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Sexual Orientation


  • Homosexual/gay

    Votes: 15 10.9%
  • Heterosexual/straight

    Votes: 71 51.4%
  • Bisexual/Pansexual

    Votes: 25 18.1%
  • Other (please state)

    Votes: 11 8.0%
  • Asexual

    Votes: 16 11.6%

  • Total voters

All I learned in sex ed was that girls get period, guys have wet dreams and STD's are bad. Everything else was my friends and the internet. :B

pfffffffffffff girls have wet dreams too

Also uh... I think I learned (mostly) everything from a book how how bebes are made
when I was 9

I swear my childhood officially ended when I was 9 ;-;
I'm so happy. I've managed to single handedly destroy any prospect of a sex life anyone reading this topic will ever have ^-^ If I'm not gonna have one I'm dragging you all down with me...

You sure as hell had better not be serious. What I do with my sex life is none of your Goddamn business, so don't be trying to change others simply because you were taught that sex is a Satanic ritual that can only be purified by the blessing of marriage.

You also seem to have never had a rush of testosterone, which the only reason why I can think of is that your testes have never dropped. So, I'm hoping that you're hiding something and wanting to be the pastor's son. However, sexuality is something that just cannot be repressed as the urge becomes so great that it becomes unstoppable, then you just have to feel oh-so terrible that you tooted the Devil's horn. Now, I hope you learned a little thing here about the real world.

Trust me, nearly all guys have masturbated, they can't resist it.
My thingy smells better when I've just peed with it.

Also, I feel kind of sorry for you, Mr. Foxhog.

By the by, no wonder you don't "understand what's so pleasurable about sex" when you've never done it. And okay, you don't like oral sex, that's perfectly understandable - but you're afraid people will bite your lip off if you kiss? Boy, are you gonna have a hard time.
*points at Worst Username Ever*

This is the finger of accusation that I have here, pointed upon you. You are ruining my fun, and a perfectly sensible and also very interesting discussion. Stop it. Stop it.
I suggest that this post be preserved forever in some way. It makes me laugh~~
Try quoting it in your sig.

I wonder if he'd be surprised to discover he has a urethra too...
No. I know where my urethra is. It's kind of a 2-in-1 thing with the penis. I assumed, having never been told otherwise, that girls have a similar arrangement.

For the record you could fill many books with the things I don't know about sex and genitals. Sex Ed at my school was bascally just five years of "wear a condom, here's a video about people with AIDS." I'm not 100% sure where I learned "the penis goes into the vagina", really. XD

Also, I feel kind of sorry for you, Mr. Foxhog.

By the by, no wonder you don't "understand what's so pleasurable about sex" when you've never done it. And okay, you don't like oral sex, that's perfectly understandable - but you're afraid people will bite your lip off if you kiss? Boy, are you gonna have a hard time.
Don't. I don't really care if I have sex or not, and I'm extremely confident I never will.

(The bit in bold was someone else by the way =D)
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I'm heterosexual, but I'll pass myself off as homosexual if I think it will amuse those around me. Anything for a good joke.
Mike the Foxhog said:
Don't. I don't really care if I have sex or not, and I'm extremely confident I never will.

Sure, so was I. But then I fell in love. Then urine-expelling organs in strange or disgusting places doesn't matter because you're making someone else (at least) feel good.

Wow, that was something I totally thought I'd never say. Anyway, I'm bisexual. :3
I'm heterosexual, but I'll pass myself off as homosexual if I think it will amuse those around me. Anything for a good joke.

Wow. :D What a disgusting attitude!

Also I can't even remember sex ed. All I remember is my mum saying '...DO YOU KNOW WHAT SEX IS!?' and me saying 'no'. And then about two years later, my mum saying '...DO YOU KNOW WHAT SEX IS!?' and me saying 'yes'. WHAT HAPPENED DURING THOSE TWO YEARS I ASK YOU

Also I remember when sex was just a funny/rude word people underlined in dictionaries and wrote on whiteboards. :D Oh, primary school, you are awesome.

And I don't have a very good knowledge of what's down there myself beyond the blatantly obvious. I just can't bring myself to Wiki them. >>;
I'm heterosexual, but I'll pass myself off as homosexual if I think it will amuse those around me. Anything for a good joke.

That's not funny at all actually.

Mike the Foxhog - Have you ever tried masturbating to orgasm? It's the next best thing to having sex. If you haven't, you've missed out on quite a bit, and when you do, you'll realize why sex is so pleasurable. :\
That's not funny at all actually.

