hopefully back??
- Pronoun
- any
Well, before Generation 4, I thought that Hyper Beam ran on the Special stat and that other moves that would be non-physical also ran on the Special stat, because it seemed logical. (I knew nothing of certain types running on certain stats, like all Fire moves ran on the Special stat. I'm glad they changed it for the latest Generation, it actually makes sense now.) I also thought that moves that seemed to be physical ran on the Attack stat. (Like Bite)
And someone, when I was very young, someone told me about "Pikablu." I used to think that Pikablu was that one surfing Pikachu with the blue eyes in that one episode of the anime. (Called Puka, I believe.) I had no idea that Pikablu was supposed to be Marill.
And I have seen that episode.
I also believed in the A+B+Select or A+B or pressing A till it stopped. ^^;;