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In high school I kept "The Almighty Quote Book". Four years of funny things my friends, teachers, and fellow students said... like "When I grow up I wanna be a fossil" At graduation I typed it up and gave a copy to all my friends, a few people got photocopies of the original books.
Yesterday during P.E class, somebody standing just a few feet in front of me kicked it into my face at high speed, presumably on accident. According to one of my friends I was standing there dazed for like a full ten seconds before I finally began to fall over. Also I think my face was locked into a maniacal grin for a while because my entire face was numb and I could barely move it. Thankfully it didn't hurt at all though, all I felt was numbness.
Funny story.

The other day, I was getting some water at the water fountain, but accidentally started choking on it. A teacher comes up, sees me coughing, and says "You should get some water."

Yeah. Right.

The other day, my friend and his other friend were doing this thing during lunch where they kept spinning around, high-fiving each other on each revolution.

Eventually they just kinda ran into each other. It was pretty epic.

EDIT: Oh yeah. And...
One day in Chinese we all heard what sounded like the lockdown alarm. So we turned the lights off and crouched down under the tables freaking out all the while because much of the front wall of our classroom is made of glass and completely see-through.

Umm... there was no alarm. I have absolutely no idea whatsoever what happened. But we ALL heard it.

Seriously, WTF?
Oh I got one.

Last year during a computer class me and 5 friends were in on this joke. The teacher(sub) was sitting at the desk in front of all the computers. Me and the friends all had 2 tabs open. 1 was the website we were supposed to be on and the other was the website Grooveshark. On grooveshark we all had the song "my dick" paused. I dont remember who sings it.

So anyway I randomly turn the sound on the computer up all the way (pretty loud) and start the song. So the teacher asks who's playing the music and no one answers. So he walks up and down the rows looking for the source (me).

when he finds me he logs me off the computer. when he goes to sit down my friend turns it on full blast. the teacher found him and logged him out. so 5 of us were logged out and we could see the teacher was furious. So my final accomplice turns the song on and the sub FREAKS OUT. he's yelling at my friend to turn it off. Then the principal walked in. The sub got fired for screaming at us. I LOL'D

EDIT: The song is by Mickey Avalon
Oh I got one.

Last year during a computer class me and 5 friends were in on this joke. The teacher(sub) was sitting at the desk in front of all the computers. Me and the friends all had 2 tabs open. 1 was the website we were supposed to be on and the other was the website Grooveshark. On grooveshark we all had the song "my dick" paused. I dont remember who sings it.

So anyway I randomly turn the sound on the computer up all the way (pretty loud) and start the song. So the teacher asks who's playing the music and no one answers. So he walks up and down the rows looking for the source (me).

when he finds me he logs me off the computer. when he goes to sit down my friend turns it on full blast. the teacher found him and logged him out. so 5 of us were logged out and we could see the teacher was furious. So my final accomplice turns the song on and the sub FREAKS OUT. he's yelling at my friend to turn it off. Then the principal walked in. The sub got fired for screaming at us. I LOL'D

EDIT: The song is by Mickey Avalon

So you riled someone up and got them fired for being justifiably annoyed.

I'm not seeing the humour. You may want to consider the fact that teachers are, in fact, human beings.
Hey, some are pretty cool! There was one who subbed in 4th grade and became a permanent teacher in 5th grade. He's nice and awesome and cool.
Eh. I rather dislike the main sub at my school. Mostly cause she sucks at math and science and yet mostly only subs those classes.

Funny Story Time!
Apparently my history teacher was a sub at some other school before he started teaching at my school. First day on the job he was asked to sub a special-ed math class. He tells them to all take out their math books, but the students insist that their teacher always lets them play board games and cards during class. He's all like "no, I'm not falling for that. Take out your math books."

Turns out the teacher actually DID just let them play games all class. She was, needless to say, quickly fired.

most bus drivers and at least one principal at my district are total douchebags.

Yay for American public schools!
So we have folders for our sheet music for my school's advanced choir. And my friend left hers at home, so she was looking at mine. during the practice, I noticed something strange:

Me: *looks at folder* Jeanine, what's your folder number?
Jeanine: Twelve, why?
Me: ...oh, then this is your folder...

I have absolutely no clue how we mixed up our folders.

I have to set up a booth, like one of those booths for political campaigns or people spreading awareness about a social/environmental issue. I have to get in-character as a conspiracy theorist who thinks robots are taking over the world, and act like I'm dead serious about it. I have to make propaganda posters and hand out pamphlets.

I am so fucking excited about this you don't even know. I love college so much.
Hey, some are pretty cool! There was one who subbed in 4th grade and became a permanent teacher in 5th grade. He's nice and awesome and cool.
well, we've got a sub covering for our geo teacher (who's recovering from a brain tumour, poor guy). this is pretty unfortunate, since we're about to sit A2 exams. but what really takes the piss is that she is literally fresh out of teacher school. she has no confidence, she seems uncertain of the subject matter and her teaching style is "lol watch youtube videos instead of explaining stuff properly.

it's ridiculous; we've got at least three qualified, experienced geography teachers who could've taken over our class for this year and the newbie could've been given a year 9 class or something, but noooo. we get the fucking scrub.

So you riled someone up and got them fired for being justifiably annoyed.

I'm not seeing the humour. You may want to consider the fact that teachers are, in fact, human beings.


EDIT: I got 10 points for this post. So I guess I was right.
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In Honors World History-

Mr. Nay: "I remember my first date. My dad told me that when I walk this girl home, I have to compliment her before I leave. So I pick her up and we go to dinner, see a movie, the whole nine yards. As I park outside her house and walk her up to the door, I keep thinking have to compliment her, have to compliment her. So she opens the door, and I say: "You know, you don't sweat much for a fat girl."

Got the whole class laughing for at least ten minutes.
well, we've got a sub covering for our geo teacher (who's recovering from a brain tumour, poor guy). this is pretty unfortunate, since we're about to sit A2 exams. but what really takes the piss is that she is literally fresh out of teacher school. she has no confidence, she seems uncertain of the subject matter and her teaching style is "lol watch youtube videos instead of explaining stuff properly.

it's ridiculous; we've got at least three qualified, experienced geography teachers who could've taken over our class for this year and the newbie could've been given a year 9 class or something, but noooo. we get the fucking scrub.

My class got passed around at least five different Physics teachers during GCSEs. None of them knew what they were doing. One was even actually called Mr Newbie (possibly Newby actually but shush).

I'm pretty certain another was called Dr Snape. On reflection I had some pretty awesomely named teachers.
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So...Today, my Debate teacher gives us 20 minutes to read a 2-page document and then write a five-paragraph essay about it.

That's really fair.
So...Today, my Debate teacher gives us 20 minutes to read a 2-page document and then write a five-paragraph essay about it.

That's really fair.

Doesn't sound all that bad to me! Granted, I'm kinda well-versed in the realms of essay writing (thank you APUSH), but still.

Nique: Your toothpaste is in my bag.
Everyone else: wtf
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