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Closed Sunset Falls Academy


This RP is being run by Full Metal Cookies, Dragon, moon-panther, and Zora of Termina. Any of those four can accept your form.

Welcome to Sunset Falls, a beautiful small town on Johto’s coast, near the large Goldenrod City. The inhabitants of Sunset Falls are a friendly sort, many of them older folks and young families. But, there are lots of teenagers, an amount larger than normal for a small town. This is because Sunset Falls is the home of the best private school in the Johto region; the Sunset Falls Academy.

The Academy is a large complex that takes up quite a lot of room on the towns northern quarter, sporting sweeping sport fields, a large gymnasium, and the massive dormitory complexes, one on each side of the school, one for boys and the other for girls. The school itself is one of the most high-tech and well staffed out there. Parents send their children from even far-off Sinnoh and Hoenn to attend.

The school seems perfect on the surface, teaching the next generation of teenagers how to be part of society, but make a thousand teenagers live together for over half the year, and there’s bound to be something going on at all times. Teenagers can be quite rowdy creatures.

So, how are you going to spend your time at the Sunset Falls Academy? Will you study as hard as you can to get a good job? Spend your time goofing off and leave schoolwork to the last minute? Or blow off you education entirely? It’s your choice.

-This is an Anthro Pokemon RP. Don’t like – Don’t post. Capeesh?
-The usual forum Rules
-Try to keep it at least Semi-Lit please
-Keep the sexual content to a minimum
-Bold all the things in the form that are bolded if you've read this
-Also, use the enter key twice when making a new line if you've read this. Also whether you're joining or not, do this every time you ever make a post because walls of text are not fun
-No chatspeak, one liners (unless done well), etc.
-Mary-Sueism will be Killed on Sight
-You may have up to two characters, but you have to be able to balance them well.
-Do not put the words 'Salted Pickle Cake' in your form if you've read this.
-There are only three teacher spots available unless a ton of people join, and you may only play one teacher. I want this to be about the students interacting.
-No legendaries. Just because.

How to make a Schedule:
You’ll be taking 5 classes, as well as lunch. Choose your classes from the lists that follow.

Period One Classes: Band, Art, Drama, Religion, Dance, Foods
Period Two Classes: French, German, Spanish, Japanese
Period Three Classes: Science (gr. 9+10 only), Biology, Chemistry, Physics
Period Four Classes:
PE, Drafting & Design, Computer Programming, History
Period Five Classes: Law, Psych, Math, Photography

Band: Mr Nome, a Chatot
Art: Mrs Rudolph, a Sceptile (Zora of Termina)
PE: Mr Havoc, a Furret
Psych: Ms Jones, an Espeon
Math: Mr Ross, a Metagross
Japanese: Ms Yukaa, a Froslass
English: Miss Viney, a Lopunny
Law: Mr Wright, a Blaziken
Drama: Mr. Wilson, a Mr Mime
Computer Programming: Ms Higgins, a Porygon2
Spanish: Senorita Franciska, a Ninetails
Science: Mr Nye, a Toxicroak (only 9th and 10th graders take this class)
Biology: Mr Tucker, an Ursaring
Chemistry: Mr. Kimbley, a Typhlosian
Physics: Mr Morgan, a Leafeon
Religion: Mr Jain, a Dusknoir
Drafting & Design: Ms Kusa, a Grovyle
French: Monsieur Florian, a Roserade
German: Herr Heiderich, a Glaceon
History: Mr van Snits, a Breloom (Storm, Earth, and Fire)
Photography: 'Jacques', a Delcatty
Dance: Ms Ryuu, a Gardevoir
Foods: Mr Breda, a Snorlax
Principal: Mr Mustang, a shiny Charizard


[B]Name:[/B] (first AND Last)
[B]Age:[/B] (not over 19)
[B]Grade:[/B] (9, 10, 11, or 12)
[B]Ability:[/B] (pick one)
[B]Appearance:[/B] (go into detail here! I want to be able to visualize your character very well.)
[B]Biography:[/B] (Why did you get sent to the Academy? Where were you from before? What’s your family like?)
[B]Personality:[/B] (Not PO)


Forms Entered:
Full Metal Cookies - Ingrid Alarik/Hallelujah Serafim
Blastoise - Mark Vincianelli
Heavy Lobster - Mason DeRonez
Flareth - Klavier Bauer
Zora of Termina - Sasha Vexzorn/Jennifer Rudolph (Teacher)
Dragon - Song Ji/Haneul Kyung
Male Gardevoir - Naoto Watanabe
moon-panther - Diego Álvaro/Remmi Menchu
Storm, Earth, and Fire - Piet van Snits (Teacher)/Roman Novak
Jason-Kun - Veral Tenkal
Xaldin - Xreig Kralon
Chaon - Beythear Radson/Joyce Radson
Darksong - Jasmine Hawkes
L'il Dwagie - Jadyn Kaye
Wyvern - Mori Arpen
Twiggy for victory - Larry Feuerberg
Blaziking - Thalia Primrose/Amos Sharpfrost
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Name: Mark Vincianelli
Age: 14
Gender: Male

