• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Sign-up for TCoD's First Ever Pokemon Examination Here!

Hey there everyone, the results are ready!

Originally, a massive 122 users signed up for the exam. In the end, 94 actually submitted final answers! Seventy-four (74) of these users were from Serebiiforums and Twenty (20) were from The Cave Of Dragonflies.

Here's the list of users:

Serebiiforums Users:
1. Guraena
2. Horn Drill
3. sceptilianmaster
4. Profesco
5. Lishus13
6. Dramatic Melody
7. Dragonphantom
8. Drybones446
9. Sinnohdragon
10. Master Blastoise
11. PocketmonMaster
12. Lucazard
13. N_Shadow19
14. Virtuos
15. sweet_piplup123
16. SmoG878
17. Rheine
18. Kuroshi
19. Zapmolcuno
20. Apocalypse_ZLS
21. Shadow Tepi 8
22. shadow_wolf
23. BynineB
24. >Entei<
25. JosJuice
26. Empoleon Bonaparte
27. AlteredegoX
28. sirboulevard
29. Prince Amrod
30. freddo from sinnoh
31. LostHero
32. Pikachu_Luver
33. Umbreon-dana
34. chamo-chan
35. Ellie
36. Harris73
37. BlitzBlast
38. Uka.champion
39. The Shiny Feraligator
40. Abysmal Zero
41. TurtwigFan1
42. Sora
43. watermaster
44. Grei
45. DemonLabRat
46. Krake
47. Chaos Shadow
48. serenaballerina
49. Sinnoh Champion
50. I like Pokemon (...)
51. Mitja
52. Rayquaza Master777
53. Kurosaki_klan
54. coolespeon
55. PamperedPersian1
56. Atari
57. Super Saiyan 3 Goku
58. Pokewriter
59. personthatiknow
60. zhanton
61. ground tamer
62. mitchlord
63. ~Dragon_Master~
64. Thunderstarry
65. MidnightMag
66. Torosiken
67. ben_pokemon
68. Dittoman97
69. Calm Pokemaster
70. meteor64
71. Scizor22
72. Captain Noob
73. Rabidmunchlax
74. Bisasam

The Cave of Dragonflies Users:
75. Charizard Morph
76. Mike the Foxhog
77. shadow_lugia
78. Murkrow
79. Mehwmew
80. Pikachu
81. Doctor Jimmy
82. rock-ground
83. Slartibartfast
84. Evoli
85. Mumei
86. ultraviolet
87. @lex
88. Dragon
89. Ketsu
90. SonicNintendo
91. Jack_the_PumpkinKing
92. Ramsie
93. Worst Username Ever
94. Aethelstan

So... the above users' answers were graded, they were awarded raw scores. Grade boundaries were constructed and scaled points were then obtained for each user. In the end, the total amount of points was 500.

There was a seven letter grading system. Candidates were assigned a grade in each subject, as well as an overall grade.

Per subject, the grades and corresponding scaled marks were:
A* - 95/100
A - 85/100
B - 75/100
C - 65/100
D - 55/100
E - 50/100
F - below 50/100

The total for this exam is 500 scaled marks (from 160 raw marks). The grades and corresponding scaled marks were:
A* - 475/500
A - 425/500
B - 375/500
C - 325/500
D - 275/500
E - 250/500
F - below 250/500

The summary of the results:
The highest total score was: 468/500 (An A grade)

The lowest total score was: 115/500 (An F grade)

Twelve (12) users earned an A grade overall (their scores ranged from 425 to 468).

Twenty-four (24) users earned a B grade overall (their scores ranged from 376 to 413).

Twenty (20) users earned a C grade overall (their scores ranged from 328 to 374).

Twenty (20) users earned a D grade overall (their scores ranged from 277 to 374).

Three (3) users earned an E grade overall (their scores ranged from 257 to 272).

Fifteen (15) users earned an F grade overall (their scores ranged from 115 to 248).

Two (2) users earned the highest amount of individual A* grades per subject. Those users earned three A*s.

The highest score in Pokemon Mechanics was copped by three users who scored 100/100.

The highest score in Pokemon History was copped by one user who scored 97/100.

The highest score in Pokemon Math was copped by two users who scored 100/100.

The highest score in General Pokemon was copped by three users who scored 100/100.

The highest score in Pokemon Battling & Contests was copped by three users who scored 100/100.

