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Stupid things you thought were true

I pronounce suicune simply as 'Suikune', in the finnish way.

I also thought that pressing a or b helps when catching. Also, though this is just stupidity instead of beliefs, I couldn't get past Oak asking whether or not I want to keep the pokemon since I kept pressing B on the 'yes' answer. Idiocy prevails!
While we're on the subject of mispronunciations: Groudon was "groo-don", Linoone was "lih-noon", Minun varied between "minion" and "mih-nihn" (how the hell I ever got something as simple as Minun wrong is anyone's guess) and Deoxys was "dee-ex-oys". Interestingly enough, me and a friend of mine are the only people I know in real life who actually pronounced "Rayquaza" as "Ray-quay-za" as opposed to the more popular "Ray-quah-za" before the seventh movie came out and told us we were right. x3
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I've always pronounced Suicune as "sweekuun."

Wait... you mean that's not the correct pronunciation...? o.o

I believe that when you're hit by an attack and your HP is lowering, pushing the right button(the opposite direction of the HP lowering) you aren't hurt as much. This also means that when you successfully hit a wild/foe's Pokemon, if you press the left button(the same direction of the lowering HP), more damage will be done.

And when I was in second grade I pronounced Celebi as 'c-lee-bye'. Not to mention I still pronounce Kecleon 'kell-ehk-leon'.
For some reason I thought Sneasel evolved into Heracross. Probably because they're next to each other in the pokedex. Also, I pronounced Rayquaza "Ray-kwah-zuh". And if Suicune isn't pronounced "swee-koon", then I still believe something stupid.
EDIT: just remembered a few more. I used to pronounce Suicune "soo-i-soon". Also, I would often get confused and mistake Lugia's type for some kind of weird combination between Water, Dragon, Psychic and Flying. I also often forget certain pokemon's types, such as Jirachi being part steel (IT REALLY DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!!!) and Sneasel being part Ice.
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My stupid thing blows all your stupid things out of the water.

I thought that all Yellow cartridges had something different about them. This resulted because somehow I deluded myself into thinking that Pikachu's Thunderbolt successfully hit an Onix, even after I discovered that Electric moves couldn't hit Ground-types. I thought at that point, since something "is" different about this cart, then ALL carts must have one thing different about them. :3

I was way too imaginative, see.
I thought holding and b made pokemon easier to catch.

I also remember that while I was at the state fair when I was little a tv station was handing out bouncy balls with a yellow creature inside. (pikachu) It was to be a new show called "pokemon". My first thought was that it would be worse than teletubies lol I was wrong.
I thought holding and b made pokemon easier to catch.

I also remember that while I was at the state fair when I was little a tv station was handing out bouncy balls with a yellow creature inside. (pikachu) It was to be a new show called "pokemon". My first thought was that it would be worse than teletubies lol I was wrong.

well, you weren't necessarily. teletubbies attempts to be educational. pokémon, I actually don't know what it wants to be.
I never put together that dragonair evolved into dragonite for some reason. I didn't know how feebas evolved, so I raised one to level 86(Younger me was very persistent). To top it off, I thought that once you sold things to the pokémart, you could buy them back later. I sold them everything I had in yellow version.
My cousin convinced me without a doubt that you could find a wild Pidgeot on Route 11 that couldn't be caught. It was supposedly Ash's Pidgeot that Ash released in the anime. It took me waaay too many hours on that route to figure out that wasn't the case.

I also used to think if you solved all of the Ruin of Alph puzzles that you'd be taken into the 'Unown world' from the Entei movie.
I haven't thought many stupid things. Hmm.

I pronounce Suicune as "soowince" for some reason.
Why would people pronounce it as "sweekun"?
I pronounced it Sue-ih-seen for a long time. @_@ And I thought because it was an incarnation of the wind that it was Water/Flying for way too long. XD

Better than that one guy who told me it was Water/Fighting, though. x3
I thought that pokemon with high happiness levels would hurt themselves in confusion way less often than ones with low happiness.
I have no idea where I originally got that (probably my own imagination or something).
torkoal was part rock type.
geodude evolved into onix (brock's fault).
mew under the truck
i'm sure there's more but i cant think of them off the top of my head
Oh, know I remember.
IMMUNITIES HIT because I had PMD Sky as a 1st game. Damn you evil Rattata! Ghastly isn't very lucky.

...Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?? Geodude DOESN'T EVOLVE INTO ONIX?!? What the heck?
I pronounced the C in Scizor and Sceptile and the U in Uxie as a short U. But here's the clincher: I used to pronounce Minun as "mih-noon", with the emphasis on the second syllable, making it rhyme with Linoone.
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