Species: Smeargle
Grade: 9th
Ability: Technician

Appearance: Rather tall and skinny, Mark has largish blue eyes and a thin mouth. Where most Smeargle have brown markings, Mark has bluish-black ones. Like most Vincianellis before him, Mark's tail-paint is naturally blue, rather than the more common green, or yellow or something. He wears a lot of light grey, paint-spattered clothes, sweatpants and a T-shirt, mostly. Having rather horrible vision, Mark has a pair of rounded-rectangle glasses, the screws of which are quite loose. He has a collar around his neck, which he picks at when nervous. Open-toed sandals are his shoes of choice.

Mark always wears a necktie, and has quite a collection of both serious and comical ones. He also keeps a couple of them on hand, in case something happens to one, or he has a change in mood. He also has a smock. It was originally white, but has been smeared and dyed every color of the rainbow and several not present in said natural wonder.

Biography: Mark came from a rich, rather stuffy extended family, whose idea of art was seemingly random splatterings of paint. The only immediate member of Mark's family who agreed with him that art wasn't just vague markings of color was his grandfather Nero. He learned from Grandpa Vincianelli, steadily becoming a better artist.

But suddenly, Nero died of a heart attack. Grief-stricken and forlorn, Mark fell into a deppression. Disturbed by their sons lack of motivation, Mark's distant parents sent him the Academy, hearing of the school's many art-based classes. Mark packed his bags and headed for this new 'adventure' in probably-'modern' art.

Personality: Respectful and quiet on the outside, Mark generally keeps his more, ahem, uncouth thoughts to himself. Among peers, Mark is mostly nice, if strange and sarcastic. His sarcasm leads to an unusually large use of air-quotes.

Mark is a bit of a pessimist when it comes to his expectations of others, especially his 'seniors'. This stems from his parents' love of 'modern' art, and the related sparseness of people who agree with his tastes. The only person who ever did died of a heart attack, so excuse him if he's a bit reluctant to raise his expectations.


Period One Classes: Art
Period Two Classes: Spanish
Period Three Classes: Science
Period Four Classes: Drafting & Design
Period Five Classes: Photography

Other: punny name agogo
Consider my spot reserved.
Both of them.

Blastoise: I say accepted. But I have no idea how FMC wants the profiles to be so I'll let her decide. :/
Name: Mason DeRonez

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Species: Kadabra

Grade: 9

Ability: Inner Focus

Appearance: Lighter coloured than most Kadabra (both his brown plate shirt and his skin), and not carrying their trademark spoon, Mason is always referred to as "the odd one out". His moustache is not fully grown to that of a normal Kadabra's, and his species normally bulbous tail is quite skinny (this is compared to other Kadabra's of course). He will usually wear some sort of dark-coloured T-shirt, to hide his skin tone, but that just brings it out more. He will wear either a pair of faded blue jeans or gray cargo pants whenever he can. He also has a small silver ear-ring in his left ear.

Biography: His parents thought he needed to become more social towards other kids, as he would spend most of his time usually surfing the Internet or probing other people's minds with his Psychic powers which he would sometimes abuse.

His Mother and all in her family were Alakazam, while his father was a Medicham from a small village on Mt. Coronet in Sinnoh, which is where Mason grew up. Both of his parents were masters in the Psychic Arts, and thought that the academy could help Mason become a normal Pokemon of his time, which his parents couldn't do, as they were what some people would call "primitive".

Personality: Mason is shy around, well, everybody. He has very little self-confidence, and when he is asked something, he will stutter until they pass him by (or punch him if the questioner is particularly nasty. He was more outgoing when he was with his friends from the village, so one of his main focuses at the school is to make good friends.

Period One Classes: Band
Period Two Classes: Japanese
Period Three Classes: Science
Period Four Classes: History
Period Five Classes: Math

Other: This is probably the first RP ever that I haven't named my character Jasper O.o
HEEEEYYYY this looks pretty cool. I got a pretty neat idea for two characters, so I'm going to roll with it. However I'm not in a very profiley mood right now so I will do do this later. Reserve two spots please~
I reserve because I don't have any time right now.

Godammit why open it when I have to go to bed? ._.
Name: Klavier Bauer

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Species: Shiny Lopunny

Grade: 11th

Ability: Cute Charm

Appearance: He's shiny, so he is....well, he's pink. No different than most other shiny Lopunny. He always wears a pair of black-rimmed, grey-tinted goggles. He usually goes with graphic t-shirts, usually having a quote from a favorite show, a character from a favorite show, or a t-shirt of bands he likes. He wears jeans, but he rolls them up, so if it rains, he's prepared (Have you even wore jeans when it has rained, your pant cuff gets all soggy and blech). He does have a scar on his left ear (will be explained in Bio). He also has black sneaks, similar to Chucks here in the real world.

