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Stupid things you thought were true

I thought Evasion and Accuracy were stats, you know, with EVs and IVs and the likes.
When I first started playing, some one told me if you spammed B while trying to catch a Pokemon it would make it more likely to catch that Pokemon.

Yeah, even to this day I have to do it out of force of habit, or else I have to look somewhere else and pretend I am not trying to catch something.
I bought a copy of Sapphire for my best friend for her birthday in February. Seeing as how this was her first Pokémon game ever, she had a number of questions about some of the game's mechanics that seem old hat to the fans that have liked Pokémon for years but were actually honestly surprising to her. Some of my favorites:

She thought I was lying when I told her that the only thing that could evolve with a Fire Stone that was available in Sapphire was Vulpix. (Although she did have a point: why put multiple Fire Stones into the game if Vulpix is the only thing you can evolve with one?)

She thought I was lying when I told her the Elite Four had five people. "Why would they be the Elite Four if there's five of them?!"

She thought that to get a shiny you had to stock up on Super Repels and then run around in the grass for a while. She might have watched some videos on chaining in fourth-gen games and gotten the idea from there, I don't know...

She thought (for about two seconds before she asked me for confirmation and I told her no, her idea was wrong) that evolving Slugma would make it make eggs hatch faster.

My favorite, though, was the belief - which apparently persisted for several months before I realized that she had this belief, in mid-June - that every Pokémon had multiple evolution methods and that she could find some sort of stone or target level to evolve her Kadabra at (since being as she owns a DS and the tragically-outdated Sapphire trading opportunities are nearly nonexistent). I think I realized that she held this belief when she said "I could just trade a Torchic from your Emerald, evolve it into Combusken, and then instantly use a Fire Stone to evolve it into Blaziken." "... Combusken doesn't evolve with the Fire Stone." "But it's a fire type! What!" "Not all Pokémon evolve with the elemental stones. :x" "THAT MAKES NO SENSE"

(At least she didn't believe that shinies were glitches. She ran into a shiny Marill within four days of getting the game but accidentally critical'd and killed it. :x)

eta: she also says that she thought Aerial Ace was a priority move (as she said, turns out she just had speedy Pokémon) and that Wing Attack was a god move that killed everything (although the Pokémon she had that used it were Swellow and Crobat).
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I also used to think that buttons affected capture rates... B + Up, to be specific. Funnily enough, I still use it on my Silver version and it hasn't yet failed me in my 9 years of playing!
I also saw a shiny Drowzee once, and had no Pokéballs. I quickly bought some and returned to the area, hoping I could find it again... And 8 years later I still haven't seen another shiny Drowzee in any game.
My favorite, though, was the belief - which apparently persisted for several months before I realized that she had this belief, in mid-June - that every Pokémon had multiple evolution methods and that she could find some sort of stone or target level to evolve her Kadabra at (since being as she owns a DS and the tragically-outdated Sapphire trading opportunities are nearly nonexistent).

I remember getting Salamence and Flygon mixed up. But it still makes sense to me: Baby dragon = Bagon. Dragon with a shell = Shelgon. Flying dragon = ...Salamence? And Flygon is not even Flying, it levitates, but it's Ground (at least the "sand" aspect and not the "underground" one, so it's not the opposite of the Flying type) and completely unrelated.
(I think Flygon is a flying dragonfly)

When i was playing Pokemon Gold about 6 years ago, I ran into a shiny weedle and caught it, but i thought it was some almighty Sparkling demon instead of a shiny (I didnt know about shinies then) and i named it Sparkle.

I also thought the Bellsprout line was from johto instead of kanto (It is from kanto, right?)

I always thought that flying types were weak against fighting until....about a month ago i realized it was vice versa.

I thought Skarmory was from Hoenn.

I thought Macargo evolved into both Torkoal and Camurupt.

I thought that jynx was a messed up trainer in the wild. (for a brief time)

I thought you could level up a lv 100 pokemon to lv 200 with 100 tries to use a rare candy, and the 101th time it would level up to lv 200.
I never read anything relating to upcoming/incomplete games so I pretty much jump into things without knowing what to expect. It saves me the issues of spoilers, sneak peeks and so on. I just prefer it that way. However, my partners younger sibling thinks Bulbasaur evolves into Charmander then Squirtle and so on... Try to tell him otherwise and he calls you all sorts.
When I first started playing Pokémon, for some reason I would always forget that the bulbasaur line were poison-type as well as grass-type. This led me to think grass-types were weak to psychic and could not be poisoned. xD;;
to this day i still believe pressing buttons while catching influence capturing a pokemon.

I press L and R (the whole time), and then press A+<, B+v, X+^, Y+> in a pattern until the Pokeball gets to the ground. When it hits the ground, I press B+v. Every time it shakes, i use Y+>, A+<, X+^ (for shake one and three), X+^, A+<, Y+> (for shake 2)

and then i press all these buttons; L+R+v+B

It worked for entei! (I know its not true, but i still use it)
I used to think Whitney's Miltank was hax because it Stomped my Haunter to death.
Then I realised (just now) that its Ability was Scrappy.
EDIT: 2200th post! Now I just need 22 more...
Saving while in the Pokemon league would corrupt your game.
Spiritomb was weak to bug.
Arceus was pronounced ARR-see-us

You could obtain Celebi by getting the five leaf things.

Rayquaza was pronounced ray-QUAH-zah
Groudon was pronounced GROO-don

My brother's friend thinks that Ponyta is pronounced Po-nett-ia
My friend think that Jubilife city is pronounced Jubifile city.
Arceus was pronounced ARR-see-us

That makes sense to me. And the "correct" pronunciation of Suicune doesn't (I consider the "u" the central vowel of the syllable, "demoting" the "i" to the role of a consonant. They do the opposite). Also, why are they pronouncing Illumise the German way in the anime?
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