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Stupid things you thought were true

Whoo... lets see here.

RBY Days
Holding B when catching Pokemon.
The grass outside of Pallet Town in RBY contained infinite Bulbasaurs.
Using Strength on the truck by the S.S. Anne brought you Mew.
You could somehow acquire a Venustoise (THANKS, anime. Thanks.).
There was a fourth evolution of Charizard called Charcoal (...wtf).

GSC Days
Hold B for catching Pokemon, even still.
Breeding Pokemon would result in a fusion of the two (Imagine my surprise when my Totodile and my Mareep bred a Totodile, not a Toteep).

RSE Days
Hold B for catching Pokemon, even still.
Magcargo evolved into Torkoal. Result: Lv. 74 Magcargo.

I'm happy to say that when DP came around I evolved from that level of naivety. :P
Arcanine evolved into Entei

Magnetric evolved into Raikou.

I didn't THINK these were true, someone just kept insisting on it, so I gave up.

Eevee's evolutions can evolve into each other.

See above. Replace "someone" with Leafreon3809 in real life. (i.e. life outside the internet.)

Master Ball had only a 99% capture rate.

... I still belive this.
One of my friends thinks that saying, "Gottcha!!" into the mic would make you catch a Pokemon 100% of the time, like a Master Ball. Even (And she gets all A's, I swear) on R/S and FR/LG, if they're on the DS. So she screams it to catch Pokemon. In public. If front of people. *dies*

When I was little, (About 4 or 5) I thought that Raichu evolves with a Water Stone, into BluChu. (If you're in Glitch City) A blue Raichu, that had 999 stats, hp, ect. But if you saved and turned off your game, it would die of old age. I am not making this up. Cannot believe that I thought this was true. DX
I thought Dragonite was a legendary that appeared when you beat the Elite Four, and that if you had a Dragonair at a high level, it'd be stolen by the E4 so that it could evolve. O_o
I thought that the Yoshi cheat where you catch all 151 Pokemon, get a Dratini, take it to Bill, and then use a Fire Stone on it, would work. Mostly because it didnt' seem as outlandish as some of the cheats.
Also that if you talked to the Safari Zone guy 100 times, he would give you Mew. x_x I gave up after 15.
Ho-oh was a first generation Pokemon (the show! the show!).
Ho-oh was actually Ho-ho. O.o
Tht pressing A in moments of attack caused a crtitical hit.
Button mashing for Pokeballs.
There were more but I don't remember them.
One of my friends thinks that saying, "Gottcha!!" into the mic would make you catch a Pokemon 100% of the time, like a Master Ball. Even (And she gets all A's, I swear) on R/S and FR/LG, if they're on the DS. So she screams it to catch Pokemon. In public. If front of people. *dies*

My friend whispers it. XD

Let's see...I fell for cheats to get legandaries...yeah.
I've made very few mistakes, but here are the few I've made:
Believing that Shedinja went into your PC after evolving Nincada.
Button mashing.
I used to believe that if you had three Diglett, they would evolve into a Dugtrio. I thought the same for Magnemite and Magneton as well.

I also thought that you had to somehow combine a Slowpoke with a Shellder in order to get a Slowbro. I was so surprised when I learned that Slowpoke evolve by level.

And, yeah, I do button pressing things too when catching pokémon. My combination is B + Down; I press it rapidly while the ball is bouncing and hold it while it's shaking. I push down really hard if I've already used a bunch of other pokéballs on the pokémon I'm trying catch. Of course, I know it's not true, but it's fun and passes the time and I'm used to doing it anyway.

I also once believed that pressing A while a pokémon was attacking would make the attack more poweful and that pressing B would have the opposite effect.

I fell for the Mew under the truck thing too.
Button smashing still gets me sometimes.

I remember when me and my brother got our first pokemon games, LG and Emerald, we tried linking and trading... Only to find that we had to beat our games first. Bleah.

And that in pokemon Yellow, if you named yourself Ash, you would get a high chance of finding Celebi in your Item storage. My brother got pissed when he found it wasn't true.
I remember when me and my brother got our first pokemon games, LG and Emerald, we tried linking and trading... Only to find that we had to beat our games first. Bleah.

Same here, except it was with my sister, Sapphire, and FireRed. When she got to the Electric gym, she told me about it, and I didn't know what it was. When I showed her Slateport, the same thing happened. It wasn't til the next day that we figured out that they were in different regions.
I used to think that Gengar evolved into Gligar (they both have a -gar!)
I also remember when I bought a bunch of pokeballs and was kinda confuzzled when I saw two things that said pokeballs. I tried using one of the pokeballs in the slot with the smaller number on an untouched Zigzagoon at level 20-something and it caught it easily. Then I thought that the extra thing of pokeballs were actually masterballs! I then tried to trek up sky pillar to catch Rayquaza with my masterball pokeballs only to run out of repels, get annoyed with the mach bike puzzles, and get killed by a Claydol in the process. Eventually I found out that it was pure luck that I caught that Zigzagoon and that when you have more than 99 pokeballs, the others just get a different slot.
One thing I really believed was that Gastrodon Evolved into Lapras. I later did some research and found out that my conclusion was wrong. Lapras needs a prevo!
I always held A when catching Pokemon. I though B would cancel it or something, like evolution.

You could catch Ho-oh in RBY considering it was in the RBY anime's theme. <_<
I used to think that mewtwo was mews older brother. That would have made the first movie about sibling rivalry. O__o ...okay
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