Biography: He was from the seedy part of Goldenrod. Pokemon gangs littered the area. Once, when he was fifteen, he got jumped by a gang who called themselves The Shadow. The gang consisted of a Pidgeot, a Luxray, and a Charizard. He got the scar while trying to escape the battle he found himself in. He did end up escaping. When he told his parents, a female Lopunny named Tiana and a male Electivire named Shon, what happened, they decided to send him to the school, so he would be safe.

Personality: He's what most people (Well, Pokemon...) would consider a nerd. He watches game shows frequently and likes Shonen anime, along with some British comedy shows. He's sort of anti-social, but with him living in that seedy part of town for fifteen years, that is to be expected. He is interested in Law, so he can stop the Pokemon gangs, like from where he lived.


Period One Classes: Band
Period Two Classes: German
Period Three Classes: Chemistry
Period Four Classes: Computer Programming
Period Five Classes: Law

Other:Hope I'm accepted. I've been getting better at RPing. You just haven't seen it because I'm not RPing here. xD Zora knows, so she can choose if she wants.
You look like you've gotten much better. :3 ins.

And my first of two forms:

Name: Ingrid Alarik
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Flareon
Grade: 11
Ability: Flash Fire

Appearance: Ingrid is rather short, measuring in at five feet and three inches tall, and a little chubby. Her fur is and orange-red and fairly short and soft, and her long fluffy tail is a pale cream colour, as is her hair. Her hair is long and fluffy, falling to her mid-back and a long fringe covering her right eye, and curls around her neck, making it look like she has a mane. Her eyes are a soft blue and have thick eyelashes. She is very…well endowed when it comes to her chest and rear, much to her annoyance.

Her long ears are filled with piercings, about five in each ear, and she has two blue ‘furttoos’ (tattoos for fur) on her rear, one blue heart on each side. She likes to wear tank tops and blue jeans, usually, as well as skater shoes.

Biography: Ingrid is part of a rather large family who lives in Sunset Falls, her father, a Persian, is a veteran of a long-ago struggle for freedom he won’t discuss, and now owns a small local store. Her mother is a shiny Umbreon and is a good deal younger than her father. She has six older siblings, and two younger siblings, so she’s no stranger to being in a crowd. All of her older siblings have been though Sunset Falls Academy’s doors, and have graduated with honours, so the last name ‘Alarick’ is a well-known one, and the teachers expect great things from Ingrid.

Personality: Ingrid is a hot-headed and fiery girl, refusing to back down even in the face of a dangerous and losing battle, a trait she inherited from her father. She is stubborn as a bull, and can get physical in a fight very quickly. When she loses her temper, which is often, she tends to flare up –literally – which tends to have very damaging effects on her clothing. But in a group of trusted friends, Ingrid will be much calmer, though she is still stubborn.

Period One: Art
Period Two: German
Period Three: Physics
Period Four: PE
Period Five: Photography


Name: Hallelujah Serafim
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Lapras
Grade: 11
Ability: Water Absorb

Appearance: Hallelujah is very tall, measuring at just over six feet, and he weighs a good 200lbs, though most of that is from the thick armour plates on his back. The plates are attached so he is able to bend over and such, and still protects him, a few jutting spikes taking care of anything that may try and hurt him. His skin is smooth and slightly damp at all times, the back half a pale blue and the front a soft cream. His neck is slightly longer than normal, and very slender, almost feminine. A short, sharp horn juts from his forehead, parting his long black hair, which falls to his shoulder blades. Two rounded blue ears poke out of his hair, on the top of his head. His eyes are violet, and rather large, but he always seems to look tired somehow. His body is of average build, and his limbs are very strong, and he is very good at swimming. He tends to dress very casually, just a t-shirt and jeans.

Biography: Hallelujah’s parents died when he was very young. He doesn’t remember them at all, the only family he ever really knew were his grandparents, who took him in. He has lived in Sunset Falls most of his life, and quite enjoys it’s closeness to the sea. He was always liked well-enough in school, having a few close friends and was never really picked on.

Personality: Very sweet and friendly, Hallelujah is the kind who no-one seems to really find a reason to hate. He quite likes getting to know new people, and show younger students how to do things, always patient and kind. It is very, very hard to make him mad, and his anger is usually short-lived anyway.

1. Art
2. French
3. Biology
4. History
5. Law
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Name: Diego "Hell Hound" Álvaro
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Houndoom
Grade: 12
Ability: Flash Fire

Appearance: He stands at a intimidating 6 ft. Shaggy ink black hair with a few locks overing his left eye. His has long curled horns that curl out past his shoulders, a few chips and slivers missing making him look like he just came from a fight. His eyes are deep red and look cold and hard, but are only seen when he tips his black sun glasses down to look at someone eye to eye. He rarely wears the school uniform, but when he is forced to, he will be seen with a beaten and worn black leather jacket scarred with age. He wears scarred boots with "dark stains" on the toes. When seen, he will most likely have a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. On his left ear, he wears a hanging earring with a stylized cross on it.

