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Stupid things you thought were true: World Version!

1) Babies come from kissing in bed.
2) The world was black and white and one day someone invented colour. That's why old TV shows are black and white. When whoever it was invented colour it was like they were mixing something around in test tubes and then it exploded and everything was in colour from then on.
3) Taps make water.
4) The sea has a plug.
5) Father Christmas.
6) Easter Bunny.
7) The internet was a secret place that you were only allowed to go if you were good. (now I go on it every day no matter how I behave)
8) That all history that happened before I was born was fictional.
9) Australia is spelled with an 'o'
10) All GameBoy Colours were yellow

I could go on all day.
1) Babies come from kissing in bed.
Don't we all think that way?
2) The world was black and white and one day someone invented colour. That's why old TV shows are black and white. When whoever it was invented colour it was like they were mixing something around in test tubes and then it exploded and everything was in colour from then on.
That has got to be one of the most amusing ideas ever.
3) Taps make water.
4) The sea has a plug.
5) Father Christmas.
Don't we all?
6) Easter Bunny.
Don't we all?
7) The internet was a secret place that you were only allowed to go if you were good. (now I go on it every day no matter how I behave)
8) That all history that happened before I was born was fictional.
Amusing. :D
9) Australia is spelled with an 'o'
...I never thought that, but that's probably because i rite gud. :D
10) All GameBoy Colours were yellow
Mine was green, so I never thought that. :D

I have no funny things I thought.
Oh. Back when I was little and believed in Santa and God and all that nice stuff, I thought that Santa and God were friends, and God told Santa who the good kids and the bad kids were. That's how Santa got his list. :D
11) I thought Road Runners were fictional
12) When I found out that they weren't I thought that they went 'meep meep'.

Also when was small I constantly got mixed up between:
1) Australia and Africa
2) Barbecue and cucumber
3) Spaghetti and 'busgeti', whatever that is.
4) Acne and Acme (the company that Wyle E Coyote bought from)
5) Asthma and eczema.
6) Guitar and whatever that word is for snot that sounds like it (begins with a c I think)
7) Musical instrument at a church and the stuff inside your body that keeps you alive
8) The letters r and v (don't ask)
9) The words race and queue (don't ask)

I could go on all day.
-You know how priests say, "You may kiss the bride"? When the bride and groom kissed, I thought that it meant that the man had transferred something to the woman that meant that when they agreed on having kids, they could have kids now. That's what Disney made it look like, so I thought it must be true.
-If you get married, that was FOREVER. I grew up on a farm and learned about mating for life before I learned about divorce.
-They didn't have electricity in the fifties. The world was also only as old as the oldest person I'd met.
that i'd have to sprint out of the bathroom because the flush on the toilet was an evil incarnate lion from hell that wanted to eat me.
I don't actually remember anything of what I thought was true and wasn't; all I know is that I had a WHOLE BUNCH of them.
Bah, I have LOADS but I can't think of them all right now.

  • Little people were inside your body, making things work. I used to half-believe that there were a group of them who were only hired to push spit from a bucket into my mouth every so often, and I thought my mouth was on one of those constant rolling surfaces (can't recall the name), and my teeth were all in a big single-form line waiting for bits of food to come along, and then more people pushed the teeth down to digest the food. XD Blame this absolutely insane encyclopedia I have (I read it so much it's fallen to pieces).
  • Loads of words, that I think are pronounced one way because I've only read them, and never heard anyone say them. Like 'adolescence', 'fatigue' and absolutely loads more I can't remember right now.
I used to be a pretty cynical kid and didn't believe most of what adults told me - some of which was actually false "if you eat apple seeds, a tree will grow inside you", others that I probably should have listened to "the glass-fronted furnace is hot. Don't put your hand on it".

Uuh, the only things I can think of are Santa (I never had the Easter Bunny/Tooth Fairy, though) and that animals could talk, but would only do so when humans weren't around. I remember being really little and trying to persuade my next-door neighbours cat to talk to me. X3

Oh, and that everyone spoke English. When we went on holiday to, say, Spain, all the Spanish people would talk in gibberish for the two weeks we were there to confuse me, and then go back to English when I left. I was a pretty egotistical kid.

And I figured that if I could hear what people on TV were saying through the speakers, I thought that if I said stuff to them through the TV speakers, they'd be able to hear me. I was so disappointed when I discovered that didn't work.
I can't think of anything, but I know my mom thinks that the computer is games and nothing more. Which is why she's so evil about me spending so much time here.
- Y'know those flaps on aeroplane wings which open during landing? When I was small, I used to think that they stored crates of beer bottles under those flaps. That's what it looked like, anyway.

- In video games, those areas beyond where you could go actually DID exist in the game. So, the railway line between Kanto and Johto did all exist, just that you couldn't reach it.

- All women peed standing up.

- Australia was in Europe.

- Canada was part of America.
I remember more:
1) That all tiny things in the wall, like screws or holes were hiding tiny cameras that the teachers spied on you through to see if you were good outside school.
2) You have to have at least five people say 'hello' 'good morning' 'good night' etc. every day otherwise you'll die the following night.
3) The things like in the episode of the Simpsons when Homer went into the 3rd dimension could really happen.
I also thought if you ate Gushers, your head would turn into a fruit.

-I also thought a Thesaurus was a Dinosaur.
-You could spell Beetles (the bug) with an A or an E - it was like colour and color. I spent like 5 years writing about the eating and mating habits of Beatles. x_x
-Babies happened randomly. Like, they just happened.
-Appliances were alive (blame the Brave Little Toaster). I tried not to treat my non-living things harshly.
-Russia and the Soviet Union were the same thing.

There's a lot more but I can't recall them. I know the Beetle/Beatle thing made me feel stupid, though.
When I was 6 or so, I thought there was a world in the clouds where Bipedal cats lived called "Catworld", and some of them had superpowers. I thought I was one of these super powered ones turned into a human by Dark Kitten (The big evil bad guy.)



Later I ditched this theory, bended the story and thought I was one of these Super powered cats but also Spongebob Squarepants' wife.

Then Planktons' wife.

Eef. ._.;
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