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Songs that would make a grown man cry

anathema - one last goodbye

tell me you didn't see this coming retsu

just tell me
are you there? would also be a prime contender, especially the acoustic version

nine inch nails - hurt
This one makes me really sad; War on Drugs by the Barenaked Ladies.
It's the
Won't it be dull
When we rid ourselves of all these demons haunting us
to keep us company?
Won't it be odd to be happy
Like we always we always thought we're supposed to feel
But never seemed to be?

That gets me. Though the verse about the viaduct is sad, too ):

Ooh, and Art Garfunkel's Bright Eyes used to make me cry buckets. It's not just because of Watership Down; it was written about the song writer's father dying of cancer and the drugs affecting his eyes through the process.
He was my Brother - Simon and Garfunkel

This is simply one of the greatest songs I have ever heard. Its just... wow... So filled with emotion.

For those of you that don't know, the Freedom Riders were a group a of people that rode busses all the way down to the Southern States of the US in protest to the racial descrimination durring the Civil Rights movement of the mid 20th century.

Also... You should really look into all kinds of music, there is a lot of great stuff other than what is commercialized. Doo Wop from the 50s, British invasion and Folk music of the 60s, and loads of stuff from every other bit of time as well. It never hurt anyone to listen to something different, right? And it is never too soon nor late to start :3.
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