Biography: He came from a broken home where you never knew what was in store for you the next day. He would judge the days by two things: How much his old man drank, and How much was left for him to finish. Most of his life he would avoid his home as much as possible, doing anything to pass the time.

His mother was Spanish, but she died when Diego was young. Her name was Sofia Álvaro and she was a beautiful Ninetales, but she was taken from the living too soon by unknown means. Diego though knows how she died and who was responsible.

Finally one day her ran from home, after his father gave him a very savage beating and left him in a gutter with a split lip and a broken arm. Running as far as a young boy could, he was finally picked up by a Foster program that would place him in multiple homes, only to be sent back for being "difficult". Eventually he was placed in a home two two parents and their new baby girl. After a long and awkward stay, Diego finally settled down and started to trust the couple that he lived with. He has been living with this family for 10 years, that has grown from a Houndoom Father, a Ninetales Mother, their little girl Houndour to a family with two new young Houndour twin boys.

During the 10 years of living with these people, Diego has started to trust people again based on their first impressions and his own moral code he holds dear and under his hard shell. He found a long time friend that he is rarely apart from.

Personality: He may look like a dark phantom that would rip you apart with slim notice, he is secretly a nice guy under the tough shell he has made himself. He love to harass the teachers and the students around him, grinning like a hell hound to scare them with his natural dark demeanour. He may hang out on the school grounds and skip classes now and then, but he is a very intelligent young man, tested to be a genius at a young age.

Basically, he is a bad ass with a good heart and is very smart.


1) Religion
2) Spanish
3) Chemistry
4) PE
5) Photography

Other: He is close friends with Tiny, in a relationship with Ingrid, and he is a nut when he's around people he knows. He will act defiant to everyone until they know that he is full of shit...then he'll be his usual self. I fact that he doesn't know is that the Houndoom, Maes, that he lives with is actually his uncle. Maes, on the other hand, is the uncle of one of the pokemon that fought in the rebellion group of long past. He doesn't talk much about those times, but he talks often of his Nephew Faf that fought quite well for a bag of aged bones and that he expects great things about his younger nephew that lives with him. Maes is a close family friend to the Alarik and Storm families.

Name: Remmi "Tiny" Menchu
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Rhyperior
Grade: 12
Ability: Lightningrod

He stands at 7ft. Looking like he can step on you and not feel a thing. He is covered with protective panels, as is usual for his kind, and he wears a large jersey with the School's name on it. He has baggy jeans and large boots with metal coverings, as well as a bandanna on his head. On his right ear he wears a ear cuff.

He also has a bag that he carries with him holding all his art supplies and text books, as well as a first aid kit.


Tiny doesn't remember his past up till he was 8, having been taken away be strange people for ransom and left in a strange new town. He doesn't remember where he was from but he does remember his name. For a while he lived alone on the streets, scared and confused until he was grabbed by the Foster Program and placed in a nice sugary home where the couple showers him with sweetness and love.

He is a close friend with Diego, and has become good friends with Deigo's girlfriend.


Tiny is the kindest, sweetest, cutest gentle giant you'll ever meet. He is very caring and soft spoken, shy around people he doesn't know and is very gentle souled. He takes insults personally and can get hurt from mean words, which in turn will bring the wrath of Diego on you for hurting his friend.

He isn't one to stomp around and throw fists, but rather stand back and attack from a far so he doesn't feel like he's hurting someone. But, as it appears, is on the Football team as a blocker.


1) Art
2) Japanese
3) Chemistry
4) PE
5) Psych

Other: He is large, kind, and him and Diego are in a gang of seven with Diego as the leader. What he doesn't know is that he and Ingrid are related.
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Can I take the other teacher spot? I did PM you about it, but might as well post about it here.

Name: Piet van Snits

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Species: Breloom

Ability: Effect Spore

Subject: History

Appearance: Piet stands at a little under 5 feet. He has thick hair that is tan-blonde, except the last fifth or so of each strand, except the bottom most, is a light green. His eyes are a dull black. Both his hands and feet have red claws, but the observant will note that the claws on his hand have been trimmed to make writing easier. His arms appear to be rather short and small, but they can very quickly stretch to reach notably further than most other people could. His tail is usually protruding from between his pants and his shirt, from underneath his coat, with a cluster of rock-hard seeds at the end. Also notable is that his skin is a grassy light green below his neck. Piet's attire at work is typically academic-looking smart casual dress, wearing a white long-sleeved dress shirt and light brown trousers under a similarly light brown sport coat, and a pair of simple brown leather loafers. Typically, he is wrapped in an orange-white-blue scarf

Biography: Piet comes from a family of shopkeeps in Fortree City. He is the oldest son, but decided to pass the responsibility of the family business to his younger brother, in order to pursue higher education and study history. Their parents didn't exactly approve, but decided not to stop Piet from doing what he wanted. As a college student he typically got into all sorts of protests and political rallies, and continued this streak for a few years after he graduated too, before really settling down as a historian. However, seeking something new to help put his crazy past behind him, Piet found work at the Academy teaching history. He has been working happily here for one year, and looks forward to his second year.

