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SSB Choice Mafia (N3)

Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D2)

There's two different kinds of mafia player: Me, and the losers! (Captain flacon has like 4 quotes and that's it...)

The F-Zero will beat these scum!

A conversion seems really likely to me. Also iirc there is a mafia role that picks an innocent to fall in love with and turn them mafia. Some call it the Whore
Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D2)

The Pikmin and I find the Whore thing very certain! We hold Samus (to lazy to check who it is) under suspiscion! (Did I spell it right?)
Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D2)

Yes, (beep), you spelled it right. (beep) and it seems to me like that is very (beep) likely, the whore thing. [BEEP]

Unless Kirby was converted. [BEEP]
Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D2)

(Link doesn't really talk)
(I'd think Samus would be more of a killing role, what with her Power Suit and all.)
(Maybe there is a Nexus/Paranoid Gun Owner-like role out here)
(The Mafia could've targetted them, and either got randomized to one of their own, or they got an OBJECTION and were counter-killed)
Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D2)

Her giant laser could easily burn someone alive!

Personally, I think a Lover situation occurred.
Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D2)

I think it was lover too, but whore wasn't on Phantom's list. Also, LegendarySeeker, are you claiming vigilante?
Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D2)

I can guarantee you, I'm not capable of killing two people. In fact, being able to kill more than once is way too overpowered for any role in Mafia.

I was able to kill two people in one night as vig during ToS Evolution Mafia. But I doubt that if there is a vig, they'd kill two people in one night. It seems pointless, since there's no evidence to go on and the Mafia has been confirmed to have a bodyguard.
Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D2)

(Sorry, everyone, but I've given you more than enough time.)

Throughout the day, the citizens of Smashville had been trying to figure out just how in the world they'd gotten so lucky the previous night. However, it seemed that everyone had different ideas about what had gone on, and in the end, no one even voted to lynch.

As the sun sets over the little town, the villagers slowly begin to forget about the excitement of the previous morning, and regain the wariness they will need to have if they wish to survive the mafia's attacks...

No one was lynched.
48-72ish hours for night actions. I'm unsure if I'll have internet access over the weekend or not, so.
Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D3)

(GAAAAHHH I AM SO SORRY I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THIS ;.; also if you didn't figure this out, Master Hand = me, the GM)

The citizens of Smashville wake and head to the town square to see whoa what the hell is that giant floating gloved hand doing there.

"Greetings, citizens of Smashville," A booming voice is heard from overhead, presumably coming from the gloved hand, which is clenched as if holding something. "I am Master Hand, and for a while now, I have been watching over this insignificant little village of yours, and I've noticed someone who hasn't been cooperating well for the past two nights." As it finishes introducing itself, its fingers open and the crushed-to-death body of the local Pokémon Trainer falls to the ground with a sickening thud.

"He was innocent, so you don't have to bother inspecting his body or anything," Master Hand continues, seemingly oblivious to the astonished stares of the villagers. "Now, if you excuse me, I have more important matters to attend to." And with that, Master Hand disappeared as if it was never there in the first place.

Though everyone was shocked by the news of Pokémon Trainer's death, they reluctantly continued toward the center of the square, where they would inevitably find another dead body. Today, they found two; Pikachu's body had a deep gash across its chest, while Olimar's was maimed in a similar manner Zelda's had been a few days ago. After the bodies were inspected, Pikachu was revealed to be with the Mafia, while Olimar was Innocent. The citizens then begin to discuss what could've gone on the previous night, in hopes that they will actually eliminate a mafioso today...

RespectTheBlade (Pokémon Trainer) was modkilled. He was Innocent.
Metallica Fanboy (Pikachu) is dead. He was Mafia.
I liek Squirtles (Captain Olimar) is dead. He was Innocent.

48 hours for discussion. I will try to be on time this time.
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Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D2)

If I'm right about Ole_Schooler and DarkAura being some sort of Mafia Lovers, then I have killed all the dead Mafia members.
Re: SSB Choice Mafia (N2)

Confusing, woof. Oh woofing well.

Retracting my woofing vote.
Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D2)

I'm thinking that MF was the Don/Assassin, as he could have easily mauled Zelda (Mai) and Captain Olimar (ILS).

Edit: Also, shouldn't it be D3?
Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D3)

Well that's an interesting way to inactive kill. Crushed by a large hand...
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