That's it for now! Come back to General Pokemon Discussion on August 8th to see the grand results of the Annual Pokemon Exam 2009! Other things you can expect to see:
> I will provide a report of the examination
> I will make the examination public!!!
> I will provide some sample answers which were submitted!
> A list of special awards
> A preview of next year's exam :)

I have received answers from (this list includes people from Serebii.net Forums & The Cave of Dragonflies):
Abysmal Zero
Calm Pokemaster
Captain Noob
Charizard Morph
Dramatic Melody
Empoleon Bonaparte
freddo from sinnoh
ground tamer
I like Pokemon (...)
Master Blastoise
Mike the Foxhog
Prince Amrod
Rayquaza Master777
Shadow Tepi 8
Sinnoh Champion
Super Saiyan 3 Goku
The Shiny Feraligator
Worst Username Ever

Total users: 87 (49 marked)

Watch this space for a list of users whose answers have been marked :)

The deadline for submission is 31st July 2009 (that's in five days). I will be sending reminder PMs to those who have not submitted as yet tomorrow.

The results will be published on 8th August.

List of Candidates & PM Status
If your name is on this list as having been sent a PM and you did not receive one, please PM me as soon as possible!

01. Guraena - PM SENT!
02. Horn Drill - PM SENT!
03. sceptilianmaster - PM SENT!
04. Lishus13 - PM SENT!
05. Profesco - PM SENT!
06. Dramatic Melody - PM SENT!
07. Dragonphantom - PM SENT!
08. Drybones446 - PM SENT!
09. Sinnohdragon - PM SENT!
10. Master Blastoise - PM SENT!
11. PocketmonMaster - PM SENT!
12. Lucazard - PM SENT!
13. pokefreak in qatar93 - PM SENT!
14. N_Shadow19 - PM SENT!
15. Virtuos - PM SENT!
16. pokemon trainer sammymadm - PM SENT!
17. sweet_piplup123 - PM SENT!
18. SmoG878 - PM SENT!
19. Rheine - PM SENT!
20. Kuroshi - PM SENT!
21. Zapmolcuno - PM SENT!
22. Apocalypse_ZLS - PM SENT!
23. Shadow Tepi 8 - PM SENT!
24. DS lite man - PM SENT!
25. shadow_wolf - PM SENT!
26. BynineB - PM SENT!
27. >Entei< - PM SENT!
28. JosJuice - PM SENT!
29. Empoleon Bonaparte - PM SENT!
30. AlteredegoX - PM SENT!
31. sirboulevard - PM SENT!
32. Prince Amrod - PM SENT!
33. Jage - PM SENT!
34. freddo from sinnoh - PM SENT!
35. LostHero - PM SENT!
36. Pikachu_Luver - PM SENT!
37. Umbreon-dana - PM SENT!
38. chamo-chan - PM SENT!
39. Ellie - PM SENT!
40. Harris73 - PM SENT!
41. BlitzBlast - PM SENT!
42. Uka.champion - PM SENT!
43. The Shiny Feraligator - PM SENT!
44. Atticus - PM SENT!
45. Abysmal Zero - PM SENT!
46. TurtwigFan1 - PM SENT!
47. Alloute - PM SENT!
48. Sora - PM SENT!
49. watermaster - PM SENT!
50. Kaasuti - PM SENT!
51. Grei - PM SENT!
52. DemonLabRat - PM SENT!
53. Krake - PM SENT!
54. Chaos Shadow - PM SENT!
55. serenaballerina - PM SENT!
56. misty'scorsola - PM SENT!
57. Sinnoh Champion - PM SENT!
58. I like Pokemon (...) - PM SENT!
59. Mime1020 - PM SENT!
60. Mitja - PM SENT!
61. Rayquaza Master777 - PM SENT!
62. Kurosaki_klan - PM SENT!
63. coolespeon - PM SENT!
64. dragonray8 - PM SENT!
65. Ohtachi - PM SENT!
66. holy_lucario - PM SENT!
67. PamperedPersian1 - PM SENT!
68. Atari - PM SENT!
69. Super Saiyan 3 Goku - PM SENT!
70. Wormow - PM SENT!
71. Pokewriter - PM SENT!
72. personthatiknow - PM SENT!
73. zhanton - PM SENT!
74. ground tamer - PM SENT!
75. mitchlord - PM SENT!
76. ~Dragon_Master~ - PM SENT!
77. Thunderstarry - PM SENT!
78. MidnightMag - PM SENT!
79. Torosiken - PM SENT!
80. ben_pokemon - PM SENT!
81. Dittoman97 - PM SENT!
82. Calm Pokemaster - PM SENT!
83. meteor64 - PM SENT!
84. CapitalX - PM SENT!
85. Scizor22 - PM SENT!
86. ninjascyther - PM SENT!
87. dd2014 - PM SENT!
88. Captain Noob - PM SENT!
89. Rabidmunchlax - PM SENT!
90. Elite Four Muadita - PM SENT!
91. Golden Pure - PM SENT!
92. Bisasam - PM SENT!

