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So, the situation in Japan.

I've been sort of confused - what exactly is going on with the nuclear reactors?

As far as I can tell, they automatically shut down because of the earthquake and the cooling system failed on a couple of them. To prevent damage to the core they're using/have used seawater and boron to cool it.
Fun fact: meltdowns aren't really that bad. At worst they will melt through an inch of the surrounding lead (which is about a foot thick).

edit: Also, no, it's a cooling problem. There might be a meltdown if they don't fix it in time. That explosion the other day? That was just escaping steam, I think. The media is blowing the nuclear problem out of proportion; the lack of electricity is probably going to be a lot more problematic.
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I pray for all the people in Japan to recover as best they can. But I think that Japan is resilient and have faith that they will get back to their feet rather quickly. The death toll is staggering, but the fact that they have plans for these kinds of situations will hopefully prevent more deaths from happening.
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