Personality: Piet is a cheerful, optimistic character, who seems to be in a good mood most of the time. In class, he tries to maintain the students' attention through various means, and his prime objective is to get them thinking for themselves. While not one to go out and stick his nose into other people's problems, most of the time, Piet does try and put himself off as a trustworthy person the students can talk to, and tries to pick up on any problems when he notices them in class. Overall, Piet is a kind and easy teacher, acknowledging that not everyone in his class finds history interesting. Piet tries to redirect budget cuts from his department to the hard sciences, but is quite adaptable and usually doesn't raise too much of a stink.

Other: Sated Fickle Bake

Name: Roman Novak

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Dragonair

Grade: 11

Ability: Shed Skin

Appearance: A rather tall guy, standing at a little over 6' 5". Roman has flowing light blue hair, which is typically kept short (just short of the top of his neck) and messy. He has sharp green eyes, a small horn protruding him his forehead, two little wings growing out of his temples, and a small blue orb front and center at the base of his neck. His back and limbs are mostly covered with sapphire-blue scales. Roman has a long, about 3 feet long, tail with two more blue orbs near the tip. Typically, he is seen wearing some sort of t-shirt, usually white, an olive-colored coat, a pair of khaki cargo pants, and a pair of brown sneakers.

Biography: Roman hails from Olivine City, coming from a family of all dragons, mostly the Dratini line. Roman, however, had a Milotic as a father, not that it mattered much, everyone got along just fine. He is the youngest of four. They lived a life on the shore, with not a care in the world. However, the brothers found their curiosity to be too great a force, and eventually their parents allowed them to go off to faraway schools. While his brothers chose to go to the other regions or the opposite end of Johto, Roman opted to go to the relatively nearby Sunset Valley, a nice seaside location to remind him of home.

Personality: Roman gives off a gentle aura, a typical feature of his species, and mostly lives up to it. He is quite social and fairly open-minded, but, more notably, he is a subtle, yet persistent, womanizer, going to great lengths to not appear too forward. Roman, though, tries to avoid gaining a negative image, getting slotted in with the real delinquent kids. Accordingly, he tries to acknowledge his limits, as well as prove useful when he can, especially when it comes to scoring points with the girls. Notably, Roman sees past cliques and stereotypes much of the time, and could be seen making all sorts of aquaintances.

1. Art
2. French
3. Biology
4. History
5. Psych

Other: Needs a wingman.
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Name: Sasha Vexzorn

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Ninetales

Grade: 11

Ability: Flash Fire

Appearance: Her short fur is black, and she gets this from her mother. Her bright blue hair and eyes come straight from her father though, and so do the blue tailtips on each of her nine tails, which fan out from her backside under a short but still moderately-sized black skirt. It’s hard to tell if she’s truly flat-chested or if she has a large bust because of the amount of fur in that region. Her top is generally a halter; the color depends entirely on the day though. Like her mother, she is tall and slender, measuring in at around 5’9” and weighing unusually little for her age and height.

Biography: Much like Ingrid, one of her parents fought for freedom and won’t talk about it, although in Sasha’s case it’s her mother, who now works a daycare from home. If you have kids, the Vexzorn Child Care Service is the place to go. Her two older siblings, named Valkyrie and Masaru respectively, were products of rape, but her mother couldn’t bear to kill them and grew to love them. Both graduated with honors from Sunset Falls Academy, and she is expected to do the same. Her twin sister, named after a dead sibling of her mother’s, graduated early after being transferred to a delinquent’s school that ran all year round and is now looking for colleges.

Personality: Highly impatient and rough. She has a bitchy streak, and because of her mother’s line of work, she hates kids. She isn’t the type to get physical, but when she finds herself in a fight, she will dodge out of the way as much as possible, taunting the assailant until either they get tired or they give up. Despite her bitchy, angry appearance though, she’s quiet and peaceful. She prefers to draw over any work she has to do, and usually manages to save herself by getting it done at the very last minute. She’s a very lazy girl, and usually gets failing grades in gym during the years she has it alongside her habit of procrastination. This year, she does not. She adores reading manga and listening to music.

Period One - Art
Period Two - Japanese
Period Three - Chemistry
Period Four - History
Period Five - Photography

Other: None.

