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Stupid things you thought were true

I thought that mashing all the buttons other that start and select would make it easier to catch a Pokémon. I still do it out of habit. Even when I know I have the Pokémon.
Some kid at school when I was in second grate told me this.

Pikachu evolved into Raichu, which Evolved into a water type called Pikablu, which evolved into a ghost type called Pokaboo that scared Pokemon and evolved into Pikachu again. AND I BELIEVED HIM FOR SO LONG! AUGH! XP
One more:

When someone first showed me and my brother the rare candy cheat, they said you had to press B continuously when going though the catch tutorial. Oddly my brother still thought this when i did it on his blue version a couple of months ago (He had already done the cheat on his game anyway)
~That Skelozard was a real Pokemon
~That if you didn't heal a poisoned pokemon, it died.

There are probably others I'm not thinking of.
I was stupid during these times...

-I had borrowed Pokemon Yellow from my friend, then her cousin came up to me and said "If you let Pikachu faint, then it'll get mad and run away. If you make Pikachu leave, Whitney will be mad. So, take care of it, and don't let it faint. Oh, yeah, and if Pikachu runs away, the whole game will be deleted." I was scared to put Pikachu in any battle, but then I found out it was a pratical joke. Whitney was also mad at her cousin. We took care of that problem.

-If you treated a Pokemon perfect and got it's friendship level to maximum niceness, it would follow you like Pikachu does in Pokemon Yellow. Pretty stupid.

- The Pichu/Pikachu haircut trick. I wanted my Pichu to look like one of the Pichu brothers (even though it was a female named Sparkelz...), and Pikachu to look like Sparky (even though it was a female named Alexandra...)

-I also thought that this was an evolution line~ Umbreon-> Mightyena-> Houndoom. Wierd, huh?

I'll probably have more later on.
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The Pokeball thing...

I've mispronounced loads of Pokemon names before. o_O

I used to think Tail Whip did damage. xD

I thought that R/B/G Pokemon had only one type, and secondary types were added in the second generation. (I didn't start actually playing until the third, unless you count Pokemon Stadium 2. I did play a bit of Red, but I was pretty young. I mean, like, having just learned to read young. I kept dropping it and the file was lost. >_>)

I've made tons and tons of "how to evolve" mistakes. "How to breed" mistakes too. I make lots of stupid mistakes. xD

And I didn't realize twister did a set amount of damage until I read it on this site. >_<

Oh, and I also used to believe you had to actually get three Magnemites to get Magneton. Same for Dugtrio. xD

I also get Dugtrio and Dodrio confused ALL. THE. TIME.
Oh yeah I remember another one now
Sometimes I read things really quickly so since R/S came out I read 'Gardevoir' as 'Gardevior' so I thought it was pronounced 'gar-dev-ee-ore' I didn't find out the truth until about a week ago when one came out of a Pokeball on Brawl.

It isn't pronounced like that?

I used to think You held A while the Pokeball was thown and Select as soon as it open to make catching easier. I still do button-mashing stuff out of habit.

I also thought Groudon could be caught anywhere so I killed it... and saved. But that was the file that got deleted.
I remember when my brother first got his Gameboy and Pokemon Red one of his Pokemon got poisoned. We couldn't understand why the screen was going all funny while he was walking. We ended up thinking the batteries were running out so we threw them away.
i thought that numel evolved into torkoal up until i evolved numel and it turned into some orange cow thing (camerupt) that i had never seen before!
I believed in the button mashing, and still do it out of habit.
I did believe that the Status affecting moves did nothing (Tail Whip, Growl, etc.)
I'm not to sure if this is really something, but when I first got my Pokemon Crystal, it was my first game ever. Ever. So I kept trying to put it in my Game Boy the wrong way, since I thought that was how you put it in.
I also believed there was really something weird about the Acient Ruins place, besides that there was Unknown there. I thought you could find a really rare glitched up pokemon there, and got lost once I walked too much.
I hold my breath when I catch pokemon. I also do b + up. If I don't do either of those things, I usually don't catch pokemon. 0.o
I thought that R/B/G Pokemon had only one type, and secondary types were added in the second generation. (I didn't start actually playing until the third, unless you count Pokemon Stadium 2. I did play a bit of Red, but I was pretty young. I mean, like, having just learned to read young. I kept dropping it and the file was lost. >_>)
I thought something like this, except that I knew that Pokemon had two types. But I thought the second type didn't affect anything in the first generation games and that they fixed this in future generations. (For example, I thought that Tentacruel's secondary Poison-type didn't do anything and didn't make it vulnerable to Ground-type attacks or give it Poison STAB. Basically that they were useless) No idea why I thought that.
I thought that you could trade between silver and leaf green. I also never knew about flash and went through rock tunnel by myself. When I saw it, I nearly killed myself.
I used to think Mew evolved into Mewtwo. I know, weird eh?
And the button mashing. <<;;

I actually thought that as well. XD

And also, something about Vulpix just evolves into Ninetales without a stone. I was freaked out when I read that a stone was needed.
I thought Clamperl evolved by Leveling up, similar to how Cascoon or Silcoon evolved. So, well, Lv. 63 Clamperl.

Um... Try Lv. 87

I couldn't figure out why the screen went funny when poisoned either in the Steam Cave or whatever it is in R/S/E with all the Koffing and Grimer. It ended up that my Grovyle fainted. So I thought it was the steam coming out of the ground that was doing it and had to be careful to avoid it. I couldn't figure that out why it did it even when I didn't step on the steam for a few months.
i thought that numel evolved into torkoal up until i evolved numel and it turned into some orange cow thing (camerupt) that i had never seen before!
I think that is an orange camel.

Oh, supersition coming up. I really have two homes: my parents' and my grandparents', where I spend most of the time. In my LG, I only passed the E4 twice, and always on my grandparents'. So, I thought my parents' was somehow "against" the game.
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