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Strange Dreams/Nightmares

After watching about 15 hours of 24, I had a weird dream the other night where me, some RL friends, a couple of people from here (I only remember FMC and Mhals, though) and the cast of 24 had to deal with a big terrorist threat. It was intense.
I had a fever-dream where I fell through a Haunter. It was hot, not cold the way ghosts are supposed to feel. Also, it smelled like perfume.
I've had bizzare fever dreams before. Several times I've dreamed of trying to race garlic while slowly melting.

Also, I always have nightmares when I have fevers.
Once i was walking in a field and there were random baby birds on the ground, going peep peep peep! they were cute so i touched one and it died! D: I picked up another and it died! it made me sad, then Freddie Crugar came and chased me around!
Once, I drempt that I turned on my Animal Crossing Wild World game, and it said, "A neuclear bomb has gone off in close proximity to CakeClan (My town), and everyone died. So there will be no more Animal Crossing. Thank you for playing!" Needless to say, that morning I checked. No neuclear bombs for me :D

Also, I had a dream where I went to a supermarket and someone gave me a little plush doll of Sailor Moon :D! It was cute, too. I still wish it had been real...

Oh, and I've been having reoccuring dreams of Ed from FMA walking on railroad tracks with whatever song I had stuck in my head playing in the background 0o
My fever dreams are usually really bizarre or scary, though I can't remember any recent ones. Every time I got sick (usually strep throat or ear infections) for a couple of years after I had bacterial Meningitis (which was when I was 3) I had recurring nightmares about my family being tied up and put on a conveyor belt under ground and being pulled into an enormous machine where they were ground up, and I would be watching, panicking and crying my eyes out through a small window in the ground in a seemingly peaceful field, and a man who seemed like an employee or something in charge of whatever was killing my family would tell me that it was okay and give me a dandelion. Those dreams caused me to sleepwalk a couple of times.

All of my nightmares are usually scary because they have to do with something horrible happening in plain sight and people telling me that I'm wrong or that nothing can be done. >_> Like the one in my first post.

Another example of that sort of dream is one where I was bitten on the hand by a snake, and it was clinging to the spot as I told my mom to call 911, and she just said calmly that there were no places specializing in that sort of thing on the island that we live on, and when I told her that she HAD to call 911, she just looked through the phone book to prove it as I freaked out and kept begging. In the dream I started getting numb and dizzy and then woke. up. @_@
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Once, I drempt that I turned on my Animal Crossing Wild World game, and it said, "A neuclear bomb has gone off in close proximity to CakeClan (My town), and everyone died. So there will be no more Animal Crossing. Thank you for playing!" Needless to say, that morning I checked. No neuclear bombs for me :D

That's hilarious.

I just had this dream where Sasuke from Naruto was a champion soccer player. o.O
I wanna tell about the water cage!

But it's hard to type while singing Japanese. Just wait a minute.


So I was on this beach with black sand. Then something happened and I was on this tan-sand beach. It was like the Marowak Dojo from PMD2. Marowak was talking about how I failed, blah blah blah, and a Delibird was with him. I went through the portal and I was back at the black beach.
I walked farther and came to this long dome-shaped house-thingy. It was more a mound of dirt than a house, but it was someone's home.
And that someone was a white snake with purplish-black hair. Whiter than whatever white you can think of.
Anyway, the snake sounded exactly like Orochimaru when it talked to me. I explored around a bit and then left. I turned and went to this little pond-on-the-side-of-a-tiny-cliff, and Anko was there. She told me something like "be careful on the mission" or something, and I turned around and walked farther. I went down spiral stairs and went underground. For some reason, Sasuke was right next to me, except he'd stolen Shino's pose.
Then I appeared in some sort of cage. It was four wooden posts and chain link fence between them. There was also this gate with an extremely-easy-to-pick lock. A Slowbro was at one corner, but I ignored it. Something made it hard to open the gate, but I eventually did. Tortimer from AC appeared and congratulated me, giving me a tour of the place. Then I saw Kapp'n riding a stick figure bike in the sky. It was orange.

So here's what it meant (credit to Darksong for helping):

First things first. The white snake, of course, was Orochimaru, and Anko was there because she was on the mission to do something I can't remember along with Shino, Ino and Naruto. Sasuke was there because he was tied in with Orochimaru.
And then, the water cage. I represented Isaribi, the cute girl who was convinced by Amachi. The water of course, too. And then there's the cage. That represented Isaribi being stuck with Orochimaru for awhile, and eventually escaping his grasp even though it was hard. The Slowbro = Amachi because they both always have the same expression on their faces. For Kapp'n, he was a Kappa, right? Isaribi was part Kappa. (If you're wondering, a Kappa is a mythical Japanese sea monster.) The bike in the sky remains unsolved.

Of course, this all happened the Thursday before the episode in which
Isaribi escaped Orochimaru.
This proves I have ESP. Either that, or a strong connection with StarClan.