Teacher form:
Name: Mrs. Jennifer Rudolph

Age: 43

Gender: Female

Species: Sceptile

Ability: Overgrow

Subject: Art

Appearance: She has dark green hair with gray streaks throughout it, and pale green skin. Like any Sceptile, her chin and bottom eyelids are red and her eyes are amber. Instead of normal fingers or toes, her hands and feet have lizard-like claws, and on her elbows are two leaf-like growths each. Due to being rather reptilian, she has no bust. Her normal attire consists of dull earth tone long-sleeve shirts and slacks, or maybe a worn out t-shirt and jeans on a day when the class will be painting. On her back is a row of seeds that can’t easily be hidden by clothes, so she just cuts slots in her tops for them to fit through. Her tail looks like a pine tree branch, and sometimes as a joke at Christmastime, she will decorate it as you would a tree. She is fairly short-statured compared to most of the students.

Biography: She has worked at the academy for over ten years now, and while asked every year to do classes for unfortunate summer school students, she always says no, instead traveling to distant lands to visit family and leaving an intern in her stead. She was lucky enough to come across this job while searching for a teaching position one day, although quite a few times the school board considered dropping her application. She certainly wasn’t the top pick, but their others got jobs before they could be called back for interview. Over the years, she has picked up quite a bit of teenage slang and will use it if it means getting students to listen.

Personality: She is very blunt, and has quite a sense of humor. Her previous job was teaching at a behavioral school, so she knows how to handle things if a fight breaks out. She takes many creative liberties with her classroom – three out of four of the walls are huge murals, the fourth wall being left blank for the racks on it that are used for drying things, as well as being what she calls a “grading wall“. She will paint the latest grades of the students, updated every quarter and midterm. She gets very annoyed when the board announces that any budget cuts will be directed toward the arts department, and instead fights for them to be directed toward the language classes (They don’t need that much!!).

Other: None.
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Name: Veral Tenkal

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Gallade

Grade: 11

Ability: Steadfast

Appearance: Rather short for his age, he has green hair which he keeps pulled back in a ponytail. Often a black fedora can be seen upon his head, matching his clothing. Unlike most, he has blades in place of fingers at the end of his hands. A couple of red thorns can be seen pokig through his white shirt and torn blue jeans.

Biography: Born in Sootopolis City, Hoenn, Veral led a rather normal life. His father, an icecream loving Mukuhita runs an ice cream parlor and his mother is a stay at home mom, operating a clothing store from home. The youngest, he has two older sisters who attend colleges in Kanto and fiore, respectively. He has been enrolled in Sunset Falls Academy by his parents due to the fact that his sisters refused and they always wanted one of their children to attend.

Personality: Veral is a rather laid back person and he knows it.Often he tries to avoid fights and tends to joke around alot. He's not very motivated to do anything, which is why he chose all the "easy" classes. Well except for Biology, French, and PE which he was pretty much forced into by his parents. Often asking questiond, he gets on the nerves of other students.
He just wishes to be left alone.


Period One Class: Drama
Period Two Class: French
Period Three Class: Biology
Period Four Class: PE
Period Five Class: Photography

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Name: Naoto Watanabe

Age: 15

Gender: female

Species: Weavile

Grade: 9

Ability: Pressure

Appearance: Naoto, being a Weavile, have a weasel-like appearance, with blackish fur, and red eyes. She have white paws, and a double tail that looks a bit like feathers, which have a reddish-pink colour. Naoto is somewhat short for her age, and also have moderately small bust size, something you will get slapped across the face for, if you point out. When she's not wearing the school uniform, she wears a pink sleeveless top and a somewhat short skirt. when she isn't wearing a skirt or clothing with rather "girly" colours, chances are you could mistake her for a boy. She also have a earring in her left ear.

Biography: Naoto grew up in the outskirts of Snowpoint City, with her parents and occasionally her older brother, who is about twelve years older then her, and came to visit sometimes. She was always a good student, so her parents thought it was for the best, and she wanted to see something new, as well.

Personality: Naoto can seem a little spaced out a times, seemingly living in her own world. Some would call her odd, but that isn't really a lie, as she can be a bit odd at times. She is good at listening, and can be good to talk to if you seek comfort. However, she can be modest, especially if it's about her body, something she is rather sensitive about. ironically, she can talk about possible love interests like it was nothing, this includes sitting in a conversation and suddenly saying "You actually look pretty good, I like you"
The fact she is lesbian doesn't make those situations less awkward.


Period One Classes: Art
Period Two Classes: Spanish
Period Three Classes: Physics
Period Four Classes: Computer Programming
Period Five Classes: Photography

Other: Naoto's a lesbian as she thinks that boys don't want her due her being, in fact, flat. And because I say so. >:C
Name: Larry feuerberg(firecliff in english. Second name is in german, by the way).

Age: 13, a few weeks from 14

Gender: Male.

