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Open Splices' Peril

You'll never catch us. Rick had noticed the flying pokémon, and attacked their minds. We will escape. You are just the tools of humans. You can be free if you want to, it's not that difficult. Then he floated into the air and punched one of the Staraptors in the wing. It shreaked and dove towards him, it's wing glowing.

"Arrgh!" Rick said as he was hit by the Steel Wing attack and was hurled about two meters back. It didn't hurt him much, though, and a purple beam came from his head. The Psybeam hit the Staraptor hard, and sent it tumbling some meters away.

Continue! I and Garchard will distract them! He said towards the group on the ground.
Garchard used his ExtremeSpeed at the Swellow. "Take that, you bastards!" Garchard growled. Swellow flew away, afraid. Then a Staraptor appeared. It was badly injured. "Didnt you faint?" Garchard said. "No, you guys broke the collar. Now Im free," he said. "The collar brainwashes you and you become a slave. Can I join your team? I know Im not a splice but I admire your bravery." "I dont know. You gotta ask Lunipseon," Garchard growled. "Follow me." Together they flew toward the team.
*re-posts form*

Name: Lita
Pokémon Splice: in a way she's not a splice, she's a Grovyle with wings, a horn, and a long tail. You could say she was a splice of a Grovyle and a Charizard or Charmeleon.
Gender: Female
Age: Finally, someplace where it doesn't matter!

Personality: PO
Biography: Yay, optional.
Other: pancake. I'm hungry.
Are you leaving me? Rick said, ignoring the Staraptor. Since he had read their minds, he didn't attack, and knew that if the collars were broken, the pokémon would be free. He used Psybeam again, this time on the collar on a Swellows neck. The collar got a crack in it. Rick used Psychic and the collar broke off. "Thanks!" The Swellow schreeched in it's pitch-high voice. "We'll remember you for that!" No problem. Take care. He turned to find other opponents with collars.
While it's already interrupted, I might as well post this application-

Name: Zulo
Pokémon Splice: Gallade, Raichu, and Elekid
Gender: Male

Personality: PO

Silver looked around and saw Rick fighting alone she ran back to him with the ralts and shouted "I'll fight with you to get the collars off!" as she put down the ralts "Don't worry it's ok." she said to the ralts.
"Well then C'mon Rick let's go!" Garchard growled. Garchard Staraptor landed near Lunipseon. Garchard looked around. "Damn! We're surrounded!" Garchard said.
"Rick it's a distraction!Come back!" shouted Silver as she picked up the ralts and ran to help the others.She shot a giant fireball at one of the humans.And the ralts she was holding used headbutt on the human. "Wow your pretty strong.We make a good team."
Silver smiled at the little ralts.
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Staraptor used Reflect. "Garchard use Flamethrower on my Reflect! It will hit the humans much faster!" Staraptor cried. Garchard used Flamethrower on the Reflect. The fire began to reflect on the humans. It also hit the trees and the grass. They had started a wildfire.
Roger. Rick levitated back to the ground and followed the others. Just noticing the humans, he teleported two of them into the town nearby. He didn't want to hurt them. "Don't hurt them! They aren't Pokémon who can withstand attacks like us! We should rather retreat!" He didn't like the thought of retreat, it made him feel... weak.
"Ah!Don't get near the fire ralts!" Silver told the ralts she was holding.
"We have to get out of here!" shouted Silver
(( Ralts picture
its so cute :3 ))
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Darksong leaped up and used her teeth to bite onto one of a swooping Swellow's wings. The Swellow fell to the ground as Darksong rammed her with her horns, then flipped the stunned bird over and placed a paw on her chest. However, Darksong accidentally broke the collar. The Swellow shook her head. "Thanks for that. Who are you?"
"Darksong," The mix replied.
"Well," the Swellow said, stretching one wing, "I'm Toree. Is it okay if I travel with you?"
Darksong turned to Lunipseon. "Is it okay for this one to join us?" she asked.
As if to emphasize the question, Toree flapped her wings a bit. Darksong noticed a few drops of blood fly out of the wound. "We need to get you fixed up," she recommended.
However, then a loud crackling started, and the forest was lit on fire. "Oh no..." Toree said.
Don't hurt the Pokémon with collars. They are being mind controlled by the humans! Rick said towards Darksong, then said towards all the humans. Listen up! If you don't stop bothering us we have no other choice than exterminating you. And you wouldn't like that, hmmm? He threatened them, and one retreated to the town, the others, however, just searched the area for the source of the voice in their heads.
((*reads over* accepted. Say you're going through the forest and you find a group of splices or something.))

"Not again," Cryptica said, standing by. When the wildfire started, her eyes widened. She looked to her right. The river! She focused, bringing up some water from the river. She threw it on the wildfire. "It's at least slowed them down!" shouted Cryptica. "You guys! Go!"
Peremptorily, she looked back and shot a psychic attack from her hand at one of the humans. It was three against one. Cryptica versus humans.
"All of you!" Cryptica shouted frantically. "Leave! Now!"
The humans had evil grins on their faces. The splice shot another psychic twinge at a random human, and it instantly quieted down. Cryptica glared at them.
The unperturbed human threw a red-and-white sphere at Cryptica. She dodged to the side, slipping on the wet ground and falling on her back. To protect herself, she put a psychic barrier between her and the humans as she fled. But another sphere came toward Cryptica and hit her square in the back.
Cryptica barely escaped and attempted to run, but the bruise she had gotten from her fall caused her pain. One of the humans hurtled a rock toward the splice and hit her head. Losing conciousness, she fell to the ground.
Darksong heard sounds of fight. "Cryptica!"
She turned her head to Toree. "You, go. I'm resistant to fire. I'll pull her out of here."
Toree soared high while Darksong grabbed Cryptica and dragged her across the river and towards the rest of the group.
"Cryptica! Hold on i'm coming!" she said pushing aside the humans with a psychic barrier.Silver trapped the humans in the barrier to go help Cryptica."Ralts can you heal Cryptica too? I can heal her but,not all the way i need your help." Silver said as the ralts nodded.Silver healed Cryptica's back wound with the ralts help. "Cryptica wake up. Come on wake up!"
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((*facepalm* No, propor grammar is how I'm typing. Capatals at the begining of scentences, spaces after commas and period, ect. "I" when used as "I", "I'm", ect. Should ALWAYS be capatalised.))
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