I'm not saying that they shouldn't stop, I just want you to know that they've got a perfectly good reason for posting.))
((I know. I'm not telling them to stop, just lower the frequency. When I came back from work yesterday I had to sort through two pages to get the current details of what was going on in the final battle. It's getting a bit cluttered.))
((Right-o. After the next IC post of MG, I'll just pull the good old "Wicked God ex machina." I'll foreshadow and slow down Marik in one fell swoop!))
Vai leapt back from the bug thing, still unnamed, and glared up at the dragon on the mountain. Was it the one running this? It certainly looked like it would be able to keep these monster things in line, though.. With a grumble, she threw herself at the bug thing again, surprised that it hadn't moved in defense yet. Well, all the better for her.. Expecting it to fall any second, she began to fall into a pattern of sorts. Slash, slash, slash, pause. Hmm.

It was an odd feeling, fighting with no resistance. She'd only had some experiences like that before, and every time she'd suddenly wake up from unconsciousness. Vai had a bad feeling about this fight..

((Yeah uh Vai doesn't have wings anymore. We're knocking on the fourth wall, here!))
"Kotemon.. Well, I can't say it's nice to meet you, though I guess it's cool to have another member in our group through this madness," Mistral grumbled. Not that I couldn't have guessed that by looking at you. Haven't named yourself, I see.. Mana looked up at the Halsemon in surprise, before stepping away from her. Kotemon looked as unnerved as she was..

"These plains.. They look like they don't stop, huh?" Looking as far as she could into the distance, Mana moved back towards Mistral, hopping onto her back and looking up again. "Oh yeah, remember those figures? It seems they've multiplied," she added offhandedly. "There's more than before." With a shrug, she hopped down and looked around again.
((Very well, then))

"I see, so that doesn't work, huh?" Naoto said, studying his opponent, "if only Rise was here, she would be able to figure out what this man was capable of doing with Kanzeon."

Once again, he pointed the gun towards the sky, "I might not understand the rules of your game, but I have a feeling I'll learn soon enough. Persona!"
The card appeared, he shot it Yamato-Takeru faded into existence again, and covered her in the purple aura, he was charged again.
"I have to study the situation, I will find a way to defeat you soon enough"

((rushed post was rushedl))
"Try all you want, mortal," Marik said, "It will only bring you closer to the d-"

The pain shot through him again.

What do you think you're doing?!

It was the voice from before.

"What I'm doing is giving you more souls-"

No, what you're doing is unveiling your strategies for these mortals to see!! Do you want them to know all of your weaknesses?!

"What difference does it make if they-"

The difference is that all the other mortals here will see what you're doing! Fall back, Marik. There will be another time.

"Fine," Marik snarled. He looked down at the cards that he couldn't use, and for an instant, he saw the image of a skull-faced demon on one of the cards.

The next second, it became blank once more.

Without another word, Marik deactivated the Duel Scythe, and the images on the field vanished.

"You got off lucky, mortal."
After seeing many dead ghouls on the snow, the Death Knight signaled a retreat. Sindragosa roared as back in Icecrown Citadel, Arthas laughed. These newcomers sparked his and Ner'zhul's interests. There ways of fighting are astonishing, but surprisingly, were affective. He had to make a mental note of that. Just before retreating into the Crypt Lord's new tunnel, The Death Knight cast Animate Dead, thus bringing the dead back the life.
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