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Open Splices' Peril

"Cryptica!" Rick ignored the humans and dashed over to the wounded Gardevoir, Charizard splice. Are you okay? Anything I can do? He sent telepathicly to Cryptica only. "Do you need water? Warmth?" He said out loud. Wait! Warmth! The wildfire! He psychically lifted a big portion of water from the river and threw it at the hot flames. I slowed it a little, but not enough. I'll try to stop the fire from reaching you! He teletold the others and placed his hands in the air as if it was a wall there. And it was now! Rick used his powers to stop the fire from spreading towards his friends.

It's no good! I'm too weak after the battle! He thought, then remembered his powers is boosted when he closed his eyes, and closed his eyes. The fire stopped moving towards his friends.
Be quick!
((Kind of ironic coming from someone who spells "proper" wrong ^^

Not meant to be an insult, Shadowstar. Please don't turn on me... :scared:))

Cryptica turned her head and groaned. "Go... don't worry about me.... I'll be fine...." She sighed.
Garchard flew into the air. "Staraptor, use Barrier around the team!" Garchard yelled. Staraptor quickly used Barrier. There was a force field blocking the humans. Garchard then used Explosion. KABOOM!! The humans were instantly killed. The team was safe inside Staraptor's Barrier. Garchard fell to the ground. He had no strength to even open his eyes.
(Oh, so I, just because I spell propor(?) wrong, I'm not sopposed to gave advice? Naw, just kidding.)
Darksong heard a BOOM. She looked around and saw Garchard, unconscious. She said to Silver, "You take care of Cryptica. Take her somewhere safe. I'll go see what's with Garchard."
She leaped toward him and landed by his side. "Come on, Garchard, you have to come now!"
Staraptor removed the Barrier. He went over Garchard and said, "Are you alright?" Garchard didnt answer.

Humans were attacking a group of Garchomps. "Son! Get away!" Garchard's father said. "Go!" Then a human threw a net over Garchard (not a splice yet.) "NO!" Garchard's father said. Then a human came and killed Garchard's father.

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Silver replied to Darksong "Ok come on Cryptica lets go." she said as she lifted up Cryptica.

Well, seeing how strong an attack that was, it was logical for the humans to die :? ))

Cryptica groaned again. "Thanks... friend." She weakly hopped out of Silver's grasp and stood up. "Just a bonk to the head," she said, and laughed. "Don't worry about me." She turned her head to Garchard. "What happened here?"
"Long story short,BIG boom. I think he took it over board." said Silver looking towards Cryptica. She smiled back at Cryptica saying "Your welcome friend."
Cryptica smiled and put her hand around Silver's shoulders. "We're so much alike... yet different. We deserve... best friends."
Lita walked through the woods, looking around. She heard voices and she jumped up, into a tree. She could see some other spliced pokemon, talking. But Lita dared not approach.
"Quick! Get... Away!" Rick managed to say with clenched teeth. The pressure of the Explosion had hit him hard, even through the Barrier, and he was weaker than before. Garchard! You... almost... killed me! Get... out! He telepathicly said to everyone, his arms were trembling, almost letting go of the wall in front of him. "Cryptica, do you... need any... help?"
"I'm fine," said Cryptica to Rick. "If you really want us to leave, then..."
Cryptica teleported just out of sight, but directly in front of Silver.
Over here! she thought to Silver. She waved a hand and giggled.
((ill be back tomorrow i have to get off))
Silver teleported over to Cryptica. "I'm right behind you!" Silver giggled to Cryptica.
((see ya tomorrow))
Garchard began to wake up. "What is goi.." Garchard moaned.


Garchard was in a cage. A human was looking at it. "It finally woke up," he said. "Give me the syringe." The human began to inject a liquid into Garchard. Ah! The pain! Garchard thought. Then a pair of wings grew out of his back...


"Is everyone OK.." Garchard moaned. Then he collapsed.
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