Serebiiforum's 5th Annual Pokemon Examination!

Hello Everyone! It's finally here! The fifth Annual SPPf PokeExam is here at last. Do you know your Pokemon? Take this test to find out! Compete with SPPf's PokeSmartest for the title of "Smartest SPPf User When It Comes to Pokemon"!

Special Thanks To...
Dragonfree! Without her help, none of the high-tech shizz would not have been possible. Dragonfree was kind enough to host the exam for me on her website. In addition, she made scripts for: the login system, the exam page and the marking system. Thank you so much!

Erik Destler :) He will be looking very closely at this thread. Better read the sign-up instructions carefully.

A Blast From The Past!
Can you emerge on top like Kveran and Guraena did in 2005? In 2006, Horn Drill did not share his top spot. Neither did sceptilianmaster in 2007. Last year, however, the competition was tight. Although sceptilianmaster came very close to reclaiming the title, three candidates snatched the title away from him. They were Lishus13, Profesco and Tomato Jr.

If you need to learn more about this exam, have a read by clicking here.

So, what's keeping you? Use this thread to sign-up now! And guess what? Five persons have already been signed-up. They are:

1. Guraena
2. Horn Drill
3. sceptilianmaster
4. Lishus13
5. Profesco

Yes, those are the past top candidates! This means that the competition is even tighter! Here's hoping that you all prevent them from reclaiming the title ;) Sadly, Kveran and Tomato Jr. could not have accepted their reserved spaces. They can claim those spaces if they happen to return before the results are released though!

Before you sign-up...
You MUST follow the format below when you are entering. If you do not use the format, your post will simply be skipped/ignored and you will not be added to the list of candidates until you've correctly posted. Make up your mind now. If you are going to enter, please try to submit all the answers (or at the very least, half of them!). Thank you and have fun!

Username: <try to copy and paste it exactly as it is on SPPf. This is VERY important because you we will be using a case sensitive password system!>

Do you wish to sign-up for the exam: <yes or no?>

Any other comments: <your thoughts/feelings about the exam, how you hope/think you will perform.
You cannot put "No" under "Any other comments". You cannot leave it blank either. You must tell me something that relates to: your thoughts/feelings about the exam or how you hope/think you will perform

This is a sign-up thread. Do NOT post anything else. Your post should only include the above information. Erik Destler will be watching you ^_^.

After you sign-up...
You will be sent a PM which will contain: your username + unique password & instructions on how + where to take the exam. If you do not receive a PM but you have been added to the list of candidates, please do not panic. Do not PM me or post here asking me if I PMed you the information. Be patient.

I will also include a PM status with the list of candidates. The PM status simply shows whether I've sent a PM to a particular candidate or not. If the PM was sent, you will be PM sent next to the candidate's name and so on.

When taking the exam...
After reading the PM I sent, you will then go to a login page. On this login page, you will see some notes. Read them carefully. You will be required to enter your username, usercode and homeboard on that login page. After entering the correct information, you will then be taken to the exampage! You will not be required to enter your username, usercode or homeboard again (because you have already logged in). Take the test and try to answer all questions. Please do not sign-up and fail to submit the test. Submit your answers when you are done!

The deadline for submission of answers is 31st July, 2009. Any answers submitted after that will not be marked.

After taking the exam...
After submitting your answers, they will be ready for marking. Marking ends on 1st August, 2009 (after the deadline). I will take one week to process the raw scores and produce the results. On 8th August, 2009 the results will be published right here on SPPf!
Last edited:
Just to note that yes, I have been involved in the preparations for this, and it's pretty fun. By all means sign up if you want something to do.
Username: shadow_lugia

Do you wish to sign-up for the exam: Yes

(I wasn't sure where the end tag of the Size=4 thing was suppposed to go, so I just made the whole thing in size 4 :P)
PM Sent to:
01. Scyther - PM SENT!
02. Full Metal Cookies - PM SENT!
03. Charizard Morph - PM SENT!
04. Mike the Foxhog - PM SENT!
05. shadow_lugia - PM SENT!
06. Murkrow - PM SENT!
07. Mehwmew - PM SENT!
08. Pikachu - PM SENT!
09. Articuno - PM SENT!
10. Flora and Ashes - PM SENT!
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