Then lighten up. Discrimination will never end when somebody feels that a specific group of people can't be targeted by playful jokes at all, especially when said targeted group also laughs at the joke. Example? I found out recently I have some French Canadian heritage. Does that stop me from cracking jokes about Canada? When Hell freezes over, I'll stop. Maybe.
(And I partly agree on the "gross" comment, if you think about it. "Hey, let's take those things we piss out of and put one inside the other. That sounds great doesn't it?")
Half of the things we humans do are rather gross, frankly, if you think about them. Mostly what we drink and eat. Milk? A soup of chemicals and germs secreted by a cow. Eggs? What could have been a bird fetus (hell, I've eaten fertilized eggs with premature umbilical cords in them). Fruits? The swollen genitals of a plant.

Yes, sex is pretty darned disgusting when you think about it, which is why you just, well, don't. You get used to the idea, much in the same way that people get used to the idea of eating eggs even though if they actually thought about it they would find it impossibly gross. I don't think this has anything to do with sexual orientation, really.
Dear Mike the Foxhog:

Feel free to drop this arrogant snide attitude you have adopted anytime. Congratulations, your balls haven't dropped and you don't want sex yet. Good for you; I really don't give a damn. Please do not pretend this makes you a better person than those of us who like to rub on each other until we get all sticky.


As for thread: I'll fuck anything in theory, although at the moment I am quite more leaning towards preferring girls in practice. Not because I think they're hotter, really; just because there's not a lot I can do with guys. Also guys are often kinda dumb and unromantic. I can't even remember the last time a guy was interested in heavy foreplay.
Sure, so was I. But then I fell in love. Then urine-expelling organs in strange or disgusting places doesn't matter because you're making someone else (at least) feel good.

Wow, that was something I totally thought I'd never say.
...I don't think any of us can say otherwise...

Dear Mike the Foxhog:

Feel free to drop this arrogant snide attitude you have adopted anytime. Congratulations, your balls haven't dropped and you don't want sex yet. Good for you; I really don't give a damn. Please do not pretend this makes you a better person than those of us who like to rub on each other until we get all sticky.

Someone's really getting the wrong impression.

No way do I believe I am better than anyone. Quite the reverse.

Anyway, how long has not wanting sex or being interested in girls (or guys for that matter) been arrogant?...

Half of the things we humans do are rather gross, frankly, if you think about them. Mostly what we drink and eat. Milk? A soup of chemicals and germs secreted by a cow. Eggs? What could have been a bird fetus (hell, I've eaten fertilized eggs with premature umbilical cords in them). Fruits? The swollen genitals of a plant.

Yes, sex is pretty darned disgusting when you think about it, which is why you just, well, don't. You get used to the idea, much in the same way that people get used to the idea of eating eggs even though if they actually thought about it they would find it impossibly gross. I don't think this has anything to do with sexual orientation, really.

I guess, but in those cases it's easy to ignore. No-one ever sees the milk being extracted or the eggs coming out of the chicken. But when shoving your peeing apparatus inside what routinely serves as a drain for blood and dead cells and all sorts of other crap I imagine it's harder to ignore.

You sure as hell had better not be serious. What I do with my sex life is none of your Goddamn business, so don't be trying to change others simply because you were taught that sex is a Satanic ritual that can only be purified by the blessing of marriage.

You also seem to have never had a rush of testosterone, which the only reason why I can think of is that your testes have never dropped. So, I'm hoping that you're hiding something and wanting to be the pastor's son. However, sexuality is something that just cannot be repressed as the urge becomes so great that it becomes unstoppable, then you just have to feel oh-so terrible that you tooted the Devil's horn. Now, I hope you learned a little thing here about the real world.
Wow. Someone needs to meet our friend "sarcasm".

Mike the Foxhog - Have you ever tried masturbating to orgasm? It's the next best thing to having sex. If you haven't, you've missed out on quite a bit, and when you do, you'll realize why sex is so pleasurable. :\
Let me reiterate: SOMEONE ELSE SAID THAT.

And one of the few things I do know about sex is that puberty comes way before age 16, so why you're all accusing my balls of not having dropped (or what possible reason you have for doing so) is beyond me.
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I'm heterosexual, but certainly not homophobic. I kissed another girl once in a game of truth or dare and I wasn't grossed out or anything. Just not sexually attracted to females, lovely though they are.
Wow. Someone needs to meet our friend "sarcasm".

And one of the few things I do know about sex is that puberty comes way before age 16, so why you're all accusing my balls of not having dropped (or what possible reason you have for doing so) is beyond me.

Your arguments are like that of an eight year old. Glad to clear it up for you.
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