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Sherlock Club

...Dannichu, I love what you can find.

The Objection one makes me think about what it would be like if Sherlock and Edgeworth got into a Logic match. Has a Sherlock/PW (I guess an AAI) crossover been written yet? If not, it should be. xD
I'm pretty sure that the friend of mine that got me into this series has done a Sherlock/PW roleplay. Over an IM with another friend, anyway. Coincidentally. I might try and get the logs.

I'm not even particularly a huge fan of the Sherlock Holmes thing as a whole (my little sis reads them and is crazy for the Robert Downey Jr./Jude Law movie :T so I did see that) but I had several fangasms watching these three episodes. I love basically everything about it. Especially watching Watson be such an ISFJ. Watson's and Holmes's dynamic is the best.

I kinda raged when I found out there was only those three episodes though. I don't wanna wait till next year aaaaa ;;
Hee, I'm glad you like <3

A PW/Sherlock crossover would be epic; I'd love to see your friend's RP, Alraune. I've seen some Black Books crossovers, and there's quite a bit of Xover with other SH incarnations, but I want to see it crossed over with everything. There's quite a bit of amusing fandom debate over who Mrs Turner's 'married ones' next door should be. I think House and Wilson won XD

The three-episode format seems to be especially hard for US fans ): That's just how TV in the UK rolls. Series 1 of The Thick of It, which I watched earlier today, is only three half-hour-long episodes, it's crazy compared to the average 22-episode US season.
Though I think everyone's with me when I say it's better to have few utterly epic episodes than loads of mediocre ones.

Also! The DVD is now out in the US! PBS actually did cut bits (only little non-plotty bits, but some of my favourites) when airing, and the DVD comes with a making-of featurette and some truly fantastic audiocommentary :D
It's #3 in DVD on amazon.com at the moment.
Yeahhh, I'm actually kind of amused at just how hard some fans are taking the 3 episode thing. (Also the cliffhanger at the end - really, how else are you supposed to end a trilogy? Squee happy ending? No thanks.) Watch more British television. :v

Ranyhow... my sister's bringing back my DVD this friday (I stupidly forgot it at her house) and, since it didn't work on her computers, we'll be watching it. :D And then I will induct my father and brother to the cult. Yups.
Haha, yup! They released it alongside S2 on DVD, and the entire thing is just three hours long. (there's a 6-episode third series, two specials and a film as well, though - the first two series are just absurdly short)

I was rewatching TGG earlier and noticed how up on his mythology John was - he knew Janus was the god with two faces, and sort-of knew who the Golem was. Waton's knowledge of such things isn't referenced in the books in any way, so it's a purely BBC-John thing, but I like it and hope it comes up again.
I also love that he made risotto at some point. I bet Sherlock would be really good at cooking - given it's like practical chemistry, he'd be a natural - but he'd refuse to use his abilities for something as mundane as food.

And, lest I post without linking to silly things, have the most wonderfully cracky music vid I've seen in a while.

Edit: Okay, more silliness (may only make sense if you've seen the H2G2 film)
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and sort-of knew who the Golem was.

I forget, did he detail how one defeats a golem? And if so, did he get it wrong (the word is "truth", not "life")?
To stop the club from dying, here are some humorous pictures:



Abnd now some tumblr things:




...Yeah, will never be as good as Dannichu about finding pictures.
Those are good! I like the Moriarty-cat one. :3 And the Mycroft Poppins is hilarious, especially if you actually go read the LJ community the artist links to.

Yesssssss, the Mycroft Poppins comics MAKE MY LIFE XD

The sheer number of Sherlock/Lady Gaga macros that exist make me happy. And the Sherlock caps with Mean Girls captions. Some things just never get old~

Additionally, this is one of the most amusing things to come out of the fandom, I think.
Lalalala, look at me, posting and shiz.

Right; inspired by the Hogwards Houses thread and a bunch of fanart/fanfics I've seen/read, I pose this question to you - what Hogwarts houses would the Sherlock cast be in?

The main reason I ask this is because everything I've seen/read puts John in Hufflepuff, whereas, in my mind at least, he's a textbook Griffindor. Sherlock could really be in Slytherin, Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, but I lean more towards Slytherin (where Mycroft and Moriarty would also be, obvs.). Molly would be a Hufflepuff. Lestrade and Sarah as Ravenclaws?

Oh, John is definitely Gryffindor. The man has guts.

I think I pretty much agree on yours, really; Sherlock has that obsession with being right and better than everyone that seems like a definite Slytherin trait. I might see Lestrade as a borderline Hufflepuff, though; he's pretty realistic about the police's need for Sherlock, and that kind of humility seems more a Hufflepuff trait than a Ravenclaw one.
Bahaha, that's... actually kind of interesting. I agree that Sherlock might be headed toward Slytherin, but something tells me he would rather be dead than be caught in the same house as Mycroft and would push for Ravenclaw if Mycroft were a Slytherin.

I agree with the rest of what you've mentioned after a cursory glance and hardly any thought; probably I should be eating right now, so. Srs bsns consideration will have to wait!
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