Whoo... lets see here.
RBY Days
Holding B when catching Pokemon.
The grass outside of Pallet Town in RBY contained infinite Bulbasaurs.
Using Strength on the truck by the S.S. Anne brought you Mew.
You could somehow acquire a Venustoise (THANKS, anime. Thanks.).
There was a fourth evolution of Charizard called Charcoal (...wtf).
GSC Days
Hold B for catching Pokemon, even still.
Breeding Pokemon would result in a fusion of the two (Imagine my surprise when my Totodile and my Mareep bred a Totodile, not a Toteep).
RSE Days
Hold B for catching Pokemon, even still.
Magcargo evolved into Torkoal. Result: Lv. 74 Magcargo.
I'm happy to say that when DP came around I evolved from that level of naivety. :P
RBY Days
Holding B when catching Pokemon.
The grass outside of Pallet Town in RBY contained infinite Bulbasaurs.
Using Strength on the truck by the S.S. Anne brought you Mew.
You could somehow acquire a Venustoise (THANKS, anime. Thanks.).
There was a fourth evolution of Charizard called Charcoal (...wtf).
GSC Days
Hold B for catching Pokemon, even still.
Breeding Pokemon would result in a fusion of the two (Imagine my surprise when my Totodile and my Mareep bred a Totodile, not a Toteep).
RSE Days
Hold B for catching Pokemon, even still.
Magcargo evolved into Torkoal. Result: Lv. 74 Magcargo.
I'm happy to say that when DP came around I evolved from that level of naivety. :P