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Stupid things you thought were true

i always use to believe that if you press left, then right, and then left again at the same time when the poke ball is wiggling, it would make catching the pokemon easier. i still do that to this day and it always works!:freaked: it's either that im getting really lucky or that it actually works.:unsure:
i always use to believe that if you press left, then right, and then left again at the same time when the poke ball is wiggling, it would make catching the pokemon easier. i still do that to this day and it always works!:freaked: it's either that im getting really lucky or that it actually works.:unsure:

It doesn't work. I promise you.
During my first run through Blue, I believed that turning the game off without saving erased your entire file. I had finally made it all the way to the St. Anne, which I thought to be soo close to the end of the game. I was fighting some Sailor when the teacher made me turn the game off to go outside. D=

I also used to constantly hold B while doing anything in the game. I felt justified when they added the Running Shoes in R/S.
Yet another one.
Because I thought that Suicune's name came from suicide, I thought Suicune was pronounced "soo-ih-soon."
I used to think Lucario was a legendary. and I think rapidly pressing the A button after throwing a pokeball helped catch a pokemon (I still do. Doesn't always work,though)
Some kid told me that Giovanni would have a Level 100 Golbat. And damn... I believed him.

I heard from someone else that you can catch a glitch Clefable that evolves to level 9,998, then dies. WTF?
I thought E4 Sydney was a really ugly girl, and had no special type
I thought Groudon was a fire-type
I thought both Nidorans had the same number
I thought Skarmory was from Hoenn
I thought that after you beat them, Brock and Misty would join you on your Pokemon journey
I thought the memorial pillar in Fr/Lg was the Onix, but sticking out of the ground
I thought the graphics in R/S/E were good
I don't get this. :/

In my opinion, the graphics in the R/S/E series were just... lacking, in a way. I have the nostalgia for the R/B/Y and G/S/C graphics, and the amazement for how amazing they have gotten in recent times that the Hoenn graphics are just lesser, to me. However, the way you took it was not exactly the way I meant it. I suppose I could have said "I thought the graphics in R/S/E were the best it was going to get".
I've always pronounced Suicune as "sweekuun." Just made sense to me.

But what I did pronounce wrong was Sceptile. I said "skept-tile" before I saw it in an episode of the anime. I'm pretty sure I pronounced Kyogre wrong too, except I can't remember exactly how I said it. Just that it was wrong.
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