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So, the situation in Japan.

it makes me pretty ashamed to even have associated with some of the people that are like this toward Japan. I mean, shit, one of'em is my own step-dad of all people. I kinda lost a lot of respect for him yesterday :/
I will personally track down anybody who mentions Pearl Harbor one more time and hang them using their own guts. That is all.

Has anyone noticed that there seems to be a lot of large earthquakes recently? There was one in China some (I think it's two?) years before, and the one in Haiti, and now Japan...
Has anyone noticed that there seems to be a lot of large earthquakes recently? There was one in China some (I think it's two?) years before, and the one in Haiti, and now Japan...

Japan and southwestern China (Sichuan) usually get quite a few earthquakes because they're near plate boundaries. Wikipedia says the same about Haiti, so.
Just another sign of the upcoming apocolypse ;D! *shot*

But honestly, I feel horrible about what happened in Japan. And on the subject, I think mentioning Pearl Harbor is horrible. God, get over it, you retards!
To those idiots that mention Pearl Harbor....



Also I've heard soooo many doomsday predictions coming from this.
I will personally track down anybody who mentions Pearl Harbor one more time and hang them using their own guts. That is all.

Has anyone noticed that there seems to be a lot of large earthquakes recently? There was one in China some (I think it's two?) years before, and the one in Haiti, and now Japan...

This sounds like a selection bias at work. Large earthquakes happen at more or less a constant frequency, it's just that most of them don't make it into the media because nothing actually happens.
D: Yeah a 9 year old is here. Get over it. Anyway...
We must help Japan D: Dang, that...that THING that Danni showed us earlier is sick. Dudes, this is why I call the US in my info what I did. And I didn't JUST mean patriotic. Why do I have to live in this damned wasteland? D: And fortunately Tajiri is alive. But yeah, didn't you guys hear about the earthquake that followed Japan's in Haiti? Also, CNN was praising the EMTs in Japan for being SO, SOO prepared. OK, yeah. I knew of all people that there could be a tsunami next, and the TRAINED EMTs don't know that??? Oh, you stupid patriotic America. I MEAN ALL THAT, YA HEAR?
D: Yeah a 9 year old is here. Get over it,

I don't think anyone mentioned the fact that you're nine.

It wasn't just Japan's EMS, it was the whole country. I hate to say it is good that that happened in Japan for that reason. (I am so going to get attacked) But Japan was the very well prepared for disaster.
It was obvious that the tsunami would occur from the sheer force of the earthquake...and I replied to your VM Phantom.
I feel so sorry for all those affected by the quake. I truly hope that they are able to recover, and anyone going "they dsrvd it 4 perl hrbor" is hung via their own intestines in front of the redneck children they've been feeding lies to. And may all the dead be in a better place.
I'm pretty sure they knew about the tsunami? No offence meant but I think it's a bit rich to say that trained specialists wouldn't know something a nine-year old would? :|
It's just that it's a little hard to evacuate and warn large numbers of people when communication is disrupted everywhere and there's a giant wave charging towards you at 600mph

I hate how people put the "idiotic" label on the USA. Sure, some people here probably got hit on the head with a shovel repeatedly, but there are still people here that are educated, unbiased, not racist, and generally accepting.
Americans killed at Pearl Harbor: 2,500.
Japanese killed by atomic bombings: conservatively, 150,000.

That's a hundred times more deaths. I think we "got even".

I'm ashamed to be a citizen of a country where ignorance and apathy towards those who are suffering, regardless of their nationality, is so commonplace. Because of an attack OVER 70 FUCKING YEARS AGO? Get the FUCK over it.

Oh, america, america, why must you contain so many retards?

All of these, so much.
For an 8.9, those buildings weren't shaking that much (now this may be due to their height, but). I'm honestly impressed. Props to you, Japan.
For an 8.9, those buildings weren't shaking that much (now this may be due to their height, but). I'm honestly impressed. Props to you, Japan.

You're missing the point. They're supposed to sway. If they were built rigidly so as to stay still they'd all have collapsed.
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