Species: Monferno, soon-to-be infernape.

Grade: 9

Ability: Blaze, duh.

Appearance: Larry has 5 feet of hieght. Most of the time, especially when he is in his room, he doesn't wear a shirt, claiming that his body is hidden by his many hairs. He usually(if at all) wears a short sleeved, black shirt with a flame covered chocolate-chip cookie picture on it. He wears short training pants, which reach his knees. He has the 'average' colour of his species, and has a few burn marks- especially becuase he is a little pyromanic. His fur is a little lighter than that of other monferno, and his 'mask' is very light red instead of blue(blood red!). His theeth are longer than these of the average monferno, and his eyes are a deep blue. He has a scar on his left leg, with the form of a simple scratch, and while some would expect that he got it in a battle, it acctauly happened to him when he tripped over a rock. Larry's tail is a little longer than usual, and Larry can alter the tail flame's size, although only in a certain range(can't completely delete it or make it the size of godzilla).

Biography: Larry lived in stark mountain, being raised by two magcargos after his parents decided they can't handle a kid. his parents have been brutally murdered and he is so way perfect He grew with the two fire slugs, and with their offsprings.
After living for several years with them, his 'parents' decided to send him to the academy, since they were getting old and had a hard time raising the hyperactive chimp.

Personality: Larry almost always tries to talk to other pokemon, almost to an awkward degree. He is extemly hyper, and tends to jump around, ask questions pauselessly, and start talking extemly fast while trying to explain random things.

Larry does his best to be nice, although he has a short temper and becomes agressive when angry. When in class, he remains silent and focused most of the time, but becomes a little hyper when trying to get attention to answer questions or explain stuff to the other stundents.

In certain cases, Larry can be a 'nerd', thinking only about school and trying to stay out of trouble, although he always does the later. His favourite class is chimestry, and he is fascinated by the effects that different materials have on each other.


Period One Classes: Foods(if it means cooking)/Art(if previous category doesn't mean cooking)
Period Two Classes: German
Period Three Classes: Chimestry
Period Four Classes: Drafting&design
Period Five Classes: Math

Other: 'Salted Pickle Cake' oh oops wrong place I hope it's long enough.
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Name: Beythear Radson

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Species: Arcanine

Grade: 10

Ability: Intimidate

Appearance: He is tall, muscular, and has bright orange eyes. His fur is stiff and prickly as opposed to soft and fluffy. His brow is set low, always making him seem angry. He wears black jeans, a white t-shirt, and a black and grey striped zip-hoody. He has a ring on his right ear, and black gloves with the fingers torn off.

Biography: He was not in fact sent to the academy, by his parents or otherwise, he volunteered to come. He was sick and tired of being treated like dirt at home, and decided he needed to get away from his family. His parents were Arcanines, like him, and his little Sister is a growlithe still. His Sister is the only member of his family who treated him kindly. She always looked up to him, and would say to him "Someday I'm gonna be strong like you!"

Personality: Despite his appearance, he is a very sensitive and intelligent guy. He hates sports, and vows never to play them, despite his size. He does have self-esteem issues because of his Parents, and there are times when he needs to be alone. He still cries at night for two reasons. The first is his Sister. Every night he thought of how she was going to have to grow up the same way he did. Being called useless, stupid, ungrateful, along with several other names. The second reason is because he still remembers those names that his Parents called him, and the words haunt him. If he couldn't even impress his Parents, what were the chances that he would impress anyone?


Period One Classes: Art
Period Two Classes: Japanese
Period Three Classes: Chemistry
Period Four Classes: Computer Programming
Period Five Classes: Photography

Other: Moody muscle man FTW!

Name: Joyce Radson

Age: 14

Gender: Female (A first for me.)

Species: Growlithe

Grade: 9

Ability: Flash Fire

Appearance: Unlike her Brother, she is very short and slender. She usually wears dark colors, due to the fact that bright colors usually hurt her eyes. Usually she wears long skirts and blouses, but when she is in a bad mood she wears sweatshirts and baggy jeans. Also unlike her brother, her fur is very soft and warm, and instead of the usual orange, it is a sky blue color. She wears earrings most of the time, and a bracelet her Brother gave her on her last Birthday.

Biography: She followed her Brother here after he ran away from home. The note he left her told her not to, in case their parents tracked them there, and dragged them home, but she always wanted to be just like him, but her parents kept saying she had to be normal. She didn't want to forget him, but life without him would be hell. Their parents always took their anger and cruelty out on him, but after he left, it turned on her. She couldn't stand the pressure, so she left.

Personality: Peppy in all respects at times, but if she gets in a bad mood it's always best to stay out of her way. She and her Brother had numerous fights due to her mood swings, one of which he actually hit her. A really sweet girl if you stay on her good side, but otherwise, watch out. She is incredibly good at getting revenge on anyone, one way or another. She is clever, sneaky, and always manages to portray the face of innocence in times loaded with guilt.


