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Suggestions sometimes i doodle


wants to play mafia
Most of this stuff is already in my albums, But I figure more people will see it here and I'll get more critique/comments. These are all drawn on paper, scanned, and colored in on the computer. I'm in the act of recoloring these, because before I was really lazy and all I did was use the paintbucket option and slap them into my album(s). I'll take suggestions, but I don't know how many I will actually get around to doing. The only one currently recolored is Castursa. Now I shall dump tons of badly-colored art on you. (The unfinished ones will be linked in, the others will just be there)


Horribly colored-in Unnamed Grass/Dark Deer Pokemon (Suggestions for names?)
Dranessie (1st Stage Grass-Type Loch Ness Monster Pokemon)
Dracness (2nd Stage Grass/Dragon Loch Ness)
Draconezzo (Final Stage Grass/Dragon Loch Ness)
Wingblu (Wingull/Swablu~Water/Flying)
Raltsper (Ralts/Whooper~Psychic/Ground)
Mewkachu (Mew/Pikachu)
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Re: Everart

I suggest, when coloring in images, not to save them as JPEG, because that makes the lines all rough and then the fill-in tool won't work. Try PNG instead; it's a relatively small file size but doesn't have the rough edges that a JPEG does.

For some reason the Grass/Dark deer looks familiar to me... did you base it off any existing Pokémon? Either way, I love the way you drew its face. It's very cute! The position of the eye and the way you drew it especially makes it look that way.
Re: Everart

I didn't base it off of anything. It was originally supposed to be an flying-type Eeveelution (I tried to copy the style of the eye), but it turned out looking like a deer instead of a fox so I just ditched the whole flying-type idea. Do you have any suggestions for a name?

EDIt: I tried resaving it as a PNG, but it didn't really help me :/
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Re: Everart


Um...This is me...I never draw faces or feet so um...yeah...
Re: Everart

That's quite an interesting picture. I think I like how you don't draw faces or feet. It makes me want to look at it more, somehow. (Faces are the hardest part of a drawing, I know.)
Re: Everart


Bluhbluhbluh a rather nice drawing that my printer screwed up :(
I'll probably rescan it later.
Re: Everart


A random drawing of me with a friend of mine. Her hair turned out too brown, but I like it nonetheless.
Re: Everart


Elvish Form again. I don't like the colors as much though.
Re: Everart


A blonde girl whose elbows look a little off. Come to think of it, she reminds me of Eowyn...
Re: Everart


Clara, a character I made for a school project. I don't really like how she turned out, but.

(Now it's TEN posts in a row by me! I'm going to stop posting. Not hat this thread gets many views anyway.)
Re: Everart

Your face and feet less people could make for epic barbie dolls ;D The hair is cute, might you try drawing someone with a mohawk... >.> *coughmecough*
Re: Everart

Okay i have been epicly lazy with my updates, I promise to add all of my new (and some old) art as soon as I get my hands on a printer. I must have at least ten new drawings. Plus some fail-ish things that i need advice on.
Re: Everart


Kiri, my RP character for one of the now-dead RPs I was in.

My cousin Mei. I suck at drawing straightacross bangs.

Someone random. I'm naming her Fiona.

Hanny, my other cousin, and the twin sister of Mei.
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