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Stupid things you thought were true

I thought that Haunter evolved into Gengar by level-up. Result: Level 60-something Haunter.
A gambler near Saffron says "Lady Luck's not with me today." So I spent countless hours looking for Mrs. Luck, to no prevail.
I used to pronounce Linoone as "Lie-NONE," and I used to think the "n" at the end of Minun was an "m".
I used to pronounce roselia as Ros-e-Lia, and now I saw Ros-el-ia. Also, I used to belive that Farfetch'd evolved into Doduo. I mean, one has one head, the next two, the next three. It made sense at the time.
I thought steel was weak to water.

It made perfect sense! Steel rusts from water. With all those resistances, steel does need more weaknesses than it really has, so why not a weakness to water?
-I thought Mew was under the truck. I spent countless hours trying to shove that goddang thing out of my way.
-That Arceus was prounounced Ar-SEE-us (Though,I now prounounce it ARK-ee-uss)
-That MJ sung the first Pokemon Theme song. I sware to god,it sounded like him. o.O
-That Lugia was a Water/Flying. I then learned the hard way that he was Psychic/Flying.
-That Charizard was Fire/Dragon. Common mistake for me.
-That you could get Mew in D/P without cheating. (Minus the Pokemon Ranch)
-I first prounounced Minun 'Minus',and then I started calling him 'Minum'.
-I though Plusle was 'Plusie'.
-I thought Water wasn't very effective to Steel.
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...Ice is super effective to Ground... I guess that it's not so stupid after all :grin:
...It is?! o.O I used an Ice-Type move on Phanphy and it didn't say 'It's super-effective!'! Maybe my game's just messed up?

Edit: Yup,I checked. Ice is super effective to Ground. I bet you that Phanphy is freaking hacked,lmao. Anyways,thanks Leafstorm for letting me know! I'll take if off the list.
maybe you just weren't paying attention?
That has to be it. Either that,or like I said,my game's messed up,because I sware it didn't say 'It's super effective!'. Whatever,lmao. It's over now,so I guess I can freak out if it happens again,right? :p
A couple of kids convinced me that Splash only worked in a certain spot at a random time.I asked them and they said they wouldn't tell me so I stayed up all weekend trying to figure it out and when I went to school on Monday I said I surfed everywhere and they started laughing saying how gullible I was.Well it was my first Pokemon game and stuff so no wonder why they said that XD
~Chimecho was the rarest Pokemon ever
~You could catch other peoples' Pokemon with a Premier Ball

These made me laugh :3 I used to think Premier Balls were a huge deal.

Lesse... I thought that Venonat evolved into Butterfree. But then, some people think it was originally supposed to. Who knows?
This one isn't really about me but something I told a friend.
I told him if on Heartgold, when you battle a Legendary, and you throw a Pokéball, hold the two shoulder buttons, and Start and select((The soft reset combo)) He believed me and when he was battling Zapdos he did it. He hadn't saved since beating Lt. Surge.

ANd whenever I run into a Pokémon and try to run but can't, I say 'I do not wish to do that' into the microphone/speaker on a GBA to run away. It usually works too.
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