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Snom Mafia

i prefer this wagon over superjolt’s at first glance.
why tbh?
i just think superjolt feels fine, i guess. i’m not sure it’s a townlean but i’m also not really feeling all that inclined to see him lynched and i’m not sure i understand what pressing him would achieve. i don’t really care if other people vote there but it’s not really striking my interest.
(and still don't to an extent)
does this mean that you do have some idea, though? can you talk about that
I think i have a better idea than i did before, but i worry that talking about my idea will result in people changing their behavior to make my idea worthless, so i would prefer to not bring it up until after wagons happen and/or enough people ask about it

Do you have any more behavioral reads beyond your Ysabel one, Trebek?

Also, can you talk a little about how you're planning to play/approach this game given your experience in Cats? If this question doesn't make sense to you, you can ignore it.

to be honest, i don't have many behavioral reads, which is related to the second part of your question. I knew going into Cats that the mechanical portion of play was where i was much more comfortable, but i got stressed out D1 and tried to artificially create reads for the sake of "having reads" that i could tell people about, which ended up just causing more people to nullread me for large portions of the game. i wanted to try to play more to my strengths in this game, which may lead to an awkward D1 again, but i would rather run the risk of just getting yeeted early and having the opportunity to make more mech-based thoughts about the game than just making up things to talk about early on
i don't really have strong lynch feelings but i think superjolt's preliminary reads here are decently different/shallower from how they were in cats tbh, and i think trebek is roughly in line with what i expected out of him in game 2
admittedly i think it's also very possibly just like. lower-effort play. i'm just comparing this to that one really long thoughtspost he made there, which i townread pretty quickly in a way that i'm not here
Oh god quoting things on mobile. Thoughts about Trebek!

ok so i woke up this morning and was like <trebek don’t forget snomfia starts today> and then i did :< but i’m alive now!

i would also hardclaim VT but i’d rather choose my own calling in life :p maybe i’ll hardclaim alien
Joking about their role seems relaxed to me! ^^ I like the bit about choosing your own calling, I woulda loved to do that as VT in Cats LOL
if snoms are villagers and zorua are mafia, does that make ditto alien?
now i’m just thinking about snom in a top hat
Memey posts gives me more relaxed feelings!
on that note, something about the flavor has been bugging me

the little rock in the road
Bringing up flavour spec is something that I'm not sure maf would do. This and Trebek mentioning stealth rocks is what made me think there's a uhhh paranoid gun guy? (but snom flavour)
the other issue i have with representatives is that it seems easy for mafia to weasel themselves into the process, maybe even electing a member of their own as the rep?
yeah also this, esp since we inevitably kind of lose the spontaneity of EoD this way :p
yeah, i just have bad Vibes about a mafia member becoming the representative and “oh no i wasn’t around to vote” if the votes on maf
Very town concerns imo!
there are 2 wolves inside of you

one calls it snafia
the other calls it snomfia
More relaxed memery 😄
are you guys just trying to pocket me tbh >:o

ryan have you given/do you have any reads already? i forgot
vague townlean of ysabel over The Proposal (starring sandra bullock and ryan reynolds) but other than that, just sorta sitting back and soaking in the vibes (i have typical D1 angst bc not knowing mechanics makes things scary)
I like that they read Ysabel as towny at that point despite not being keen on The Proposal. I kind of feel like a wolf would push Ysabel as being a bit suspect for her proposal, given the thing about wolves potentially being able to control the vote with voting reps etc.
also would you complain if we were trying to pocket you >:)
considering my trauma, yes tbh D:
ok ill stop then :D

Joke votes and unvotes feel very relaxed to me LOL.
the other issue i have with representatives is that it seems easy for mafia to weasel themselves into the process, maybe even electing a member of their own as the rep?
I don't disagree, but can you expand on this please? Why is that bad?

my concern i think got more generally/succinctly explained by keldeo, which is just the overall issues with consensus voting not hitting mafia. i was mostly just thinking about mafia pushing a consensus towards a townie, and then since only the representative votes it becomes a lot harder to analyze who was pushing to kill town
I feel like a wolf would not necessarily bring this up! Analysis always benefits town imo
Good news everyone! We resolved the ice cream situation, and they will trade me an unopened one :D

perfect, now i can safely unvote

i also agree that people should try to avoid tipping off their roles in how they talk about/do things relative to the popularity mechanic: at this early in the game we should probably not outwardly worry about it too much (inwardly is a different story :o)
I like this post! Keeping roles under wraps us something I can vibe with. A wolf would not discourage uhhh posting assessed popularity ranks publicly, since again, someone with a -1 who refused to vote could be parsed as a power role.
will be interesting to see what the role does next tbh
yeah, i want to wait to see whether or not the depopularity-izer [redacted bc otherwise theyll be biased by knowing what im looking for]
😯 Keeping a tight lip on power spec also seems good.
Overall: I'd just say Trebek feels super relaxed to me and seems to be playing more for town's favour than not.

I really hope the formatting doesn't break because oh god mobile 😅
This is the first time I've really done an ISO in thread so I understand if it comes off as a Lot for me 😯 I think if I can find useful things to do (like ISOs of people), that'll help me feel less aimless!
Bringing up flavour spec is something that I'm not sure maf would do. This and Trebek mentioning stealth rocks is what made me think there's a uhhh paranoid gun guy? (but snom flavour)
fwiw, i think mafia would def bring up flavorspec if it struck them as a high-return thing to do (easy analysis that doesn't require actual player reading)

but also i still think trebek is in my null/slight townpile for now. i also liked how he talked about ysabel/was able to like, differentiate between her mindset and the proposal he disagreed with (and, imo, voiced towny concern about), though i guess that isn't something that's unreproducible as a wolf either
i just had an idea. mewtini, you’re my bff and we know a lot about each other—what if we established some kind of code using information only we would know? here’s a dictionary of words/codewords you can use:
  • i - first four digits of your credit card
  • am - second four digits of your credit card
  • a - third four digits of your credit card
  • townie - the expiration date of your credit card
  • doctor - the three numbers on the back of your credit card
  • cop - the street you grew up on
  • vigilante - the make and model of your first car
  • wolf - the name of your first pet
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