Don't ask.

Well, I was proud of finally getting a dream that told the future.

And then there was this other one during what I call the "Great Depression."

My sister and I thought Kidoumaru killed Neji, so she was really depressed because he was her favorite character.

Then, on Hinata's birthday (coincidentally), I had a dream that Hinata was walking beside Neji (even though I didn't recognise him at the moment). I ran up to Hinata and told her, "Hey Hinata your cousin's dead!"
She turned her head like "what the heck" and said in a sarcastic tone,
"Oh, really?"

End of dream.

So that meant that Neji wasn't dead after all.

About a month later the GD ended. My sister was nearly bouncing off the walls (literally).

Her and Me said:
Me: *shoves large toy horse*
Sis: *kicks horse over*
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and a Delibird was with him.
Late interpretation: That was a faint hint about the 596-03 guy.

About a month later the GD ended. My sister was nearly bouncing off the walls (literally).

Exactly. Those are the best words to describe it. Trust me. I was hoppin' all over the place like a hyper frog that just had a million cups of coffee. Happy coffee.

I also remember something about a dream of my own. I was on vacation with Sis and Dad, and at one point Shino showed up. When I looked at the 3-D map, I wanted to go to the place where Neji supposedly was, but we didn't go for some odd reason.

More about the soccer one:

Okay, so apparently it was before
Sasuke had left
, and he had returned. I had overheard a couple of people I apparently knew, and they were taunting Sasuke about something.
Then it skipped to the part where I, Cryptica, some other people, and oddly, Sasuke, were on a soccer team. We were supposedly at a huge, really important game, and it said how many games each of us had one. I remember Cryptica had 15, I had 0, and there was another number for someone else. Then came a second to last person and Sasuke, both with "C" by their names. That probably meant that they had won a lot of games (supposedly stood for "champion"). Then the dream ended.

REEEEEEEALLY odd. Imagine that: TigerstarLOL (that's our, Cryptica and I, nickname for Sasuke), a champion soccer player. Ridiculous. I wonder if it means anything.... :P
I had three very strange dreams last night:

Firstly, me and my sister had dinner at Pizza Hut with the cast of 24 (Chloe, Jack and Audrey, at least).

Secondly, me and Nadia from 24 (I clearly need to stop watching 24 before bed) both auditioned for the part of Elphaba in Wicked and I got the part, though she got the part of Glinda but wasn't happy about it.

Thirdly (and most oddly), Butterfree banned Linzys and Catch-22 from the forums because she discovered they were the same person - and, oddly, the same person who wrote the book A Gathering Light. O.o
Thirdly (and most oddly), Butterfree banned Linzys and Catch-22 from the forums because she discovered they were the same person - and, oddly, the same person who wrote the book A Gathering Light. O.o


XD Anywho, I had the weirdest dream last night. It really made no sense, and I think it was the direct result of being up till two in the morning listening to music from Detective Conan and reading the manga and hearing about a pretty bad crisis that one of my guy friends is going through and being worried about him. And watching The African Queen (A 1950's movie about some people during WWI in Africa who wanted to blow up a German ship using homemade 'torpedoes' sticking out of holes on th bough of their little steam boat.)

So anyway, it was all really jumbled up, but there was something about my friend, for whom I care deeply, going out with another girl named 'Erika', and then her somehow turning him into a kid and like, holding him hostage. So I was all 'THAT SICK BASTARD. >=|' And so like, I was pissed off at both she and my friend. (I worry about my friend being taken by another girl I guess, because I told him that I wan't ready for a 'relationship'...I really do like him. D: I think we're just waiting for eachother to decide what we want...*offtopic* )

So then, totally irrelevant, I was dreaming that I was watching Conan have a nightmare involving seaweed, huge waves in the ocean and a white sea monster. And in my dream I was all 'Oh, I have dreams like that. Except my sea monster is black.' (And I have never actually had such a dream. xD)

OH YEAH! And then later, I was swimming naked in a lake with a lady who was pretty much an ugly anthropomorphic goat, and she was explaining to me that some group that was getting a bad reputation was actually not a cult, but a philosophy having nothing to do with religion. Then she went on to say that there was a human corpse in the lake, but that it was 'empty' and had been dead for a very long time, so it was pretty much just brittle, exoskeleton like skin. (Even in the dream I was like 'Where's the skeleton and how did the skin stay intact under water? O_O; ) and then we went up on the beach, and there were some fire pits and various animal skulls, and a human skull. I was like 'Cool, I can take some skulls home!' (I've been wanting to start an animal skull collection for a long time.) But the goat lady was like 'No, it's part of some Christian ritual.' And I was like 'Oh D: '
Then some guy made me hold a human skull, it was heavy and I was grossed out, and then I woke up. :D

There was also something about the goat's group being accused of inventing flying battleships with laser gun things in the boughs, and also a rock that looked like a guy holding a knife.

The end.
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