Period One Class: Drama
Period Two Class: French
Period Three Class: Physics
Period Four Class: Drafting & Design
Period Five Class: Psych

Other: Happy (Almost) Halloween!
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Name: Song Ji
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Swellow
Grade: 10
Ability: Guts

Appearance: Song appears to be more human than an actual anthro, though that's only if she was clothes on, hiding most of her Pokemon features. Her hair is naturally spiky and sticks up at the back like a Swellow's crest. It's above shoulder length and almost blue, with a few feathers growing in seemingly random places. Song has a beak, making it a bit awkward to talk, though she wears a scarf over it or pulls her shirt up to hide it whenever she can. Song's hands end in little sharp claws, as do her feet, which are exactly like a Swellow's. Extending from her tailbone are two tails, though Song can't control them. Finally, the most obvious feature on Song, and what makes up most of her mass are the two wings that sprout from her shoulder blades. Like a Swellow, they are dark blue with white inner feathers, and are seven feet long. Each. Most of Song's mass is here, though altogether, she's not much at 100 lbs. and 5'5".

Biography: Song's family has lived in Petalburg their entire life, and when Song became 14, she was shipped off to Johto to learn at Sunset Falls Academy. She met Haneul, and here she is. Not much to it.

Personality: Because of her beak, Song prefers not to speak and when she does, her words are typically garbled or stuttered. It gives the impression that Song is a shy, not very talkative person, though she's almost the opposite. Ironically, Song cannot sing if her life depended on it, once again because of her beak. Song has very strong opinions which are almost never voiced, and has a very low opinion of almost everyone. She mostly communicates with glares and gestures, rarely saying anything.

Period One: Art
Period Two: French
Period Three: Science
Period Four:
Period Five: Photography

Name: Haneul Kyung
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Luxray
Grade: 10
Ability: Intimidate

Appearance: Haneul has a huge mane of hair, which is blue-grey and roughly spiky, all her points sticking up and backwards. Her hair covers her face in a V shape down to her nose, which is roughly a triangle, like a Luxray's. Haneul's ears, which should stick out, are hidden by her hair. The parts of her skin that can be seen are covered lightly with fine blue fur, and most everywhere is hidden by blue-grey fur like her hair. From her tailbone extends a slim tail, with the signature four pointed star of the Shinx line on the end. There are cuts in her uniform for her shoulder fur and tail, though just to be awkward, Haneul doesn't wear pants, since her legs and feet are digitigrade. Since her arms are longer than a human's, she can run on all fours or on her hind legs.

Biography: Haneul's family comes from a strictly Luxray line, though her parents have broken the chain as her mother was a Luxray, and her father a Floatzel. They were always pretty laidback, though after an incident involving Dark type moves and violence, Haneul's found herself here at Sunset Falls Academy.

Personality:Haneul has a split personality, with a 'cheerful' side and a 'dark' side. She can suddenly switch at any time, but the dark side comes out in more tense situations and the like. Her cheerful side is rather shy and friendly, while the dark side is sarcastic and emotionless. It's not too hard to tell which side she is at the moment; if she's logical and trying not to look at you it's the Dark typed side, if she's oddly optimistic and panicky she's the Electric side. She can't use Dark typed moves as her Electric type side, and Electric moves as her Dark side, obviously.

Period One: Art
Period Two: German
Period Three: Science
Period Four:
Period Five: Psych
Other: RSP Storm! ahaha look at the name
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Name: Xreig Kralon
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Species: Weavile
Grade: 9
Ability: Pressure
Appearance: Weavile's appearance looks like that of a bluish-black bipedal feline, clad in a bright red crown, and collar. Weavile has two tails, instead of three like its pre-evolved form. Unlike its pre-evolved form, there is no gem on its chest, and it has three claws on each paw, as opposed to just two. He usually wears a black T-Shirt and a black sweater. He also wears worn out blue jeans.
Biography: He lived in Snowpoint City his entire life, and was living in a sub-middle class family, and his family was abusive, leading him to be distant to others. After elementary School, his father went into a drunken rage, and left a large diagonal scar on his back. After that, he couldn't take it anymore. He ran away. He met various nice people who help him get along and told him to go to Sunset Falls academy. So, he did. His parents never paid for his school, so, he has to get a job to pay for is tuition. At elementary school, he got into many fights, so he had to pay for lessons in self defense, and with that, no one bothered him after a monferno got beaten up by him.
Personality: Like I said, he prefers to be distant, and does not like to be helped, and prefers to work alone. He is actually pretty intelligent, but just too lazy. And that usually makes his angry. He enjoys playing music and photography. With that said, he mostly enjoys taking landscape pictures.
Period One Class: Band
Period Two Class: Japanese
Period Three Class: Chemistry
Period Four Class: History
Period Five Class: Photography
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