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Open Splices' Peril

(argh... I got left behind...)
Noticing that they had taken notice of him Rinevan hid deeper within the foilage, until he saw the group leaving. Wanting to find out who they are, Rinevan followed them, jumping from tree to tree, using its claw to grab on to any branches out of reach.
Darksong raced very fast below Toree, who was soaring quickly through the sky. "Race you!" she called as she accelerated. Darksong began to run faster, just keeping up with Toree. "Come on, everyone!" she managed to yell as she kept her pace.
Silver used her small Togetic wings to catch up with Cryptica. "I may have small wings but they work!" said Silver smiling at Cryptica.
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Cryptica smiled and giggled. Her expression turned serious and she looked ahead.
"That's nice... seriously. It's just that I'm really focused on not being cremated." She giggled again.
"I don't think you will,your part Charizard. But some of the others aren't." said Silver floating on her back but at a fast pace.
Cryptica's eyes widened. "Right. Charizard... can't be burned. In which case... maybe we should go in the back? If we do happen to touch the fire it will do nothing. Otherwise we can stay up here."
"Yea if the fire spreads faster then we think the others could get hurt. Mabye we should go in the back." said Silver looking back at the forest. "I can see the flames are headed for the town." Silver said holding Bell tight so he dosen't fall while in the air.
Lunipseon heard the Gardevoir splice's airborne conversation and knew what they would do.
Cryptica turned around and went to the back of the group, so that the first cross to be touched by flames wouldn't be one to get hurt.
"There," said Lunipseon, looking straight ahead at the mountain. "It is not close but we must not rest."
Silver still holding Bell flew down next to Cryptica. "Did you meet Bell yet?" Silver asked Cryptica.
Darksong soon ran out of energy. "You win," she muttered, before hearing the conversation between Cryptica and Silver and moving to the back of the line. "I have Flash Fire. I won't get hurt."
"Okay," said Cryptica.
Turning her head, she said, "No, I have not met Bell. She's very cute." Cryptica smiled.
"I'll look to see where the fire is." said Silver as she flew up to see where the fire was. "It's closing in but not that fast it's about 3 miles away. We might need pick up the pace a little." said Silver flying back done beside the two fire pokemon.
Bell looked over at Cryptica and smiled. "I don't think she can talk yet." said Silver looking down at Bell.
Cryptica nodded. "We'll be alright as long as we reach the mountain before the fire does. Stone does not burn. Mountains are made of stone."
"Yea the mountain will protect us for now. I just hope the fire won't get too close to Bell." said Silver having a worried look in her eye.
"Well, we all need some rest," Garchard growled. "Garchard, Darksong, and I will take turns being lookout for humans," Staraptor said.
"Awww, you guys have little friend, and I don't." complained Moonshine. Something fluffy and tan caught her eye.
"I have a bad feeling about the look in Moonshine's eyes." said Silver giggling and looking where Moonshine is.
Rick woke up from intense heat in his face. "W- what's going on?" He stood up. His whole body ached. Flames licked the trees around him. That's right, I passed out after saving Garchard. The heat from the fire was burning. Where are they anyway? The Kadabra stared in all four directions, but there was nothing but trees consumed by fire and the river... They... They left me! After all I have done! He raged. After that I had saved Garchrad! After I had blocked them from the fire! I knew I couldn't trust them. I can trust no one. Not even my parents! He thought.

Rick had not enough power to extinguish the flames not block it, not even for one minute. What is my destiny?
Silver looked around to see who wasn't there. "We left Rick!! Someone will have to get him!" said Silver panicing.
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